Found Out...

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


"What ?" Top asked jokingly as I laid in his arms. I shot up and sat beside him shooting him a dirty look. "What ?" I asked. "Seriously, you're gonna ask me that?"

"Omo, baby, I was just trying...aigoo...I was just trying to be funny, thats all. I know what you meant." He sat up beside me looking at me sweetly. "Baby, this is why I want to protect you and allow us time to be together without everyone knowing. Once they know it will get worse, it won't be just us entire world will follow our every move."

I looked over at him and grabbed his hand. "I, I, I know. I guess I didn't realize what it was like to become the center of peoples attention. Having to hide myself and not expose who I am, its very different and difficult. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I can handle it, if I can live life like this, there are often moments of doubts..." I looked at him and scooted closer to him. "But" I said kissing his lips quickly. "I will do anything to be with you. I won't give up easily!" I smiled as I stood up. I wanted to change into my pajamas so I went over to my luggage and rummaged through. I found my pajamas, my fuzzy pajama bottoms and the tshirt I stole from Top. "I'll be right back." I said walking to the washroom to freshen up and change. I got a nice hot shower and stepped out, putting a sweet smelling lotion all over my body. It was 4 am now and I was tired. I dressed and headed out to the living space. Top was sitting at the table on his computer.

"Come here, baby." He said motioning me over. I walked over and stood beside him. He was sitting in the chair so his head was at my waist height. He hugged my waist and said, "Look.." pointing at the computer screen. I looked down. There it was in front of my eyes...a twitter account, HIS twitter account. " started a twitter?" I asked bewildered as I sat on his lap. "What on earth have you done with my private, hates social media, Choi Seunghyun? This is really not like you!"

"I still hate social media, but I wanted to try it out. Ah, yah, baby, I really thought you'd be excited. I thought this through you know, picking a name that would be inconspicuous, I can still be private, right?" I sighed and took a deep breath in. "Not really, once it's out there, baby, its out there." Top looked at me and sighed loudly. "Well.... I guess I am no longer social media hating SeungHyun am I?"

"I guess not!" I hugged him then looked at the post. It read, "Finally a holiday! This view doesn't compare...." attached was a picture of the view from the hotel room.

"The view doesn't compare to what?" I asked looking at him. He smiled at me and simply said, "You baby! You." He kissed me. "I need to go to change, you relax ok, you can use the computer if you want."

I got up and let Top get up too. He walked over to his luggage and found some clothes to change in to then headed in to take a shower. I sat back down and looked at this twitter. I smiled, gah, that man was full of surprises. I sat there staring at the picture, elbows on the desk, chin in my hands. Hopefully no one will read too much into this I thought.

Just then my phone buzzed on the nightstand. I ran over and looked down, a text from Ji. "Yah! Noona, what did you do?"

What did I do I thought, what did he mean by that? I sat on the bed and texted back. "Ji, what do you mean? What did I do? I didn't DO anything that I know of." Once again, Jiyong was being the leader, being my friend and freaking out.

"Yah, you haven't even been there but a few hours and you and Top are being found out."

What? I yelled out. I called him instantly. He picked up, "Yah! This is Jiyong."

"What do you mean we've been found out? Ji, did I miss something?"

"Noona, its all over the internet. People are speculating who that girl was with Karin, there are pictures you know?"

"Pictures, well I guess I'm not surprised. But they don't know who I am or anything. Ah, I am not too worried." I lied, I was really worried, but I couldn't admit that to the already freaking out Jiyong.

"Yah and noona, Top's twitter post, that is not helping. And when did Top join twitter? Deni you didn't make him did you? Please tell me you didn't make him do this. AIGOO"

"Kwon Jiyong, are you serious? No of course I didn't. He did that all on his own. What about his post?" I asked laying my head in my free hand.

"People are reading into it, trying to put two and two together. That mystery girl with Seungri's girlfriend and then his post 'The view is nothing compared too...' Deni, even I know what that means. I could kill him!"

"Omo, Ji, I think you may be overreacting. People will always make assumptions and play in to things. I mean I'm surprised they didn't mention the fact I was wearing your hat and trying to tie us together. Stop worrying, Top and I can handle this."

"I can't not worry, I am the leader of this band it is my job to worry where my brothers are concerned. And I, I, I care about you Deni."

"Yes you've told me this...a lot."

"Ya, well, Deni-ah I will keep telling you. I will stay back and let you two be, but I won't stop caring for and loving you, do you hear me? I will always love you. I will always stand guard for my band and for the woman I love. That's who I am, that's what is important to me. I take pride in being a strong leader and guarding those I care the most about."

"Ji, you've got to stop, you've got to move on from me. There are plenty of other women out there. need to stop."

"Yah, fine." He yelled into the phone. "But don't come crying to me when the tabloids slam your relationship because you two can't be careful. Don't act like I didn't warn you. Aye, girl...." his voice trailed off.

"Ji, I, I...." and just like that he hung up. Gah that stubborn guy. I loved him to death, but sometimes he overreacted. I knew he cared, I knew this was the leader in him, but it still was so frustrating. I held my phone in my hand tightly trying to figure out how to handle this. I wanted to text him but I figured he wanted me to leave him alone. Just like that, my phone buzzed. I looked down to find another text from Jiyong. "Deni-ah, oh my Deni. I am so so sorry. I overreacted just now.....please, I need you to forgive me!"

I texted back smiling. "Ah, Jiyong oppa, of course I forgive you. I am not mad."

"I just care so much sometimes I lose my mind. I couldn't stand it if you were mad at me, ya know?" He replied back.

"Ji, you, ah you are just precious! I get irritated, but never mad. Never!"

"Aye, you have to know that I wish I didn't love you like I did. I was always fine with being just friends, but somewhere along the line my feelings became more intense. It's so damn hard, ya know? I said it before but I won't come between you and him, I will support you two, always. But it also doesn't mean I can't just forget how I feel."

I smiled, I felt for him, it must have been very difficult to watch the woman he wanted be with his friend. "I know Ji, I know all of that. I am not mad, I am not upset. I love you forever, ok? I got to go now. We will talk more soon. <3 hugs!"

I set my phone down on the night stand as Top walked out and looked at me. "Who were you on the phone with just now?"

"Jiyong." I said. "I guess we've been found out. People are speculating and wondering who I am and what your tweet meant. Ah, yah, Top, why did you get a twitter? Why! "

"I thought it would be fun, I thought you'd be happy. I'll just delete it ok, I'll delete the post, I'll delete my account..."

"No no no, baby, just be careful what you post from now on, ok?"

"Ok" he said sitting beside me. "We will be ok, you know? People are going to speculate, this is why I have made sure we will be safe and guarded at all times. It will be ok."

I laid back in the bed my head on the pillow. "Yah, I know." I said with a deep sigh. "Come on, lets go to sleep I am tired!" I got comfortable as Top climbed into the bed. He turned towards me and wrapped his arms around me. "It'll be ok, I promise." He smiled, cuddling into me and kissing me sweetly on the lips.

"I love you." I said to him. He smiled big and said, "I love you too beautiful girl." We kissed more and fell asleep in each others arms, not concerned with being found out.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?