The Interview

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


"I really truly love you Seunghyun." I said again as he just stared at me. "I love you too baby." He finally said kissing me. I smiled, "I can't call you Top anymore I don't think." He looked at me confused as we sat there, time wasting away as it was getting closer to when we were to leave. "And why is that?" He said confused. "Because, because to me, Top a character you play for the world, ya know? I've been so in love with TOP the character since I first heard your music, but in these past few days, you haven't been Top, no, you've been Seunghyun and I like that part of you best." He glanced at me and smiled, he was now getting his robe on and heading to the closet to find an outfit. "Then call me Seunghyun. I love hearing you say it, the way it comes out of your mouth....well its adorable. But, when you are doing interviews and the like, it's Top, ok?" I nodded as I stood up and put my robe on, joining him in the closet. "Ok." I said kissing him.

40 mintues later we were headed downstairs to the living room, it had now become a sort of home base for all the staffers that were there trying to deal with the scandal, the rumors and our outed relationship. I was quickly approached by one of the YG staff and pulled aside as Seunghyun began to talk with his manager. I was briefed and given the rundown of what to expect at the interview. There were talking points to follow and certain words and phrases not to be said. It was all laid out for me, there on the paper that was in my hands. Seunghuyn finally joined me and put his arm around my waist. "You ready to head over?" he said, looking at me with his big brown eyes.

"As ready as I'll ever be." We headed towards the back door where it would be easier to leave without getting noticed. I looked myself in the mirror as I put on sunglasses, these were quickly becoming my new accessory, and then made sure my outfit was in place. Seunghyun grabbed my hand and we walked out together, quickly getting in our car to head to the studio. The car ride was quiet, I was intently reading over everything that was on the paper of instructions. My love sat there, his arm around me, looking out the window deep in thought. "Jagi." he sighed as I looked up at him. "I don't think I am so ready to share you with everyone yet, this happened to fast." He ran his free hand through his hair and looked at me.

"It'll be ok." I said reassuring him. "It was going to happen soon anyways, though not in this manner." I sighed. "But it is what is, right? Lets just get this over with so we can go back to the U.S."

"Ah, yes, our trip home. I think it will be good for us to get away. It will allow the rumors and press and all of that to die down and give us a true vacation. We leave in the morning, it's already planned!"

I smiled at him as we pulled up to the studio. This was turning back...time to come out to the world.


"Wow, what an incredible story." the interviewer said, after Top and I had shared the last little bit of the details we were allowed. "Don't you feel that its all fast?" She asked.

Top answered laughing, "We'd be silly to deny it. Yes, this has been a fast relationship, things have moved rather quickly for us, but, you know, we both agree that this how it was met to be."

"Yes, I agree with him." I said. "I suppose you could liken it to a fairytale almost. They meet, they instantly fall in love, they live happily ever after."

"But Top, didn't you once say you'd never date a fan? That even if you loved her, you'd let her walk away?"

Top smiled, "Yes, I did say that, but things changed where Deni was concerned." He smiled looking at me with love in his eyes. "To me, loving a fan was a bad idea and so I always told myself, 'Never fall for a fan, never.' It would make things too complicated I thought, but Deni, Deni changed that. The idea of allowing her to walk away from me, impossible." He sighed. "I just couldn't let her walk away. I wish I could take back those words now, because I really believe that love shouldn't have rules. I've learned to allow love to be what it is, not concerning myself with the what if's and the rules." I smiled as Top said this. He was right, love shouldn't have rules, it is what it is.

"Deni, so what's ahead for you two?" The interviewer asked the final question.

"Well." I started out. "I see bright things ahead for us. I think we will only grow more in our love and our relationship. We already have because of this situation and I can only see us getting stronger." I thought a minute as I continued on, "My hope is that VIPS will accept me as well as our relationship and love us and support us in that, but if they don't you know, its ok."

"We only want to go forward and grow from here." Top said. "I think now we will take a rest and head out on a holiday for awhile. I am done with touring with BigBang for a while and now is time to focus on myself and Deni, so we will be heading out soon to enjoy some alone time. After that, there are bright things ahead for her in her budding career and I look forward to being there through all of it."

The interviewer smiled as she thanked us for coming. "Well, we would like to thank you for sharing your story with us. We wish you two the best of luck as you move forward and we look forward to more interviews in the future." The interviewer signed off and the tapes stopped rolling.  "You guys really make an adorable pair." The interviewer stood up as we followed lead. We bowed to her and the crew and headed backstage.

"And like that, we're official." I said as Top grabbed me in an embrace.

"Great job baby! Let's go now, ok..." He kissed my forehead as we walked out the back. We were met by a crowd of screaming fans. I looked up as signs flashed in front of me. It hadn't been long since our relationship went public but already we were given a name - ToNi. The signs read, "We love ToNi!" "Top and Deni forever." I smiled as I walked out with him. He waved to the crowd of supporters and looked at me.

I waved as we got in the car I was nearly in tears. "They actually like me, they actually are ok with me." I said in disbelief. For all the negative, hurtful words I had read, there were way more positive, encouraging, supportive words. "Of course they do babe!" Top said as we snuggled together in the back seat. "Why wouldn't they, you're amazing!" He kissed the top of my head as we drove off towards the dorm.

"I can't wait for our trip, ya know?" I said, changing the subject. My phone buzzing in my purse. Top just nodded as he smoked and I grabbed my phone. I looked at it to see a text, from Ji. He and I hadn't talked at all since the fight, in fact, I really had no desire to talk to him as much as I missed my friend. I was still so hurt and angry and irritated. I put my phone down and ignored the text.

"Who's it from?" Top asked.

"Jiyong." I said.

"Aren't you gong to read it?" He said, half smiling.

"I don't know. I don't want to upset you and he is just on my nerves at the moment."

"It won't upset me if you read it issue is with him and not you." He said. I didn't even realize he had an issue. I smiled as I grabbed my phone and clicked on the text notification.

"Deni...first of all...I'm....I'm sorry. Second of all...we watched the interview...great job! You're a pro."

I clicked my phone and turned it off sighing. I wanted an apology, but not like that. I didn't want a texted half hearted easy apology. I wanted him to come to me and swallow his damn pride, but that wouldn't happen anytime soon. Even though I was beyond mad at him it was nice to hear him tell me the interview went well, since I had been so nervous about it. However that didn't make up for how he had treated mankae and how mad I was that his pride had taken over him. I loved my friend and missed him, but I knew after the fight and my talk with Top, Jiyong and I needed space from each other.

"What issue do you have with him?" I looked at Top.

"He's in love with my girl. That, THAT is an issue. I know he would never steal you, but, but I am not ok with him loving you."

"Seunghyun, are you....jealous?" I said.

"Yah, because I don't want any other man loving you. No other man touching are mine."

"But, babe, if I get into this industry of yours, you realize that will probably be the case?"

"Yes, but that's different." He said looking at me. "Its one thing for there to be you know admirers like that, there is a whole other issue when my best friend loves my fiance...that, that's not right. He just can't have you, no other man can have you, ok?"

I smiled as our car pulled up to the back of the dorms. "And no other man will. Babe, look at me." I said sitting up as he looked me in the eyes. "I am 100 thousand percent yours. Ok? Forget Jiyong right now. I have no intentions of talking to him right now or in the near future. I need space from him. I need to focus...and I am only focused on the next few hours before we head back to the U.S. ok???"

My love smiled at me as he hugged me. "I just can't share you...with...him." He was being possessive, but I liked it. "I just...." I kissed him to shut him up and then looked at him. "Stop it! Let's go in ok? I need to check on Karin and you, you need to head to your meeting with President YG."

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?