The Only Way

Mission Impossible: Operation Steal Kim Myungsoo's Heart


Zelo's POV
"Okay that's a wrap for today!! Since you all have been working hard, you all can have the day off tomorrow. Rest well."
We've been practicing 2 weeks non stop and now we finally have a break. And I know who I'm gonna spend it with. 
With Yoojung of course. I should text her...
Yoojungie~ I have the day off tomorrow, let's hang out! I miss you ㅠㅠ
Would that make me sound too clingy? 
Ya Kim Yoojung!! We haven't hung out in 2 weeks, what kind of a best friend are you???
That would make me sound like I'm angry...
Yoojung~ Wanna hang out tomorrow? 
There. Not too clingy or angry sounding. 
Love makes me weird.
Yoojung's POV
Damn. Bunhong wants to hangout. How the hell am I gonna hide this bruise? It's BEGGING to be noticed. 
It's been 3 days since that little incident, and it still hasn't subsided. Heck, I think it got even worse!! 
I walk quietly to my parents' room and knock on the door.
"Umma, are you there?"
"Yes I am. What do you need dear?" she asked, opening the door, revealing her hair tangled in what looked like a billion curlers.
"What? I'm doing the do-it-yourself perm!!"
"Aigoo umma you're gonna look like an ajjuma." I say, trying to bite back my laughter. My umma is so weird. 
"No I won't!! What do you want dear?" she asked again, trying to change the subject. 
"I need concealer...again."
"Aigoo, you're bruise hasn't healed yet? Why must you be so clumsy." 
I bit my lip and looked away. I felt bad for lying to my mom about the bruise, but I didn't want her to worry. 
Myungsoo oppa told the school nurse about my little incident with evil fangirl and I was sent home early. When I arrived home, face swollen and all, my umma and dad FREAKED. 
"Jungie, what happened to your face!?" my dad asked, examining the bruise. 
"What happened?? Oh no my baby is hurt I'll get you some ice for that I'll also ge--"
"It's okay, don't worry about it. They gave me ice at school."
"What happened?" they both asked at the same time.
Crap. I had to think of an excuse fast. If they found out I got punched by evil fangirl, they might report it to the school and who knows what evil fangirl will do if she finds out.
"I...uh...was walking and reading at the same time, and I wasn't paying attention so I, uh bumped into a locker and bruised my face. Yeah." I hope I sounded convincing enough.
"Are you serious?? You should be more careful Jungie!! Yeobo, can you find some of the bruise ointment in the bathroom?" my dad said, eyeing my face with a worried expression. 
"Yeah, still looks ugly."
"Arasso. Here you go." 
"Thanks umma!" I said and dashed back to my room.
Sure Bunhong. Meet you at the park near TSENT.
I can only hope and pray Bunhong doesn't notice. 
"Yah!! Choi Bunhong!!" 
He turned around and gave me a big smile and wave.
He ran over and gave me a big bear hug, his arm slightly brushing against my cheek. I winced, but tried to show how much it hurt. "YOOJUNGIE!! I missed you."
"I missed you too. So, what do you wanna do today?"
"How 'bout...we play video games in my dorm?" he asked, smiling cheekily. 
"Sure. Let's go! I wanna play Mario Kart!!" I reply. Mario Kart is the ONLY video game I don't at.
"Okay then. Let's buy some snacks first."
On our way to the closest family mart, it started drizzling a little. I touched my cheek and saw smeared concealer on my fingertips.
CRAP!! I can't let Bunhong see my bruise. Curse this horrible weather!!! 
I put my hood on, mentally reminding myself to re-apply the concealer when we get to their dorm. 
"C'mon Bunhong, hurry up and get some snacks before it rains harder." I tell him once we step inside family mart.
"Arasso. Wait here." he said and skipped off to get some snacks. 
While we were waiting in line to pay for the snacks, I could see Bunhong eyeing me from the corner of my eye. Was keeping my hood on too suspicious? 
"Yoojung-ah, why are you keeping your hood on?" he asked, as if he was reading my thoughts.
"Nothing. I just feel like keeping it on." I lied. 
"Are you hiding something?" 
"Prove it." 
I'm going to have to remove my hood and hope he doesn't notice anything. 
I slowly remove my hood, trying to look nonchalant about the whole thing.
"What's that purple thing on your face?" he asked, rubbing his thumb on my cheek, thinking it was ink or something. 
"Oww-oww..." I whimpered and then the look in his eyes suddenly changed.
"Is this a bruise? And concealer? What the hell! Did you get into a fight?!?!" he asked. He was on the verge of rage mode and when Bunhong goes into rage mode, it's really hard to stop.
"SHHHH!! Calm down first!! I'll tell you when we get to the dorms, I don't want you to go all rage mode in public." I whispered loudly. 
And once again, I have some explaining to do.
Oh no, I'm in trouble now.
"Remember evil fangirl?" 
"That girl who I glared at when you came to visit me at TSENT?" he asked.
"Yeah her. She punched me. We go to the same school."
"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me about it as soon as it happened? I could have manager hyung ban her from concerts or album releases or--"
"NO DON'T. She's gonna KILL me if you do that." I said a little too loudly and on the verge of tears. I'm too scared of her to do anything. 
"Are you serious?? I'm not gonna let her get away with this!!"
A long awkward silence followed. I've never seen Bunhong this angry before. 
"You do realize there is only 1 solution to this..." he turned to look at me, his expression serious. "You have to become a TSENT trainee."
"That's the only way you're gonna get her off your back."
"But I can't sing or dance to save my life!!"
"Of course you can!! Remember when we were younger?" 
"But that was 10 years ago!! Maybe I could before, but not anymore!!" I said exasperated. There has to be another way.
"Nonsense!! I know it's somewhere in you. C'mon Yoojungie, this is the only way. Think about it."
He's right. 
Kim Yoojung, what the hell have you gotten yourself into? 

Hello readers~ I'm sorry, this isn't my best chapter. I'll try to put another one up tonight or tomorrow morning!! 

Have a nice day~ 

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LovelyShayang #1
Chapter 32: OH3!! THAT'D BE A DREAM COME TRUE... T-T
Chapter 31: PICK BOTH! LOL
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 31: Myungsoo even made a checklist for his date
and had prepared it before hand...
It would betoo wasteful if she didn't go with him..
Zelo is trying too start something...
But I feel that he should work alittle more...
Give it a few more tries...
I think she should just go with both...
Chapter 30: cant both of them end up with yoojung? lol x) zelo and myungsoo is being such a sweet pea. ♥ hurhur.
LovelyShayang #5
Chapter 30: Go MyungSoo!!
I'm on team MyungSoo since the first chapter...
And I'm not changing teams ever!
Its ok author-nim... Take your time!
I'm still gonna be here... :)
LovelyShayang #6
Chapter 28: You lucky asdhjsndjasbfhbfn!!
How I wish I was Kim YooJung!:(
Chapter 27: HAHAHA yoojung rotfl
God is not letting you to be with kim myungsoo /run xD
But anyway, can't wait for the next part which means the two of them will date xD
LovelyShayang #8
Chapter 27: Andwae!!! YooJungie really has bad luck....
And please tell me its Myungsoo....
But I have a feeling its not....