Back To Seoul

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


Finally we were in the air and on the way back to Seoul. I sat beside my love, snuggled in his arms as the airplane headed home. My mind replayed the call to Jiyong as I sat there. "But he, Top, he is your life. You don’t love me the way I want you to, I know that, even if you are emotional and confused. I know without a shadow of a doubt that you love him and him only." These words replayed in my head over and over. Ji knew me well, he knew that my heart and soul belonged to Top, he knew that I had zero feelings for him other than friendship. He was right, Top was my life, he was my everything and I, I felt immense guilt for the phone call.

Seungri and Karin sat together a few seats ahead of Top and myself. Seungri was still holding on to her for dear life. Karin was still out of it, not really awake and not really asleep. She was simply just existing. I was glad that Seungri was there for her, though I knew if she ever snapped to she'd freak out. My hope was that she would understand how much he still loved her. I prayed that she would accept that, she needed him.

I looked up at Top who was lost in his music he was listening to. I smiled as we met eyes, my heart skipped a beat, like it always did when I looked in those gorgeous eyes of his. I was so happy to be with him, touching him, cuddling him. He was my everything and I loved him so so very much. I watched him for a moment as he listened to his music. It was cute how he would get into to and mouth the words to the song. I leaned over and kissed his cheek as he listened. He smiled at me widely as I laid my head back on his shoulder. We had about 30 minutes left in our flight and I was too tired to stay awake anymore. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

"Where....where am I?" Karin said out as I started to drift off. Karin sat up and looked around trying to gather her surroundings. I woke up and looked up at her as she met eyes with Seungri, I expected her to punch him or yell, but she didn't. She simply stared at him saying nothing. "Hey, sweetie, welcome back." Seungri said to her, trying to get some sort of response out of her. "Don't don't call me that, don't call me sweetie." She said out, standing up and attempting to walk towards me.

"Sit down, you are far to weak to walk." Seungri said, pulling her down in her chair gently. Karin began to cry, hard. She lifted her hands up and saw the bandages and screamed..."What's on my arms, OH MY GOD...Deniiiii, Deniiiii, why are my arms in bandages?" Seungri answered for me, "Karin, we will explain this later, lets get you back home first." My heart broke more listening to her in her confusion. I wanted so much to protect her from all the bad things and when I saw those bandages, I was reminded how I had failed at that protection. I had failed at being there for her when she needed me.

Karin looked in Seungri's eyes, tears streaming. "Take me home, I want GD, I want my leader." Seungri looked at her annoyed. He obviously wasn't happy she had wanted GD. Seungri stood up and walked back to me and Top. "Noona, could you please go sit with her, I can't do it anymore." He said. I smiled and got up and headed up towards Karin annoyed because I didn't want to leave Top's side.

"Hey sissy." I said as I sat down beside her. "I'm here now." I really wanted to be with Top, but Karin needed me so I stayed with her the rest of the plane ride. Seungri took my seat by Top, who tried to comfort him. Karin and I didn't talk much during the plane ride, she laid her head in my lap and I her hair as she rested. Every now and then she'd mutter GD's name or my name, but basically she was quiet the entire ride.

We were back to Seoul in no time. Our plane landed and we went to leave. I was so happy to be home in Seoul again. I was ready to escape the crap that happened on the Island. We exited the plane, a bodyguard carrying a very weak Karin. She refused to allow anyone to touch her, especially Seungri. My bodyguard Cha walked out with me, his arm around my waist to support me. I was exhausted and could have collapsed at any moment.

We made it out of the airport and to our van. Karin and I took a separate van from Top and Seungri. I helped get Karin in and sat beside her as she leaned her head on my shoulder. "Karin..." I said as I looked down at her bandaged wrists. I felt tears begin to form as I thought about what she had went through there in that airport. I was mad at myself for failing to protect her. I was mad at the crowd, mad at, well at everything. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly, trying to calm myself. "Karin, I love you, you know? We're home now, the horror movie is over, its all over baby." I said wanting to say more, wanting to tell her to smile, but I knew it was useless. Karin looked at me with her big eyes and I smiled, it was fake, but she had to see my being strong. "Karin, I love you." I said as I hugged her tightly.

I was relieved to be back home where I knew we'd be safe and sound. As I sat there with my sister holding her, my phone went off. I looked down to see Taeyang's name on the caller ID. "Yoboseyo?!" I said as I answered. "Yoboseyo Deni. How are you?" He said on the other side of the phone. How am I, I thought, I am freaking tired and drained...that's how I am.

"I am ok. I am better now that we are home and away from the island. Aye, I am so glad to be back and close to you guys again. This has been hell Bae and I am exhausted. I am so very tired." I said, thankful that I was just a few more minutes from my family. I needed my Big Bang family I loved them and I needed to be home with them.

"We are all waiting for you, ya know? We know you guys had a very rough time and we are waiting to welcome you with open arms." I smiled as he said that. "Aye, how is Karin?" Taeyang asked. I thought a moment and could only manage to get out a few words. "She's...she's...she's ok." I said. Taeyang realized I was just too tired and too drained to talk about her, he knew that there was more but he didn't push the issue. "Yah, well that's good. Deni, you guys are home now, we will all protect you, you know that right?"

"Yes, I know that Bae."

"The staff has been busy trying to deal with a fury of calls. YG will meet with us tomorrow to discuss how to handle this and how to move one. Everyone has been preparing for your return."

"Aye, Taeyang, it's so very good to hear that. I need you guys. I really need my family and friends right now."

"Well we are here, waiting. I need to go, but I will see you very very soon, ok noona dear?"

I said ok and hung up as the van made it's final turn towards the dorms. I was beyond happy to be so close. As we pulled up to the dorms, my heart finally rested some. We were home, back with our family, with our friends. I don't think I could have been more relieved. I looked at Karin who was still very quiet and not moving. "Look baby, we're home." I said. "We're back where we belong Karin."

We pulled up to the doors and the van parked. Cha got out and opened my door for me. I got out and turned around, reaching my hand out to Karin. She wouldn't budge. "Karin, sweetie, look, we're home. Let's go in now, ok" I said to her as I again offered her my hand. She just sat there, not able to move. "Karin, GD is just inside, your leader is in waiting on you, you don't want to make him wait do you?" Karin just looked at me blankly still not moving. I was too tired to fight her so I stood there, trying to figure out my next move. As I did, Seungri and Top's van pulled up behind ours. They got out and came over towards me. I was quite sick of waiting for Karin to move so when I saw Top I ran to him. I hugged him tightly as I explained the situation. "I can't do this anymore, she won't move Top. She refuses to move." I said very frustrated.

Top sighed, pushing me back from him some. "That little girl is driving me insane, she's gonna make me..." He stopped mid sentence, looking at me. He took his coat off me and put it on me. "I can't stand seeing you in those bloody clothes, jagi." He said, helping me to close the coat. "There, that's better." Top finished what he had started to saying. "That little girl is gonna make me go crazy. I am so tired and tired of her being like this, I'll take care of this." Seungri overheard everything and came up to us. "Let me deal with her you guys." He said walking to the car, as he did Daesung came running out.

Daesung ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "Ohhhhh, omo, NOOONNNAAA!" He blurted out, pulling back and smiling his big goofy smile at me. "Hey Dae." I said quietly. "Oh noona, are you ok? Why is there blood on your clothes?" He said concerned. "Aye, Dae, I'm fine, its a long story...But I am ok." He hugged me again and as he did, I took a deep breath in. He smelled like home. Home sweet home.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?