Death Glares

Mission Impossible: Operation Steal Kim Myungsoo's Heart


Yoojung's POV
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone beeping.
YOOJUNGIE!! I'm free right now, wanna go get some food? :D -Junhong
Yay!! Its been a week since I've last seen that boy, about time we hung out.
Okay Bunhong! Meet you at TSENT -Yoojung 
"Umma!I'm going out!" I shout, about to walk out the door.
My mom came out of kitchen, looked me up and down and furrowed her eyebrows together.
"You're going out in that?" she says, pointing to my outfit.
"What? Theres nothing wrong with my outfit." I say, confused. Whats wrong with baggy pants and an over sized shirt? 
"You look like a hobo, change into something nicer dear."
I frowned at the comment but obliged and immediately made a mad dash up to my room to change into a more decent outfit.
"Is this better?" I ask my mom, a little annoyed. Why does she care about what I wear? Those pants were comfy… And besides, I'm just going to be with Junhong. 
"Much much better. Okay, you can go now." my mom says, nodding in approval.
"I'll be back in an hour." I tell her and make my way to TSENT. Halfway there, it started raining. 
'Perfect freaking timing' I thought as I ran to the closest bus stop. With my hair and clothes dripping wet, I got on the bus, getting a lot of stares. Way to embarrass yourself Kim Yoojung.
After 10 minutes, I arrived at the bus stop near TSENT. The rain stopped now and from here, I could clearly see fangirls waiting at the entrance of TSENT with gifts in hand. Crap!! How the hell am I gonna get in?? 
I pull out my phone and immediately call Bunhong. 
"Bunhong!! Fangirls are swarming the building!! Ottokhe?" 
"MWO? More fangirls? Okay, here's what you do. Go to the right side of the building. There's a backdoor. Wait for me there, arrasso?" 
"Arrasso. I'm hanging up." 
Aigoo, how the hell am I going to get there without getting caught? 
God, if I die because of the fangirls, please tell my umma and dad that I love them so much. And with that, I ran like a crazy woman to the back door of TSENT. I was almost there but a fan grabbed my wrist and spun me around.
"Uhm, where are you going? Why are you heading the back door of TSENT. Who are you? Are you a staff member or something? A janitress?" she asked me while other evil looking fangirls came up behind her, snickering at me. 
"I-I'm uhh a…"
"Hey I know you!! I saw you at the airport!! Zelo Oppa talked to you!" a fangirl from the crowd shouted, giving me the eye.
"What?!?! Zelo Oppa talked to her?" the fangirl in front of me asked, staring at me in disbelief, a look of annoyance written across her face. I'm scared. She looks like she's going to beat me up. 
"I th-think you m-must be m-mistaken…I don't re-remember seeing y-you e-ever." I stuttered. Bunhong where are you? Save my !!!
The fangirl in front of me suddenly grabbed my wet hair and pulled me closer to her. "Listen up loser, I know you're lying. Its pretty obvious. Tell me the truth if you don't want us to ruin your already messed up face." she growled. All I could do was shut my eyes, whimper and pray I wouldn't get bloodied up to bad. Just when I thought she was about to swing at me, the fangirls started screaming. I open my eyes to see Bunhong at the main entrance of TSENT being swarmed by fangirls.
"Zelo Oppa!!" "Jello Oppa I made you cupcakes!" "Oppa Saranghae~"
He made his way towards me, a look of concern evident on his face. But I didn't want the fangirls to get any ideas, so I was trying to tell him not to come any closer. But of course, he didn't listen. He just kept on walking in my direction, ignoring all the fangirls fawning over him.
When he was about 5 ft. away from me and evil fangirl, evil fangirl let go of me and smoothed her hair. "Oppa!~ You look really cute today." she said in high cutesy voice. Where the hell did that come from?!?!
"I saw what you were doing to my friend over here." he told her, giving her a cold expression.
"Yeah, as a matter of fact, she's a trainee here at TSENT. If I ever catch you trying to swing at her again, I'll have my manager ban you from coming within 30 feet of me or my hyungs. Now leave." he said, putting a protective arm around me.
WHAT? TSENT TRAINEE? I know Bunhong is trying to help me and all, but he's putting me in really deep .
The evil fangirl, who was obviously pissed, looked me up and down and gave me the scariest death glare I have ever seen. It was like she was trying to pierce my soul and at the same time embedding my face into her memory so that she could haunt me for life. 
But Junhong was able to muster an even scarier death glare. Who knew that this innocent dork could do that? 
"Girls, lets get out of here." she says and leaves Bunhong and I. FINALLY SCARY FANGIRL LEFT PRAISE THE LORD.
"Are you alright? And why are you soaking wet? Are you cold?" Bunhong asked while leading me inside the TSENT building. He then took off his jacket and handed it to me.
"Thanks Bunhong. I thought I was about to die out there. But seriously, TSENT trainee??? What if I see that girl again? I'm gonna get my whooo--" 
"SHHHHHHHHHHH Chill Yoojungie, you're not gonna see her again. I highly doubt it. I won't let anyone hurt you" he says, trying to act manly and blushing a little.
"I hope so. If I get my whooped, I'm whooping yours." I say, sticking my tongue out at him.
"Whatever. Since your here, and it looks like its going to rain again soon, why don't I introduce you to my hyungs?" 
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LovelyShayang #1
Chapter 32: OH3!! THAT'D BE A DREAM COME TRUE... T-T
Chapter 31: PICK BOTH! LOL
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 31: Myungsoo even made a checklist for his date
and had prepared it before hand...
It would betoo wasteful if she didn't go with him..
Zelo is trying too start something...
But I feel that he should work alittle more...
Give it a few more tries...
I think she should just go with both...
Chapter 30: cant both of them end up with yoojung? lol x) zelo and myungsoo is being such a sweet pea. ♥ hurhur.
LovelyShayang #5
Chapter 30: Go MyungSoo!!
I'm on team MyungSoo since the first chapter...
And I'm not changing teams ever!
Its ok author-nim... Take your time!
I'm still gonna be here... :)
LovelyShayang #6
Chapter 28: You lucky asdhjsndjasbfhbfn!!
How I wish I was Kim YooJung!:(
Chapter 27: HAHAHA yoojung rotfl
God is not letting you to be with kim myungsoo /run xD
But anyway, can't wait for the next part which means the two of them will date xD
LovelyShayang #8
Chapter 27: Andwae!!! YooJungie really has bad luck....
And please tell me its Myungsoo....
But I have a feeling its not....