The Doomed Walk

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


The yacht made it back to the pier and stopped. Karin and Seungri still sat, kissing and playing their game, not realizing it had stopped. They were lost in each other, like usual, forgetting the real world around them. It wasn't until a staffer came over and let them know they were back that they even snapped out of their little lovers world. Seungri stood up, grabbing Karin's hand and walking towards the exit. "Wait, my purse." Karin let go and ran to the table, grabbing her purse off her chair. She quickly returned back to Seungri, grabbing his hand.

They walked off the yacht, bowing and thanking everyone involved in making the night special. "Now, dessert?" Seungri asked. "Yes, yes!!!" Karin jumped up and down happily, the idea of dessert made her giddy. Seungri wrapped an arm around her waist as they walked down a couple blocks to a little coffee and ice cream shop. They strolled together  Karin resting her head on his shoulder. "Aye, RiRi, I want this night to last forever and ever." Seungri kissed her head and squeezed her tighter. "Then lets make it so." He stopped and moved around to the front of Karin, making her stop in her tracks. "What are you...." Seungri grabbed Karin's face in his hands and kissed her hard taking her breath away. Karin didn't move, just stood there kissing her panda bear. He pulled away suddenly and ran away, down the road a bit.

"Aye, what are you doing RiRi." She said yelling out laughing. "You can't catch me!" He yelled back at her, sticking his tongue out. Karin sighed, oh her sweet little child of a man. "You're right, I can't, not in these heels." She said walking at her own pace. "Awe come on're no fun." He again stuck out his tongue. "I'll only promise to chase you if you take me to the hospital when I fall and break my ankle." She laughed. This statement made Seungri stop and laugh a belly laugh. Karin finally caught up to her laughing boyfriend. She stopped placing her hands on her hips. "Why is that so funny to you, me breaking my ankle?" Seungri stopped and grabbed her waist. "It's not, it's really not funny at all, but you saying it, was too cute." Karin rolled her eyes, and lightly slapped his cheek playfully. "Lee Seunghyun, I swear."

Seungri grabbed Karin's hand and they ran across the street to the cafe. They walked inside and found a table to sit at. There wasn't anyone else there, but Karin didn't know that Seungri had made sure they'd have it to themselves. The waiter came over. "What can I get for you?" he said. Seungri smiled up at him, ordering. "Ah, yes, we'd like to share a piece of chocolate cake, with a biiiiiig scoop of ice cream. I'd like a cup of coffee, just black, please. And for this lovely lady, my girlfriend, she'd like a cappuccino, extra foam, whipped cream please. Oh and make sure you drizzle chocolate on the top of that." The waiter nodded and walked off.

"I could of ordered that myself, ya know?" Karin joked. "RiRi, what was your most favorite part of today?" She asked holding his hands on the table. He thought a moment, "Well it definitely wasn't my hyung fed me sand." They laughed. "Aye, that was hysterical, Deni and I couldn't stop laughing watching you two."

"Ugh, maybe it was funny to YOU, but sea sand doesn't taste very good!" Seungri whined.

"What sand does taste good then?" Karin smarted back.

Seungri rolled his eyes, "You know what I met baby." Karin giggled. "Yes, but I had to say it, your set yourself up." Seungri smiled, "My favorite part, KarBear, was putting that ring on your finger." He stood up and leaned over the table, kissing her.

Karin got up and joined Seungri on his side of the booth, cuddling in close. She locked eyes with his as they sat there talking. They were close to each other and were embraced in each other, whispering and cuddling like any normal couple. "What was your favorite part baby?" Seungri asked. "Just being with you!" Karin said happily. "We've been apart so much that having these uninterrupted moments together is special. I wish we had it more."

The waiter came over with their order, placing each item on the table. "Kamsahaminda" Seungri said. They each grabbed a fork looking at the piece of cake. Seungri fed a bite to Karin, Karin fed a bit to him. They sat and ate it, not talking. Karin took a sip of her drink, not realize that Seungri had gotten some chocolate frosting on his finger. She placed her cup down and turned to look at her love, who wiped chocolate down her nose. "Ack, what the?" Karin said. Seungri smiled a mischievous smile, taking his other hand and wiping more chocolate on her cheek. "Gotchya."

"Seungri, can you PLEASE be serious, just this once?" Karin said frustrated. She loved how playful he was, she was the same way. But tonight, she wanted serious Seungri, not playful and annoying Seungri. "I...I...I'm sorry. Here let me get that for you." He leaned over and kissed her cheek, lightly off the chocolate, causing Karin to squirm a bit. He then took his napkin, soaked a corner in his water glass and wiped the chocolate off her nose. He sat back and scrunched over, frustrated, thinking he had probably just ruined their perfect night.

Karin noticed his face and leaned over, kissing his cheek, putting her arm behind his back and whispering in his ear. "Gotchya!" Seungri looked at her surprised. "Aye, huh?" He said trying to understand what she met. She held out her small mirror from her purse to him, he grabbed it and looked in it. "Yah, Karbear, you little brat!" He yelled. He didn't notice she had gotten chocolate on her lips, on his cheek was a big chocolate kiss print. Karin smirked and then laughed. "That's for picking on my sister earlier."

They laughed and finished their dessert and drinks, playfully poking and tickling each other. It was beginning to get late, but they still had a walk to take. Seungri went and paid for their snack and then came over, holding his arm out for Karin. She stood up and put her arm through his and they left the cafe. They strolled down the beach line, taking in the sites. They came upon a news stand, where Seungri stopped to buy his favorite candy. As he did, Karin looked at the magazines, she loved gossip magazines.

She flipped through one, seeing who would be the victim this week. As she flipped through the pages she saw a familiar face flicker by. She stopped and flipped back to that page. fell open looking at the face and the picture on the page. She couldn't believe it, there it was in front of her eyes, her boyfriend in bed with another woman. She scanned the article, which described in great detail how this woman had leaked to them secrets of their love life and how they had met many times while Seungri was in Japan.

She threw the magazine at Seungri, who was clueless. "Clearly I am not your only one." She said storming off. Seungri yelled at her, "What, baby, what do you mean?" He looked down at the magazine, the paged turned to the one with his face. He looked back up at her, she was running down the sidewalk towards their car, crying. Seungri threw down the magazine on the ground and dropped his candy, running after her.

"Yah, baby, please stop,'s not true, I swear" He yelled toward her as he ran after her. He caught up with her getting in front of her putting his hands out to stop her. "Stop, baby, please, you have to know its not true. That wasn't me, I swear."

Karin looked up at him crying. "Really Ri, really! You bastard." She yelled trying to walk past him. "Baby, please, baby..." He said as she walked past and to the car. She opened the door roughly and sat down inside laying over bawling so hard she could barely breathe. Seungri, got in. "Baby, please, please, talk to me...please...I swear...its not me, its not true...I'd never."

"Save it..." Karin said angrily. "Driver, please take us back to the!" She yelled. The driver nodded and drove off.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?