The Strength of BigBang

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


I could have stayed in that hug forever. Dae's happiness was infectious and I really could have used some at that moment. He pulled away and walked over towards Seungri, who was about to try to reason with Karin. Dae grabbed Ri's shoulder and turned him around, pulling him into a hug. I could see the relief on Seungri's face, he too needed Dae's happiness. Dae pulled away and looked towards me again.

"Where is...." he said, I just pointed at the van. I just couldn't even muster up the energy to explain the situation. Daesung turned around and true to who he was, jumped in front of the door acting all silly. Usually Daesung had no issues with making Karin, or anyone for that matter, laugh. He was a jester, always being funny and silly.

"Kaaaaariiiinnnn," Dae yelled out in a playful tone. "Kar, Kar, Karin." He went on. He reached in and grabbed her by her wrists, not aware that she had hurt herself. Karin grimaced as he pulled her out of the van and into a big bear hug. Karin went relaxed in his arms. I was so happy to see her actually show some other emotion other than sadness. Top stood supporting me as I looked on, I was weak also. Just exhausted, drained, ready to collapse at any moment. As they hugged I noticed that because Dae had pulled on Karin's wrist they were bleeding again.

Top noticed too and like a concerned hyung said, "Daesung, please take Karin upstairs now. I'll get Deni and Seungri and we will meet you up there ok?" Daesung nodded and put his arm around Karin's shoulder, leading her inside. He still hadn't noticed her bleeding wrists and that was probably a good thing, he often fainted at the sight of blood. Top looked at me, "We're home now, it's all going to be ok now." I wanted to believe him, I needed to believe him. I just wasn't sure that I actually did believe him.

We followed Dae and Karin inside and upstairs to where Jiyong and Taeyang were waiting for us. As we climbed the stairs I noticed Jiyong standing there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and one foot against it. I was so happy to see Jiyong because he was the strength of BigBang, I knew he'd make everything better and just seeing him, gave me strength. He looked at me and smiled but didn't make direct eye contact. I wanted to run and hug him, but knew it was not the right thing to do, plus Karin had beat me too it. As soon as she stepped up to the top step she was gone and in his arms.

Karin saw him and ran to him, tears streaming down her face. "GD!" She yelled as she ran towards him. GD seemed shocked at her reaction and was at first taken aback. Then he noticed her, her wrapped wrists, the blood stains on her white dress, the completely broken look in her eyes. He opened his arms and caught her in a strong hug, looking to me and Top confused. I couldn't speak and by the time Top opened his mouth Karin was collapsing on the floor, crying hard. GD just sat beside her and held her in his arms.

Seeing Karin like this and being as drained as I was caused me to lose it to. I grabbed on to Top tightly and buried my face in this chest. He held me in his strong arms as I cried. This wasn't how this trip was supposed to end. I knew I shouldn't be standing there with Karin's blood on my clothes, I knew I shouldn't be standing there completely shot. Seungri and I should be fighting and being silly. I should be showing GD all the cool items I bought him on our trip. Karin shouldn't be in a ball on the wasn't right. The more she cried the more I cried. Top just hugged me tighter, as Taeyang and Daesung comforted Seungri and GD, GD focused on Karin.

He sat beside her on the floor and he was holding her as she got it all out, all the anger, all the hurt, all the sadness, it all came out through her tears. He whispered in her ear as he held on to her. "Shhhhh, dear, its ok now. You are home and you are safe. Dear please stop crying." Karin continued to cry and GD continued to comfort her. She had held it all in and seeing her leader, the strength of BigBang, caused her to lose it. GD looked up at us, a sadness in his eyes. "Karin, please, please listen to me. You aren't alone. Oh dear sweet girl, its ok, please stop crying now. Please."

This situation was causing our family to fall into a hell we'd never known. I continued to cry as Top finally said, "Jagi, are you ok?" I looked up at him and attempted to talk, but instead simply smiled a half weak smile. He knew I wasn't ok, but he didn't know what else to say. GD finally stood up, helping Karin up off the ground. "Taeyang, please come here." He said motioning for him. Taeyang left Seungri's side and headed over to GD and Karin. "Please go with her and help her get cleaned off, ok?" GD directed Taeyang.

Taeyang nodded and grabbed Karin's hand, helping her to continue to stand. "Karin, dear, lets get you upstairs and get you cleaned up, ok?" He said to her, helping GD to support her. Karin looked up at him, her eyes were puffy and she seemed to be in a daze. GD smiled, he was not used to Karin being like this, she was so full of life, always silly and giggling. She would always come to dance practices and be in the back dancing as they practiced, she was always the life of the party, the sparkle in the room and now, now she was different. "Karin, sweetie," GD started out. "You need to go with Bae now ok? Get yourself changed and calmed down and I will be there in no time, ok? Listen to Bae, he's here to help you." He smiled at her and kissed her forehead, sending her off with Taeyang.

Jiyong turned around slowly after they left. He looked at the rest of us that remained and walked towards us slowly, hands in his pockets his head down. Part of me wanted to run to him and hold him, but I knew better. Instead he looked up and walked up to me and Top, not saying a word he wrapped his arms around me and Top, hugging us tightly. Top and I each wrapped an arm around him as we group hugged.

After a moment Jiyong pulled away and Top helped me to the couch. Jiyong then walked over to Seungri and Daesung. He looked at each of them finally resting his eyes on Seungri. He grabbed Seungri by his coat jacket and pulled him towards him. "What did you do, Seungri, what the hell did you do?"

Seungri was speechless as Jiyong continued. "What the hell did you do to her? Huh? What did you do to her mankae?" He pulled him so that they were almost nose to nose. "I told you, I told you...I told you to not be with her if you couldn't take care of her." He pushed him back, Seungri falling against the wall. "Do you see my hands? Do you see the blood on my ing hands? Is this what you wanted? Huh? This, this isn't protecting her, this isn't loving her Seunghyun." He held his hands up, they too were now blood stained. Seungri hung his head in shame at what Ji had just said to him. Unfortunately Jiyong was just getting started. He was pissed and he was about to let us all know it.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?