CandleLight Dinner Pt. 2

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


"So, the flame won't ever burn out, huh?" I said smiling at him. "I don't know what you are talking about baby." He smiled at me coyly and winked. "Yah, my flame won't either." I said grabbing his hand. "It burns all the time for you my love." I took his hand and lifted it up kissing his knuckles. "Do you mind that I posted it jagi?" He said holding my hand tightly. "No, I loved it! Quite perfect I think." As I said this our dinner was brought over. My favorite grilled chicken dish, it has not only italian grilled chicken but also penne pasta and mushrooms in a cream sauce. It was my favorite food. I looked at it, grabbing my napkin and placing it on my lap. Top had his favorite fish dish. He knew I didn't care much for seafood and I was so glad he had picked this dish for me. I grabbed my fork and dug in, savoring every bite. We didn't talk as we ate, we both were too famished and eating to fast to get any words in anyway.

I sat back looking at my empty plate. "Omo, that was the best that dish has ever tasted." I said, watching the waiter take our dishes away. "Jagi, are you ready for your surprise now?" He said taking the box and sliding it over on top of the table in front of me. I clapped my hands like a giddy school girl. "Oh babe, you are so cute when you do that." He said, taking his hand and running it through his hair. "Go on open it." I was so excited I put my hands on it and slowly opened the lid, I couldn't wait to see what amazing piece of jewelry he had waiting for me. I looked down and my mouth fell open. I looked up at him and back down again. I couldn't speak, I grabbed the key and put held it in my hand looking at him. "W...w...what is....what is this? I thought this would be something else." I held the key up looking at him confused.

"Jagi," He said, moving his chair closer to me. "You don't like it?" He put his left arm on the back of the chair behind me resting his hand on my shoulder. With his right hand he grabbed the key out of my hand. "Oh, oppa, its not that I don't like it, I...I...I just, I'm confused. What is this all about?" He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Jagi, I know you have to go back home to the states soon. You have business there to tie up. But I want to make the transition easy for you and your son when you come back." He smiled getting down on the floor on one knee. I looked at him bewildered. "Move in with me?" He said holding the key up like he was proposing. I laughed at him taking the key from his hands and then taking his face in my hands, kissing. "Yes, yes, a million times yes!" I said kissing him between each word. He got back up in his chair, I placed the key on the table. I looked at him and smiled, then poked his cheek. "Was that really necessary? You didn't have to propose to me with a key!" I laughed as he leaned over towards me. "Yes, it was!" He planted a big kiss on my cheek. "I had to make it special you know." I laughed and hugged him, "I guess you did." I took my phone and snapped a shot of the key. I uploaded the picture to twitter and instagram with the description, I said yes!!!!! Top smiled watching me do this, unlike him, I knew not really anyone would have a clue what this was regarding and no one would think much of it.

At that our dessert was delivered. Again another favorite, Strawberry ShortCake, with extra whipped cream. I looked down at it and smiled. I looked back up and Top attacked my nose with whipped cream on his finger. "Gotchya." He laughed out in his deep voice. I sighed and took some cream on my finger and placed it on his nose. "Take that." I laughed out, the rest off my finger. He leaned over and kissed my nose, getting the cream off. I smiled as he pulled away, I took my thumbs and wiped the cream off of his. We sat close by each other taking bites and feeding bites to each other. It was very romantic, we finished up and Top leaned over and kissed me sweetly on the lips. Just then his label mate and dear friend Se7en came out from the back room. I looked at Top and then at Se7en, then back at Top. Se7en began to sing his song, "When I Can't Sing." I began to cry, this was our song, our song!!!

He pulled me in to him as we slowly danced together. I laid my head on this chest, my right arm behind his back my left hand against his chest. He wrapped his left arm around my back and with his right hand holding my hand on his chest. I sighed as tears rolled down my face. I loved this man with every fiber of my being and this night was nothing but icing on my cake. He got me, he knew what I loved and didn't and he planned the perfect evening. As our friend sang I listened to the words. It was one of the few songs I actually understood in Korean, because of how often I had listened to it. Even if I lose everything, if my popularity drops. Even if I can't sing, if I get a different job, will you still be able to love me for who I am? The words pierced my ears as Se7en sang.


