Stranger Danger?

Coffee Spill



The crew started to perform at school shows and dances. Sometimes the guys would battle too [and they'd pwn all the other bboys] but I don't battle. I'm not as good at them yet. I will be some day though! ^__^ Quest Crew is like my family (: I was no longer feeling depressed thanks to them. They made my life better.
PS, they gave me the title, Bgirl Yummii ^o^ cute huh? They say it's cuz I use that word a lot haha plus other random guys at school use the word, yummy, to described me.
Day 8
Your POV
I woke up the next morning and checked Skype to see if Zane-ie Boo is on. 
): *sigh* he's not.... but Brian Hirano's on! Ahh I miss him ^-^
After a little convo with Brian, I went to shower. Hmmm, lets see, what's my schedule today...? 
I picked my binder, which was filled with my whole assignment notes and info, and checked to see where I'm going today. Oh, seems like Imma be going to a Jeremy Scott fashion show!!!! OMG. YES. He's my idol! Love him! I'm even going to the same college he graduated from, Pratt Institute in Brooklyn New York. Yeah.. I know, that's like across the country from where I live, California. But still, gotta follow my dreams, right?? :D
Today's plans
-go shopping, do whatever I want. Mall crap [:
-Eat lunch. At the mall. 
-Go to that cute little cafe I saw the other day ^o^
-wolf down some dinner
-and fashion show here I come!!!!!
outfit of the day!
Set: Short-Sleeve Print T-Shirt + Halter TopHarem Pants
I sat down in in one of those cute chairs at a table for two and took a sip out of my yummy smoothie. 
the egg chair Koop Chair By Karim Rashid
I took off my fitted hat/flatbill and admired it. It was the hat I had the store Lids [at the mall] made for me earlier. The hat is black with splattered colors and has B-Girl Yummii imprinted on the front in a cool and unique gangster font. The best part of the hat were the devil horns. I had the store attach red devil horns on top of my hat. The guy who worked there loved it and asked if he could take a picture of it so he can use it for future designs. Feeling flattered, I said yes of course. 
"Annyeong, miss~ Um can I sit here? There's no other seats available.." A voice asked nervously.
Surprised, I looked up to see an attractive guy in his twenties wearing a face mask like TOP's and a pair of sweet shades 
"Oh. Uh um, s-sure." I tripped over my words. Omg.. he's so cute... wait no! Zane is cute! Not him! No, No! *mental slap in the face*
He gave me a smile as he sat across from me. It wasn't any smile. It was.... heart-stopping... *o*  "Thank you~"
I decided to take out my ipod touch that Victor got me checked to see if there was wifi in this cafe. YES! FREE WIFI! Since I'm in Korea, I text my buds on my ipod with the help of wifi since I can't use my real phone here. 
"Cool shades." He said pointing to mine, which were lying on the table.
"Oh kamsahamnida." I smiled shyly. "I like your's too." And pointed to his, which were on his face. DUHH.
Suddenly Last Farewell started to play really loud when I accidently touched the play button. I immediately turned it down, feeling embarressed while the guy leaned back in his chair with an amused look.
"Uh..Uh. M-mian--Mianhae.." I said sheepishly.
"Oh that's okay. You like Big Bang?" He asked curiously.
I nodded.
"Who's your favorite?"
"G.. G-Dragon.." I stuttered again. Urghh >.<
"Ohh I see." He smiled a little. "You think he's cute?"
I bit my lower lip and thought for a minute. "Hmmm.. I guess so." I shrugged.
"Mmmm.. You guess so? I'm pretty sure that you think he's really cute~~" He teased me, tilting his head a little.
He raised an eye brow.
"OKAY OKAY yes. I think he's really really cute! Happy?" I blurted out.  =__=  Why's this guy so annoying?!
He stared at me for a few seconds and bursted out laughing. Like LMFAO-ING. He brought his head down to the table and kept laughing. 
"Yah. What are you laughing at??" I asked.
His fingers pulled down his face mask and took off his sun glasses. 
My jaws dropped to the floor O__O
"OMIGOSH ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME." I said in english. "Urrghh.." I stood up and walked away. 
Jiyong quickly put back on his shades and went after me. I hurried out the door and made sure I pushed it close so it'd slow him down. I looked around and jogged off. 
Omo. What's gonna happen?! Don't worry, I'll won't let chu readers suffer [: It's a double update ^o^
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JBL511 #1
Chapter 48: I LAUGH SO MUCH. KE HE : )
JBL511 #2
JBL511 #3
Chapter 5: I laugh so hard. This chapter is so funny ") KeHe
B2UTY-K #5
Chapter 48: omg , dumbo i wish we were best friends :( POREOTICS <3
Awh pwease update! It's so cute! I can't wait to see what happens next, update soon kay!!
please update soon!!! im dying of curiosity ~(・・?))
This is the 4th time im reading this story, its so freaking cute <3 please update soon
omo..bad cliff hanger!!! update soon <3
hii!! pleaseee update soon!! i've been a silent reader for heckaaa long & i just fell in love with this story!! update soon!! hwaiting!! ^-^