May The Best Man Win

Mission Impossible: Operation Steal Kim Myungsoo's Heart


Myungsoo's POV
A few more steps and I'd be inside the CEO's office. My legs felt like lead from running, but just a little bit more and I'd be there.
I pushed the door open and everyone turned to look at me. I was panting and sweating like a dog and Sunggyu hyung gave me a disapproving frown. 
"Oh Kim Myungsoo, you're late." our CEO said with a stern expression.
"I'm very sorry sir. I had some…things to attend to." 
"Take your seat now." he said and I took my seat next to Sungyeol.
"About time you got here." Sungyeol whispered and all I could do was shrug my shoulders. 
The meeting was about our new album concept and we were almost done when our CEO suddenly mentioned something about a dating scandal.
"Dating scandals have been showing up on the news a lot lately. Don't get involved in any of those arraso? Consider this a friendly warning." he said looking at all of us in the eye. We nodded in response and he let us go. 
Just as we stepped out of the office, my cellphone vibrated. I checked to see who texted and it turned out to be Junhong. 
"Wonder why he texted…" I mumbled and read his text. 
Hyung, we need to talk… this is about Yoojung.
What about her? And yeah sure. When and where? 
I was hoping I could talk to you tonight… Can you meet me at the family mart near your dorm? 30 minutes?
Okay. I'll be there.
"I wonder what he wants to talk about…" I thought and walked to the van with the others.
"Yah, Kim Myungsoo, where were you before the meeting hmm?" Sungyeol said, whacking me on the head.
"Aish, so violent…" I muttered, rubbing my throbbing head. "I just visited someone okay? Is there anything wrong with that?"
"No, but you almost got us in trouble." Hoya hyung interjected.
"Mianhaeyo. It won't happen again." 
"It better not." Sunggyu hyung muttered before we entered the van and drove back home. 
I turned around and saw Junhong approaching me on his skateboard. I waved and he dismounted in one swift movement.
"Hey Junhong. So…what did you want to talk about?" I asked, being straight to the point. Curiosity was clawing at me and at that point, I needed to know what he was thinking.
"Do you…like Yoojung, hyung?"
I was a little hesitant, but I knew the answer and I couldn't lie.
"Yes. Yes I do Junhong." 
His face hardened at my answer and all color drained from his face.
"Well, I-I like her too, hyung. I asked you to come out here just to say… I'm going to put up a fight for her. I'm not backing down."
One of my worst fears have been confirmed. I've got competition. 
"So I guess I'm going to have to put up a good fight too huh?" 
"If you really like her hyung… then yes you do."
"May the best man win then." I said and held out my right hand. 
"May the best man win." he agreed and shook my hand. From then on, things changed. Things were going to be a whole lot tougher. 
But I knew deep down in my heart that I was ready. 



I'm so very sorry this took me awhile ;A; and that is short ;; and that there wasn't any soojung ; 3 ;


thank you for sticking with me though! I really appreciate it! please drop a comment so I can get an idea of what you guys think of the story :D 


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LovelyShayang #1
Chapter 32: OH3!! THAT'D BE A DREAM COME TRUE... T-T
Chapter 31: PICK BOTH! LOL
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 31: Myungsoo even made a checklist for his date
and had prepared it before hand...
It would betoo wasteful if she didn't go with him..
Zelo is trying too start something...
But I feel that he should work alittle more...
Give it a few more tries...
I think she should just go with both...
Chapter 30: cant both of them end up with yoojung? lol x) zelo and myungsoo is being such a sweet pea. ♥ hurhur.
LovelyShayang #5
Chapter 30: Go MyungSoo!!
I'm on team MyungSoo since the first chapter...
And I'm not changing teams ever!
Its ok author-nim... Take your time!
I'm still gonna be here... :)
LovelyShayang #6
Chapter 28: You lucky asdhjsndjasbfhbfn!!
How I wish I was Kim YooJung!:(
Chapter 27: HAHAHA yoojung rotfl
God is not letting you to be with kim myungsoo /run xD
But anyway, can't wait for the next part which means the two of them will date xD
LovelyShayang #8
Chapter 27: Andwae!!! YooJungie really has bad luck....
And please tell me its Myungsoo....
But I have a feeling its not....