
Coffee Spill



"Ladies, are we going or not??" I asked.

"Oh. Wha-What? We're going?" Jinny looked up with a confuzled face.



Your POV

"Have you guys eaten breakfast yet?" I asked as soon as we hit the streets.

"Oh, yeah, we already ate before leaving the dorms. Have you?" Jinny asked.

"Nah, I haven't yet. I'll just get a milkshake."

We entered a cafe and I ordered a Strawberry milkshake to go and sat down with JaeLa and Jinny, waiting for my order.

"So... how's... Aimi?" I asked. I hope she's okay so I don't get in HUGE trouble. I'm PREEETTY sure I didn't kick her that hard. I know my own strength :P

"Oh, Aimi? Mmm, she's fine. Just a few bruises here and there. What about you? Ya know, when she punched you?" JaeLa asked concerned.

"I'm fine." I smiled. "My lip was bleeding a little and there's probably a... oh . Is there a bruise on my cheek?!" I my hands flew to my face.

"Umm nope. Just a little cut on your lips." Jinny said.

"Order #18 for the strawberry milkshake!" Someone at the counter called out.


"Duuude, I need BB cream. You guys use any of those stuff? Any recommendations?" I asked when we entered the mall.

"But you're skin looks fine." JaeLa said, looking at my face.

"Yeah but I have some blemishes under my fringe/bangs." I pushed my fringe back, revealing the red spots.

"Oh.. Well, lets go to this one store I like! They have great BB cream stuff and other makeup." Jinny said and excitedly pulled my arm.

We wandered around the mall and shopped. We all went to a place where they did hennas and we each got trampstamps :D I got the japanese character for love. I also had them put the henna over my airbrushed tattooed stars on my neck so it'd last longer.

Jinny and JaeLa saw a photobooth and dragged me inside after I refused. The pictures turned out to be really funny since it was when I tried to get out and they'd hold me down. After having a little lunch, we shopped for new clothes and they even asked me to advices ^__^ Everytime I slowed down and walked alone behind them, they'd notice right away and joined me, reminding me of us back then...

We were leaving store when the cashier stopped me before I left.

"Aren't you GD oppa's girlfriend??" She asked me.

My eyes widen. Oh shiz, I completely forgot! "A-aniyo! We're just really close friends. Those rumors aren't true at all."

"Ohh.. I see. Okay, sorry for bothering you, bye~!" 

As soon as we left the store, I turned to JaeLa. "Holy , I need your phone! You have GD's number right?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Here." She handed her phone to me and we walked into an empty bathroom.

"YAH! JIYONG!!!" I screamed into the phone as JaeLa and Jinny flinched.

No One's POV

"A-ahhhh. Owwie~! What was that for?!" Jiyong pouted.

"Yah, you better go clear up our dating rumors NOW, ARASSO?!"

"Okay okay! Why are you so mad?" He asked.

"I'm not mad! I'm just freaking spazzing out! If my boyfriend hears about the rumors, then I'm screwed!!!" ___ panicked.

The phone slipped out of his hand but he quickly caught it, "MWO?!?!"

"What do you mean "what?!" ? Go clear up the rumors now!"

"Y-you have a boyfriend??" Jiyong asked.  

"YES. Now go go go!" ___ yelled into the phone and hung up.

___ has a boyfriend? How come she never told me that? Jiyong thought. He felt his heart sink drown.


"Niga mworago dodaeche mworago na ege mworago!" ~ U-Kiss

love that song ^-^sorry for a short and crappy update T__T

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JBL511 #1
Chapter 48: I LAUGH SO MUCH. KE HE : )
JBL511 #2
JBL511 #3
Chapter 5: I laugh so hard. This chapter is so funny ") KeHe
B2UTY-K #5
Chapter 48: omg , dumbo i wish we were best friends :( POREOTICS <3
Awh pwease update! It's so cute! I can't wait to see what happens next, update soon kay!!
please update soon!!! im dying of curiosity ~(・・?))
This is the 4th time im reading this story, its so freaking cute <3 please update soon
omo..bad cliff hanger!!! update soon <3
hii!! pleaseee update soon!! i've been a silent reader for heckaaa long & i just fell in love with this story!! update soon!! hwaiting!! ^-^