
Mission Impossible: Operation Steal Kim Myungsoo's Heart


Zelo's POV
Standing outside Yongguk hyung's room, a lot of things were going through my head. Will hyung understand? Will he think I'm weird? Will he judge me?
But I had to get those thoughts out of my mind. If I want to finally find out why I'm like this, I'm going to have to it up and accept what Yongguk hyung says.
Here I go. 3.2.1
"Hyung, can we talk?" I ask after gently knocking on his door.
"Sure Junhong. Wae? Whats wrong?" he asks as he opens the door. "Step into my office."
"Office? Hyung, what office?."
"I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Whats wrong?" he asks.
"You remember Yoojung right?" I ask trying to avoid his gaze 'cause every time I say her name out loud, I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks. 
"Yeah, the girl who calls you Bunhong. Whats up with her?" 
"Well, its just that every time I see her, I get this weird feeling in my chest. And its like I cant breathe." I confess, still trying to avoid eye contact with him.
And then all of a sudden, he bursts into laughter! I knew I would be judged.
"Don't laugh at me hyung! Whats wrong with me?" I ask as I slump onto the floor, trying not to cry.
"You say you get a weird feeling in your chest every time you see her?" he asks, wiping tears of joy away from his eyes.
"And its like you can't breathe?"
"Yeah! Am I allergic to her or something?" I ask which causes him to laugh even harder.
"Ah Junhong, this just shows how young and clueless you are. I have question for you. If you were asked to pick between buying a new skateboard or hanging out with Yoojung, what would you pick?" he asks, raising his eyebrows at me in question.
"Easy. Hang out with Yoojung."
He suddenly clapped his hands and gave me one of the biggest gummy smiles I have ever seen.
"My thoughts exactly. Junhong, you're not allergic to her at all. You're in love my boy. LOVE." 
All the pieces of the puzzle started going into place. It all started to make sense now, Why I blush every time I say her name, why I got butterflies in my tummy when we hung out at Baskin and Robbins, why my heart skipped a beat when I saw her at the airport. Yongguk hyung's right. This is love. I'm in love.
But I still have so many questions. 
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LovelyShayang #1
Chapter 32: OH3!! THAT'D BE A DREAM COME TRUE... T-T
Chapter 31: PICK BOTH! LOL
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 31: Myungsoo even made a checklist for his date
and had prepared it before hand...
It would betoo wasteful if she didn't go with him..
Zelo is trying too start something...
But I feel that he should work alittle more...
Give it a few more tries...
I think she should just go with both...
Chapter 30: cant both of them end up with yoojung? lol x) zelo and myungsoo is being such a sweet pea. ♥ hurhur.
LovelyShayang #5
Chapter 30: Go MyungSoo!!
I'm on team MyungSoo since the first chapter...
And I'm not changing teams ever!
Its ok author-nim... Take your time!
I'm still gonna be here... :)
LovelyShayang #6
Chapter 28: You lucky asdhjsndjasbfhbfn!!
How I wish I was Kim YooJung!:(
Chapter 27: HAHAHA yoojung rotfl
God is not letting you to be with kim myungsoo /run xD
But anyway, can't wait for the next part which means the two of them will date xD
LovelyShayang #8
Chapter 27: Andwae!!! YooJungie really has bad luck....
And please tell me its Myungsoo....
But I have a feeling its not....