Falling Into Place?

Mission Impossible: Operation Steal Kim Myungsoo's Heart


"Except Yoojung."
I turned to face them and a look of anxiety was clearly evident on my face. Jaemin unnie softened and gestured for me to come closer. 
"Yoojung-ah, can we be honest with you?" Joonyoung seonsaengnim asked. I nodded and averted my gaze from the intimidating three. I wonder what all this is about…"
"You see, out of all the trainees we have accepted from the audition, we can say without a doubt that you are one of the most talented. And please don't tell this to anyone, but we want you to be one of the very few trainees who get to do backup for Secret." 
My eyes widened and jaw dropped when I heard "backup for Secret.". The intimidating 3 let out small chuckles and at that moment, they almost seemed friendly. Jaemin unnie tapped my chin and I closed my mouth immediately.
"Are you up for it Yoojung-ah?" Sungjin seonsaengmin asked and all I could do was nod. 
"There is a catch though." 
Oh god. I knew this was too good to be true. Of course there is a catch.
"Uhm…What is it?" I asked nervously.
"We're going to have to do your make-over soon. We'd usually have the trainee make-overs after at least 3 months of training, but since you'll be doing back up for Secret on their White day performances, we need to do it as soon as possible." 
I started to internally panic. What if they shave my head or like that??
But I couldn't let this opportunity pass. 
"Ne. I'm up for it." I said and tried to put on a brave face.
"Good. So when do you think you can do the make-over?" Sungjin seonsaengnim asked.
"Well our finals start next week, so I think I can do the make-over after that." I reply and Sungjin seonsaengnim brought out a planner. 
"February 20 then. Don't forget arasso?" 
"Ne arasso."
"We are expecting great things from you Yoojung-ah." Jaemin unnie said and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Great things."
"There's nothing good on tv today…" I thought to myself, flipping through different channels. It was our english final tomorrow, but I wasn't worried about it. It wasn't like our english classes were about literature or stuff like that. 
Beep beep.
I brought out my phone and saw a text from Myungsoo oppa. "Stay calm Yoojung. Deep breaths." I repeated over and over in my mind, making sure I was in a calm and collected state before reading his text.
Yoojung-ah, can I ask for a favor?
"What could he possibly want?" I thought and quickly typed in my reply.
Sure. What do you need oppa? :) 
Its our english final tomorrow right? And I'm having a hard time reviewing so… Can you help me? Please?
Sure! Where do you want to study? At the library?
Yes please. Meet you there in 20 minutes arasso?
Arasso. See you!
After sending my last text, I called Minri. I needed to let my feels out.
"Yoboseyo?" Minri answered her phone, sounding tired.
"Minri!! Guess what happened!!!"
"Myungsoo oppa asked me to help him study for english!! Like a study date!! AAAAAAAAAH!!" I screamed into the phone, unable to hide my giddiness. 
"Ah jinjja?? Wow you lucky girl!! Take me with you!! English is giving me a headache." she whined. I could mentally imagine her banging her head against a wall. 
"You can come if you want." 
"Never mind, I might be a third wheel and I don't think I'll be able to concentrate if I see my ship interacting… Fighting Yoojungie!! Just stay calm and be yourself arasso?" 
"Arasso. Fighting!" I cheered and hung up. I looked at my watch. 20 minutes left. Gotta get my stuff and sanity together before I leave.
"Yoojung-ah!!" Myungsoo oppa shouted, waving his hand up in the air. He didn't have to do that though. I could spot him from a mile away. 
"Annyeong oppa." I said and gave him a smile. On the outside, I looked calm and collected, but on the inside, I was screaming my off.
"Lets go in and start." he said and we walked into the library together. We  picked a seat near the window and brought all our notes out.
"I know I'm in a different year than you, but you practically grew up in America, so you'll be able to help me right?" he asked, rubbing his neck and giving me a sheepish grin.
"I'll try my best. Can I see your notes?"
He handed me his notes and we worked on grammar and spelling for an hour.
"Why so adorable?!?" I mentally screamed while he was trying to get his english phrases right. 
"Aigoo why is english so hard?" he quietly whined, closing his eyes and massaging his temples. 
"You can do it oppa, you got almost all of my questions right." I reassured him. "Lets take a break?"
"Yes please." he said a little too loudly and earned a death glare from the librarian.
"Can you teach me some useful english phrases I could use for our interviews?" he asked and brought out his cellphone. "I want to record how you say it so that I can practice how to pronounce the words properly." 
"O-oh sure. What phrases do you want to know?" 
"Can you give me an appropriate way on how I can introduce myself in english?" he asked and brought the cellphone closer to my mouth.
"Arasso. You can say, "Hello everyone. I am L, it is very nice to meet you."" I said into the voice recorder.
"Uhm… what is the proper pronunciation of saranghaeyo in english?" he asked, looking a bit awkward. 
I brought his cellphone closer to my mouth, unconsciously looked him in the eye and said "I love you."
"A-i lob yoo?" he repeated, not breaking our eye contact.
"Love. Emphasis on V." I told him, trying not to laugh. His engrish is adorable. 
"Love." he repeated, and gave me an eye smile.
"I love you." he repeated and I felt my cheeks heat up. This was kinda awkward, looking each other in the eye for so long, but it was a good kind of awkward. If that made any sense. 
I broke away first (which I regretted immediately after), and looked at my watch. We've been in the library for almost 2 hours. Even if I didn't want to leave, I had to.
"I think we can end here, right oppa? Its getting late, I have to go…" I mumbled, trying not to look disappointed.
"Ah ne. Lets go." he said and stood up.
I stood up as well and we walked out of the library. 
"Thanks for helping me study Yoojung-ah." 
"No problem oppa. If ever you need help with english, you can always give me a call." I said and was about to leave when he suddenly pulled me into a hug. "I guess we're even now huh? I helped you with evil fangirl and you help me with english. See you tomorrow." he whispered into my ear then turned around and walked away. I just stared at his back until he turned the corner, my heart all over the place and my mouth hanging wide open. 
Is this little operation of mine finally falling into place? 

sorry this took awhile :(


I'll try to make my updates faster!!

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LovelyShayang #1
Chapter 32: OH3!! THAT'D BE A DREAM COME TRUE... T-T
Chapter 31: PICK BOTH! LOL
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 31: Myungsoo even made a checklist for his date
and had prepared it before hand...
It would betoo wasteful if she didn't go with him..
Zelo is trying too start something...
But I feel that he should work alittle more...
Give it a few more tries...
I think she should just go with both...
Chapter 30: cant both of them end up with yoojung? lol x) zelo and myungsoo is being such a sweet pea. ♥ hurhur.
LovelyShayang #5
Chapter 30: Go MyungSoo!!
I'm on team MyungSoo since the first chapter...
And I'm not changing teams ever!
Its ok author-nim... Take your time!
I'm still gonna be here... :)
LovelyShayang #6
Chapter 28: You lucky asdhjsndjasbfhbfn!!
How I wish I was Kim YooJung!:(
Chapter 27: HAHAHA yoojung rotfl
God is not letting you to be with kim myungsoo /run xD
But anyway, can't wait for the next part which means the two of them will date xD
LovelyShayang #8
Chapter 27: Andwae!!! YooJungie really has bad luck....
And please tell me its Myungsoo....
But I have a feeling its not....