Pinch Me

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


We laid in bed together under the blankets after a sweet time of intimacy. He had passed out asleep, tired from everything. He hadn't really had any time off in the past year and this holiday was his chance to get much needed rest. I didn't mind him resting even though this was our holiday. I knew how hard he had been working, how busy he had been and how little rest he had had in the past year. To me, just laying there in bed with him while he slept was enough. Enough to make me content, to give me peace, to give me butterflies. Even having been with him for some time now and with as fast as our relationship had progressed, I still got those butterflies like the ones I had that first day I met him face to face.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Truly my life was so different now, but I didn't mind. This is what I had dreamed of, this is what I wanted. I took in a deep sigh as I got up quietly leaning over and carefully kissing his cheek as he slept, cuddled in a ball. Top was a deep man, he had a very strong and mysterious persona. Ah, but I knew the real him. He was just a simple humble man, a child at heart, full of insecurities and emotions just like anyone else. He did put on a bit of a front for the world, for the VIPS, but I knew the true him and this made me love him all the more. They saw TOP, but I knew Seunghyun.

I walked across the room to where I had laid out my outfit for the day. I grabbed the clothes off the back of the chair I had laid them on and proceeded to dress. I went and began to do my makeup. I never liked makeup, at least not until I started dating TOP. I am not sure why, but being with him made me want to wear it. He never forced me to wear it, but I actually enjoyed wearing it now. As I looked in the mirror and worked on my makeup my mind began to wander. I thought about the fact I was engaged to a top Korean idol. A simple girl, a single mom, who knew little about Kpop, now I stood in a grand hotel room, a big rock on my finger, my once celebrity crush sleeping in the bed in the other room. I stepped back and put my blush brush down, staring in the mirror. I smiled thinking about how fast this had all happened, meeting him only months ago in person, now planning to marry him.

Karin, she crossed my mind too. Someone I met randomly online, was now in this with me, living it with me, with her love, her celebrity crush. I thought about Jiyong, Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri. BigBang, my favorite band, they were now my family and my dearest friends. I wanted to pinch myself in disbelief. It seemed like a dream.

It was hard to believe and had I not been living it, I wouldn't have believed it.  The future was bright, that I knew. I also knew things were only going to get harder. I thought about the call from Jiyong the night before, the reality that many people were unhappy in the potential relationship they thought Top had, the harsh and negative comments I had read. He. Was. Worth. It. All of it and more. I said what I met, he and I would use our tough skin and make it through. I wouldn't allow silly fans to put any wedge between us. I loved him far too much to allow that.

I was lost in thought forgetting about my makeup, only thinking of the future and the past with this man. I sighed as leaned forward, resting my hands on the counter of the sink area. My head hung as I took in a deep breath closing my eyes and just thinking.

"Jagi" I heard him say coming up behind me. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist holding me tightly. "What is going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He said pulling me back into his chest. I looked up and at the mirror, half smiling. "J-j-just taking this all in." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. I pulled away from him and turned around, propping myself up with my arms and sitting on the side of the sink. He turned the shower on and set the temperature. My eyes followed his every move.

"Top." I said quietly.

"Yes jagi?" He said, walking back over to me standing in front of me as I sit there. He put his hands gently on my thighs.

"Do you ever...I mean....are there times...are there times you feel the need to pinch yourself to make sure this is all real?" I said shyly. To me this seemed like such a dumb question, of course he didn't I thought as I looked at him intently.

Top smiled sweetly, his dimples coming out. "All the time, jagi, all the time." He kissed my forehead. I was honestly surprised by his answer.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really, really." He said looking at me seriously. "Why do you ask?"

"Ah, yah! I don't know. I've been thinking this morning. The idea of our relationship coming out has hit me, its been so nice being private you know? But  all of a sudden this is all more real to me now." I said. "I think I just had to take a moment to grasp reality. You. You are my reality and I wanted to know if you felt the same." I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his middle back, hugging him.

He wrapped his hands around my back and kissed the top of my head again. "Jagi, I understand. Our relationship has been nothing but fast, but it's our love story. I never in a million years expected to fall for someone so fast, especially a fan. But as I have told you over and over when I saw you there and I first talked to you, I knew. I knew there would be no way to move on in my life not knowing you and not loving you. And I have never had a second thought about it." He let go of me and put his strong hands on my shoulders, pushing me back gently. He took his hands off my shoulders and cupped my face, bending down a bit to look me in the eyes. "This is what I want, all of this, you, your son, all of it." He kissed my forehead. "I am sure people will never really understand, but we understand it and thats what is most important." He kissed each of my cheeks, taking his hands and bringing up my left hand, placing it on his chest, playing with my engagement ring. "I will only marry one person, I will only love one person, that I have known my whole life. The easiest decision I have ever made was putting this ring on your finger. I have zero doubt when it comes to you and this ring. It belongs on your finger only."

He smiled a big sweet dimple filled smile as I took in those words. "The easiest decision I have ever made was putting this ring on YOUR finger...." Funny, I thought, the easiest decision I had ever made was saying YES!  He again cupped my face, my hand I left on his chest. He smiled widely and kissed me with great intensity on the lips. Our kiss became more passionate. He and I had forgotten about the shower running, we had not realized the time, 1pm; we had completely forgotten about Karin and mankae. We were too busy being in love to care.

Suddenly my phone rang beside me on the counter. I pulled away and looked down, it was Karin. "Just a sec." I said to Top as I answered.

"Hello, sis, what's up?"

"Uh, did you two forget about our lunch and beach date? We were to leave 10 minutes ago. We've been pounding on your door."

"Ah, yah, omo, oh no, no, we didn't forget, we've just been...preoccupied."

Karin giggled. "Of course you have, of course. Could you two like stop, you know, and come open the door."

I laughed loudly as I mouthed Karin's name to Top. He smiled and walked over to the shower, throwing his robe on the floor and hopping in. I walked out of the washroom and to the door to our room. I still had my phone to my ear as I opened the door.

Karin and mankae entered. "It's about time." They laughed.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?