Beach Date Pt. 2

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


Top and I sat up in the water. I was on his lap and we were still embraced. He took a hand and helped me get my wet hair out of my face, pushing it back. "Jagi." He said and hugged me tightly, burrowing his head into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his head lightly, placing my hands on the back of his head. "Yes oppa?"

"Nothing." He sighed. "I'm just glad you are here with me is all." He kept his head in my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head. "Mmmm, me to oppa." We sat like this a moment and he pulled back. "I want to show you something." He got up and helped pull me up to standing. He looked over at Seungri and Karin who were now sitting on the blankets, talking and cuddling. "Hey." He shouted, "We will be back in a bit." We walked past them grabbing a towel and his shirt. He led me hand and hand to a cliff, the view was breathtaking. You could see for miles.

As I looked out, he threw his shirt on over his head, pulling it down over his perfectly sculpted abs. I shivered a bit as the wind was quite gusty up on that cliff. He grabbed the towel, draping it over my shoulders and helping hold it in place by placing his arms around me. "You really are more beautiful than this you know?" I just stood there in the warm embrace of Top and smiled.

"Jagi, what if we got married on this cliff top? Hmmm? And had the reception down on that beach?"

"I, I don't know." I honestly hadn't event had a single thought about the wedding. We'd only been engaged a couple days now and it was really the furthest thing from my mind. "I really wanted it back at home, in the states, in a big beautiful church." I said. "But the idea of having it here on this spot is also lovely." I said relaxing back into his embrace my head resting on his chest.

"Oh, yes, that would be wonderful too. Honestly Jagi, I don't care where we have it, just that I get to marry you is enough." He hugged me tighter. We stood there for a while just looking out over the ocean. We didn't talk, we just stood there, together, connected. After a bit he let go and we sat down on the ground in a grassy area on the cliff. I kept the towel around me as we sat there, still feeling chilly from the breeze. Top sat close to me with an arm around my back his hand on the side of my hip.

"Let's stay like this forever." I said hugging my knees. "Let's never leave this place, ok? I don't want to go back to the real world." Top moved to face me more, he simply smiled really big causing his dimples to show. His eyes piercing mine and making my heart race. "OK Jagi." he said leaning and kissing my forehead. I moved from the position I was sitting in and sat back a little, stretching my legs out in front of me and putting my hands back to hold me up. I looked at him, wanting him to kiss me. He sat there just staring at me, his hand on my face, rubbing it lightly.

I sat up and grabbed his face in my hands. "Saranghae" I said. I closed my eyes and kissed his lips intensely. I moved my hands from his face as I kissed him, our lips dancing together, our tongues touching on and off. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to kiss him passionately. Top adjusted his body some and helped me lay back on the towel, kissing me the entire time. He laid down too, his body half on mine. He had one hand under my head, the other he use and rubbed up and down my side as he intertwined a leg with mine. We laid there kissing passionately on that cliff ledge, forgetting the world around us, forgetting about our friends on the beach, forgetting everything but each other.

We lost track of time laying up there, kissing, cuddling and talking. Before too long Top jolted up. "Omo, we've been up here longer than I thought." He said worried. "We should probably get back down there to them, ya know?" I sighed, "Yah, we should." We got up and shook of the towel, I wrapped it around me, tucking it in to stay on. We walked back down to the beach hand and hand. We found Karin and Seungri in the middle of their own pretty steamy make out session. They hadn't realized we were back so I took the pail and went and filled it with water. I poured it all over the two them, stopping them from their moment.

"Aye, noona." Seungri yelled. I laughed loudly. "Payback baby!" I said looking at Karin. "Sorry sis!" She smiled at me, she didn't seem to care. Seungri on the other hand was agitated. "Aye, really." He said wiping himself off. "Just you wait noona...just you wait." He muttered under his breath.

Top looked at the time. "Oh, time for our scuba diving experience." As he said this the instructors came up and began to explain what we would be doing. We all got into our wetsuits and headed to the water where the boat was, climbing on. I was excited, I had never in my life done anything like this and experiencing this with Top made it all the more exciting. We jetted out to deep waters and got our equipment. Once at the right spot, we stopped and the boat laid anchor there. We were giving final instructions and allowed to go on way. We fell back into the water and headed down deep into the ocean.

To say it was beautiful wouldn't even describe it. Top and I went down together, holding hands under the water. We couldn't talk with our breathing equipment on, but it didn't matter. We swam around looking at all the amazing sea life. We saw a beautiful array of fish, coral, some sharks. It was all very amazing. Seungri and Karin ended up where we were and we all swam together, pointing out various different sea creatures. Before we knew it we were done.

"That was amazing." I said sitting on the boat heading back to shore. I sat beside Top, my hand in his. "It really was." Karin agreed. "Let's do it again!" She yelled out. I laughed, Top laid his head on my shoulder. "Karin dear, we have to get back to shore. It's getting late and we have dinner plans soon, as do you two I believe." He looked over at mankae, who agreed.

We arrived back at shore and began to pack up. I got my shorts and tank top back on and Top quickly changed into the clothes to cover up. We all walked back up to the road, where our car was waiting. We all piled in and ate some snacks on the way back to the hotel. I was tired so I rested my head on Top's shoulder, closing my eyes. He kissed my forehead and talked with Seungri, his arm around my back. Before I knew it we were back at the hotel. We headed in the back door and up to our rooms.

Top and I got in ours and I collapsed on the bed. I was wore out from a very long day. It was only a little after 6 in the evening and there was more to do, but in that moment I wanted to rest. I didn't realize it, but I was preparing for a very unexpected evening.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?