Chapter Thirty-Three

Dream On, Dancer Darling
Siwon finally told me that he was going to be there for two weeks and yesterday, after Hongbin and I got back to the hotel, I was told that I wasn't needed anymore and that I could go home. 
Okay, I know. I was pissed too. 
I went on a terrifying experience (my first plane ride), met a new friend (Hongbin), and now, I'm being told to leave. I literally have been here for less than 12 hours and I'm already sitting in the airport. The icing on the cake though?
Siwon isn't even here to say goodbye.
You figured that my own boyfriend would be here to kiss me goodbye, wouldn't you? Yeah, I thought so too. Hell, Siwon hasn't even spoken to me since the chatroom on the plane. Next week is our one month and he's already ignoring me. Sounds like every other relationship I've been in. Actually..This is my first relationship.. OH GOD AND I ALREADY RUINED IT. 
December 27, 2013. Stranded at the airport. Alone. I don't know where I am. I have no food, no water. It's dark out here in the wild wild... Beijing Airport. 
Sitting on an airport bench while steaming angry generally does not help anything. Siwon wasn't responding to any of my texts or calls and the only person to text is Hongbin, who can't stop talking about Prince Manager's breakfast, which is apparently pretty freaking awesome. Like I care.
I was casually sitting there, trying to distract myself on twitter, when a man sat next to me. It was a busy day, but I didn't think much about it. Until I saw the camo. 
Appa always taught me that when you are seated next to a soilder then you are to get their attention and thank them for their service for their country. It didn't madder if he was an American soilder, Korean soilder, French soilder, whatever. They were doing something 'ballsy' (as my appa loved to say) and they were risking their lives. Dad is quite the military buff, so he always thanked soilders whenever we were out in public. One soilder cried when appa thanked him. It's heart-warming. 
I sat there, watching him out of the corner of my eye for a few seconds to make sure he wasn't doing anything. Sure enough, he pulled out his cell phone and began to tweet. I gently tapped his shoulder and he turned to me. 
There, in front of me, was Kim Heechul in full military gear. Even I could feel my jaw dropping. Trust me, ladies and gentlemen, the photographs to not do him justice.
"Hello," he said, staring at me for a moment when confused eyes. "Did you tap me?" I knocked myself out of my glare.
"Oh, yes, um, thank you for your service," I mumbled. What was I going to say to him? 'Hey, I'm your choreographer when you come back at the end of the year'. 'Hey, on Christmas day, I might have used your bathroom'. He gave me a warm smile. 
"My pleasure miss." And with that, he went back to his phone. 
God, why does his side profile have to be that dashing? He looks straight out of a magazine. What is he even doing in Beijing anyway? Taking a deep breath, I tapped him again.
"Heechul?" He turned his head and his face remained neutral.
"That's me, hello." I grinned.
"Hi, I'm Soo Ming." I giggled a little. "I'm your choreographer." He cocked his head before making his eyes wide.
"You're Nani? You're the one dating Siwon?" I nodded. "Really? How do I know you're not just a fan?" 
I leaned over before whispering, "You have 4 Lady Gaga posters in your room at the dorm" in his ear. He laughed and gave me a small hug. 
"Wow, it's really you! Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Siwon was right, you are pretty gorgeous." He shot me a wink and I rolled my eyes.
"Siwon really needs to stop talking about me to all of his friends. It's getting annoying."
Hee and I ended up sitting next to each other on the plane in first class. He helped me on the plane ride and he seemed quite open to meeting me. I told him everything, from how the rest of the band was doing and what their next plans were. Apparently, he's going back to DJ-ing at the end of the month. He told me that he was in Beijing on 'offical military business', but it was just a meeting on when he was going to be leaving the army and returning to Super Junior. He even mentioned joining Super Show 5 when he returns. 
Heechul and I met for coffee a few times before he had to return to duty and I had to return to my apartment. Oh, and I got a lovely call from my dear friend Vincent, giving me the chance to being choreographing for various shows and the master show, Super Show 5.
I texted Siwon that I'd met Heechul: No responce. 
I texted Siwon that I arrived in Seoul safetly and that I missed him: No responce.
I texted Siwon that I was beginning choreographing for SS5: No responce.
I probably could've texted him saying that I was pregnant or dead and I'd get nothing back. The boy is very hot and cold and frankly, it's driving me crazy. Finally, I gave up and called him. 
The dial tone felt like forever until I finally heard him pick up. But, I didn't hear the sound of my boyfriend's voice. I heard silence.
"Siwon?" Nothing.
"Siwon, come on, don't be ma-"
"What the hell, man?" I heard Siwon screaming, but he was far from the phone. Is he yelling at me? He better not be or someone is going to wake up dead.
"I'm sorry hyung!" That's Ryeowook's voice. Siwon must have picked up accidently. 
"Wook, I trusted you! And now you go, telling me that you're in love with my girlfriend? I mean, what the ?!" 
Ryeowook..In love..With me..
Well, .

(A/N: I feel like this chapter is really random? I didn't feel like writing... :D I WAS LOSING HOPE IN THIS STORY, which is why this chapter is so jumbled. I needed to introduce Heechul & the fact that Ryeowook is in love with Nani..

Stay tuned to see how I'm going to finally finish this damn story. ._.


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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment