Chapter Thirty

Dream On, Dancer Darling
Christmas morning. I fluttered my happy eyes open and was immediately greeting with a smiling boyfriend. I figured he'd be the happiest on Christmas. Surprizingly though, he's not making me go to church, which is a change. Not complaining though, I would much rather spend Christmas with my best friends than in a church. 
"Good morning, little bird," he grinned, leaning over to kiss me. Before he could, I stuck my hand in his face.
"Brush your teeth first, then you get your morning kiss." I heard him groan and I moved my hand away. The look on his face was priceless.
"But, it's Christmas!" He whined like a baby.
"Yes it is!" I sat up and smiled back down at him. "The faster you move, the faster you get your kiss!" 
His inner idiot immediately came out and he jumped off the bed, running to the bathroom. The last sight I saw of Choi Siwon was him, slamming the door and shooting me a stupid grin. I just laughed and rolled my eyes. Eh, I bet I can go kidnap Heechul's old bathroom. He's not here to yell at me anyway. 
I came out of the bathroom, dressing in my green sweater and gray shorts. I curled my hair a little, but it was nothing to get too excited about. Sungmin was the first one to see me and he snickered at the sight.
"It's the middle of December and Soo Ming is wearing shorts," he laughed, poking my seen thigh. I smacked his hand away before giving him a huge hug. 
"Merry Christmas, you dork!" I shouted, recieving a nice flick on the back of the head from Sungmin. He stuck his tongue out and continued his trek to the living room. I just rolled my eyes and went into Siwon's bedroom. 
I didn't hear the water running, but he still had all his clothes layed out on the bed. He must be staring at his arm muscles again. I catch him doing that from time to time. I stuck my ear up against the bathroom door and heard silence. I knocked softly.
"Siwon? You in there?" I asked. Still, there was silence.
"Looking for me?" I turned around to see my lovely boyfriend, standing in a plaid shirt and khaki shorts. He looked very... non-christmasy. To be fair though, neither did I. I smiled and ran up to him, wrapping him in a hug.
"Merry Christmas!" I yelled into his chest, just enjoying my hug for what it's worth.
"Merry Christmas beautiful," he mumbled into my hair. I felt him kiss the top of my head. "I love you."
"I love you too," I responded quietly. 
After that, we just, sort-of, stood there, hugging. It was a good five minutes before either of us moved. I didn't really want to move, but I guess we have to go see the rest of the group before they get suspicious. 
Siwon and I walked down into the living room, holding hands and swinging our arms like those annoying couples. I guess Siwon and I are the annoying couple now? Great. When we got to the living room, there was this huge- tree that took up a corner of the room. Sungmin and Shindong were looking up at the newly-decorated tree like they'd given birth to it.
"Would you look at that tree," Shindong gazed, petting Sungmin on the back. "We did good, buddy."
"That we did," Sungmin agreed, taking his turn to pat Shindong. Everyone else could care less, they were too busy watching 'It's Christmas Eve, Charlie Brown.' Donghae couldn't stop giggling at the dog that seemed to have amazing adventures while no one was watching. Donghae is inseperatable from his cartoons. Siwon and I took a seat on the floor next to Henry. 
"Good morning Moshi!" I said, pinching Henry's cheeks. "Merry Christmas!"
"You too Noona!" Henry smiled, before looking at Siwon with worried eyes. I can tell he's regretting calling me a pet name in front of Siwon. I just shook my head. Idiots.
"Hey guys!" Prince Manager walked out of the kitchen, holding the biggest cup of coffee I've ever seen and his phone. Shouldn't he be out celebrating with his family? Well, he's not married and he doesn't have kids.. I guess Super Junior is his family. "Leeteuk'll be here soon!" Siwon and mine's eyes widened.
"What was that?" Siwon yelled, despite Prince Manager being right next to us. "Leeteuk?" PM nodded.
"Yeah, Teuk gets to come home for Christmas! Not Heechul though, concidering that it's his last Christmas in the army. He has to stay." I nodded, understandable. When duty calls, right? Besides, I'll just watch him on Radio One. It'll be like he's here.
After Shindong and Sungmin finished decorating the tree, everyone put their presents under it. There were some oddly-shapped presents, especially Donghae's present to Eunhyuk. I'm not really sure what it is, but it's wrapped in mistletoe wrapping paper. That's enough of a hint. I had to fit 12 presents under the tree and I had to stow away umma, appa, and Key's presents in Siwon's room. God, I spent so much money on these boys.
"I wanna open!" Ryeowook cried like a child. I giggled and he gave me a wink.
"We'll open when Leeteuk-hyung gets here." Zhou Mi, always the responisable one.
"I'M NOT SURE I CAN WAIT THAT LONG," I heard Kangin yell from the kitchen. "I WANT MANAGER TO OPEN THE GIFT I GOT HIM." There was a subtile 'oh god' coming from Prince Manager's side of the room and Siwon and I burst into giggles.
"What's up with you two this morning?" Kyuhyun asked, sending us gifts. "Siwon, did Nani give you her gift?" He wiggled his eyebrows and Siwon threw a couch pillow at his face.
"Oh, shut up Kyu," Siwon laughed. "And can't I be happy that it's Jesus Christ's birthday?" Kyuhyun shrugged. "Today is holy, ladies and gentlemen. Today is the day that-"
"Siwon, don't start."
Around noon or so, the doorbell rung and everyone jumped like it was the take-out man or something. It was Kangin who jumped first, but Prince Manager easily took him down. He opened the door and there stood Leeteuk in his military-uniform glory. He looks so much more handsome in person; pictures don't do him justice. Just the sight of him made me smile. He was so sweet when we skyped and we've skyped a few times since then. I'm actually incrediably excited to see him,  in person I mean.
Everyone shouted 'LEADER' at the same time while running to the overwhelmed Jungsoo. I could tell Leeteuk was contemplating running back to the limo that was still on the road, but he just grinned and hugged Zhou Mi, who'd reached him first.
"Hey everyone," Leeteuk laughed, waving to everyone else. He made his rounds, hugging everyone, even Prince Manager. Finally, he'd moved his way into the living room and saw me sitting on the couch, laughing at the stupidity of my employers. His smile turned wider when he saw me. 
"Well, well, well," he sighed, shaking his head and putting his hands on his hips. "What do we have here?" I looked up at him with a grim smile and the rest of Super Junior moved back behind him, looking at me with confused faces.
"That's Siwon's girlfriend and my best friend, hyung," Ryeowook said, tapping Leeteuk's shoulder. "Her name is.."
"Soo Ming!" We both gave up and I jumped off the couch, running to wrap my arms around my oppa. We hugged, giggling to ourselves for a good five minutes before everyone started to get a little confused.
"You've met?" Sungmin asked, taking a sip of his wine he'd set out. Wine at noon? Classy. Leeteuk and I let go of each other, but we still stayed relatively close. I nodded.
"We've skyped a few times." 
"A few times?" Siwon asked, scratching his head. "I thought we only skyped once."
"When you were there!" Leeteuk laughed. "Nani and I have been skyping every Saturday and Wednesday since." Siwon's eyes bludged. I could tell he was a tad jealous, but he blew it off quickly. Siwon isn't one for getting jealous anyway.
"Well, come join us, Jungsoo!" Prince Manager said, taking a seat in his chair. "We were just about to open presents. Sungmin's getting antsy."
We cleared off a spot for Leeteuk on the couch and the presents began. Kangin said he 'just had to be Santa', so it was his job to pass out the presents. The first present he grabbed was Donghae's oddly-shaped presents for Eunhyuk.
"Okay," Kangin laughed, taking the present out from under the tree. "I'm doing this one first since I want to know what it is." Donghae laughed and shot Eunhyuk a glare from across the room. Eunhyuk peeled back the wrapping paper, revealing a.. is that a thong?
Oh. My. God.
Lee Donghae decided to get his best friend a thong for Christmas. Perhaps I should've gotten that for Siwon? ;) Ew, Nani. That's gross. 
The entire room burst into tears immediately, laughing so hard that no one could breath properly. Even Prince Manager, who was generally against Eunhae's ual inneundos, was laughing as hard as the rest of us.
After that episode, everyone just continued opening presents. Most of the boys teamed up to get me a present, excluding Siwon, Ryeowook, and Leeteuk. It seemed like those 3 had got me something by themselves.
(Psst. Here's what I got from the boys:
Donghae/Eunhyuk: Some new dance shoes.
Henry/Zhou Mi: The new VIXX single-album (I love VIXX) and some socks (?)
Kyuhyun/Sungmin/Yesung: Some tickets to see my favorite musical after the China trip.
Shindong/Kangin: A new camera and a new cute phone case.
I refused to open any more presents until everyone else had opened theirs. I wanted to see the looks on everyone's faces and, besides, save the best for last right? 
Siwon loved his gift. I noticed that his old watch, the watch he seems to wear everywhere, was scratched and the chain was old and worn, so I spent about $300 American dollars to get him the watch he wanted. I had to borrow a little cash from my sister, but SM pays pretty well and the expression on his face made it worth it.
Finally, it was my turn to open my last 3 gifts. Siwon wants to go last so badly, so Leeteuk stepped up and pulled a small box out of his bag he had. He grinned proudly and handed me the box. 
"Remember that one time we skyped, Nani?" Leeteuk asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, we were talking about jewerly for some reason and you mentioned that you loved red ruby rings, so.. I.." My eyes shot open. I love red ruby rings more than anything. They are the most gorgeous pieces of jewerly ever. I really want my engagement ring to be red ruby.
I opened the box and there it was, confirming my susipicious. I was sitting in Siwon's lap and I felt his inch his head over mine to see. I gasped and jumped out of Siwon's lap to give Leeteuk a hug.
"Oh my god!" I squealed, kissing Leeteuk's cheek quickly before taking my seat back in my boyfriend's lap. "This is the most amazing gift ever!" I slid the ring on and shot a greatful smile to my friend. "Thank you Jungsoo." He shrugged.
"It's no big deal. Anything for my sweetheart!" Some of the boys groaned at the sweetness and I just rolled my eyes.
"My turn, my turn!" Ryeowook shouted, jumping up from the couch. He handed me two packages, one labeled 'Nani' and the other labels 'Umma'. I frowned.
"Umma?" I asked, cocking my head. Wookie let out a laugh.
"Yeah! It's for your mom, when you see her next." Ryeowook grinned proudly.
I opened the present labeled 'Nani' and to be honest, was pleasently surprized. 
Over the course of the 3 months I've known Ryeowook, we've taken so many selfies together. Probably more than we'd like to admit. There, sitting in my lap, was a pillow that had every single selfie we'd taken together printed onto it. I laughed and squeezed the pillow in my arms. 
(A/N: No picture here xD Sorry!)
"I found a company that takes pictures and prints them onto pillows," Wookie smiled. "I figured you'd like it!" I smiled and sent him a flying kiss.
"I love it so much Ryeowook. Thank you." I giggled. "I'm going to sleep with it tonight!" I heard Shindong snicker.
"Yeah, I'd sleep with the pillow instead of Siwon too," he joked. I heard Siwon blow a raspberry at him and I just patted my boyfriend's cheek. Siwon put his chin down onto the top of my head and I felt his hand creep up behind my sweater, playing with the dent in my back.
"I guess it's my turn, neh?" He asked, his voice getting a tad deeper. I watched Yesung make barfing motions.
"I don't think we should watch this," Yesung said, standing up from his position on the floor. He and Kyuhyun giggled to themselves, like idiots.
Siwon took a small black box out from his pocket and handed it to me, kissing my cheek.
"I didn't know Leeteuk was going to steal my idea," he laughed. "But, it's not red ruby.. You'll like it more, I promise." Cocky.
I opened the box and there were 2 silver promise rings with the words 'now & forever' engraved on the insides. I smiled, feeling my cheeks go hot.
Not now, Nani. Not in front of the rest of the boys. 
"This one's for me." Siwon took his hand around my shoulder to grab the bigger of the two rings and he slid it on his finger. "And, this one is for you." He took the smaller of the two and slid it onto my finger. 
"I love you Nani," he whispered in my ear so only I could hear. I responded by turning my head and kissing him softly on the lips. It wasn't lustful- just loving. I love this boy.
"He got her a promise ring!" Kyuhyun said, pointing out the obvious.
"How cute!" Leeteuk gushed like he was reading  a romance novel.
I didn't really hear the rest of the boys' comments. I was too busy imagining my life from here on with the one person I want to spend it with.
Mr. Choi Siwon, I love you more than you could ever know.
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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

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