I remembered back to a night on the phone. Top and I had talked about what would happen when he's no longer Top of Big Bang. We both knew they still had many year left in them, but he had every right to wonder how I would feel. After all, I knew him before I KNEW him. He was my bias, my celeb crush. I dreamed of him, I thought of him, I had a million pictures on my phone and computer of him. But now, now he was a daily part of my life. He was my friend, my lover and now, now he was my fiance. He had a right to wonder. I remember telling him that I didn't care whether or not he was a singer. Sure, that helped me fall in love with him, but now that I was his girl, I saw things with clear eyes. He wasn't Top the singer to me anymore, he was Top, my boyfriend. I remember very clearly telling him, "Choi Seunghyun, I don't care if you are a singer, if you're a doctor, if you're a taxi driver, whether you are famous or not. Whether you can rap or not, I will love you for who you are deep inside Choi Seunghyun. I love you for your heart, your childlike antics, your smile, your soul...that is why I love you and nothing you do or don't do will that change that feeling." After that Top sighed a sigh of relief. "You will love me when I cant sing?" He asked. "I will love you no matter what. You know Se7en's song right? When I can't sing? If you sang that too me in this very moment I would tell you what I just told you. I love you no matter what. I swear." I remember Tops chuckle on the other line. "Jagi, that must be our song." That night on the phone, that call, right there, we decided it was our song, because it summed up everything perfectly for us.


Here we were months later. And our dear friend was singing it to us on a romantic date. I couldn't help but cry because it made me happy. I was so at peace in that moment and I was so happy my emotions took over. Top wiped each tear on my cheek away not uttering a word. He knew me well enough to know that this song was everything and more to me. He knew the tears were happy tears because he knew how I felt deep in the deepest part of my heart. Our sweet friend finished up and bowed leaving us to be. Again Top and I just stood there, no music, just embraced. I finally broke the silence. "You know that I love you regardless of whether or not your Top of BigBang, right? I love you, you Choi Seunghyun!" I looked at him, his hands were on my waist. He just smiled and pulled me into a huge hug. He rested his chin on the top of my head and sighed deeply. "I have no doubts about that baby love." We stopped hugging and I went and found Se7en, sitting in the back room. I walked in and smiled. He stood up from the chair he was in and bowed.

"Cut that out and come here." I said with my arms open as he hugged me. "Kamsahamnida, oppa, kamsahamnida." Top walked in behind us and smiled at his friend. "Oh it was really nothing." Se7en said pulling away smiling. "Anything for my dear friend and his fiance. Which by the way, congrats! I haven't been able to tell you yet!" Top and I smiled saying thank you. We talked with him a bit and left the room heading back out to the dining area. Se7en left out the back door, I could hear people still screaming. I had completely forgotten about them. Top and I sat back down and I kicked off my shoes. It was nearing 11 pm but I didn't care. Top assured me we could stay as long as we wanted.

He ordered some coffee for us and we sat talking, holding hands. "So was that the surprise you were talking about in the car earlier?" I asked smiling. "Yes, I was making sure he was aware of what was happening and where to go. I told you then and met it, I wanted tonight to be perfect."

"You and that word, really Top, I get the point."

"Hey, I will use that word when and how often I want." He joked pinching my cheek.

"Well, my love," I said moving to lean on my head on his upper arm. "It was perfect. It was way more than I could have ever imagined. You are a man of many surprises. I love that about you." Top let go of my hands and wrapped me in his arms. "And I love everything about you beautiful." He squeezed me tighter and kissed my temple.

The waiter brought the coffee and sat it down on the table in front of us. "I wonder how Ri and Karin are doing." I said to Top, who was already reaching for his coffee. I grabbed my phone intending to text Karin to see. I hadn't heard from her in a couple hours. I looked at my phone, 4 texts from her. I read each one.

My night is ruined, unnie, I hate him.

Unnie, he cheated on me. HE CHEATED ON ME!!!

Unnie, I can't go on like this...I hate him but I love him, I can't believe he did this.

I'm sorry sis, I love you, please take care of everyone for me, I'm ending it.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock. What was she talking about, what had happened? I looked at Top, tears welling in my eyes. Top put his coffee down and looked at me very concerned. "What? What is is jagi?"

I could barely get the words out with my tears. I handed my phone to Top who looked down to see what it was. He read the texts as I tried to talk. "K....k....Karin's, Karin's...something....oh my's bad Top..." is all I managed to get out.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?