
The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


The time ticked away quickly, before we knew it it was almost 12pm. We were due to head out to the airport at 12:15, arriving there at 12:30 to wait for our flight. I was so concentrated on this situation, I hadn't even had the chance to actually change out of my pajamas. As Top focused all his attention on Karin, I focused all of mine on Seungri, still sitting there holding the towel to his cheek. I smiled at him, trying to comfort him. "Hey, Ri, sweetie, are you ok if I go get in my clothes?" He looked at me and nodded, "Of course Deni."

I got up and quickly ran to the washroom to change and at least wash my face. I didn't care about my hair, my make up, none of that. It didn't matter since I knew I had dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I threw on my outfit, a pair of tight jeans, a black tshirt that read I <3 T.O.P, my red tennis shoes and a red baseball hat. I'd pair that all with sunglasses eventually when we were downstairs. I walked out to the living area. Top, was helping Karin get into a big black coat, a big floppy hat and sunglasses.

It was time to go and I watched on as Karin and Top headed to the door. Top stopped and whispered to Karin, turning around and heading to me. He came over and hugged me tightly, then broke the hug and kissed my lips lightly. "Baby," he said softly, "I am taking her now,ok? We will head down first and we will meet you at the airport." I nodded and smiled a bit. Top looked over at Seungri, "Mankae, you take care of my girl you understand? Do not let anyone touch her or hurt her. I am putting my trust in you to take care of her." Seungri smiled, "I swear hyung, I will be with her every step of the way." Top kissed me again, then went and hugged Seungri and headed back to Karin, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Come on little girl."

They opened the door to what seemed like a herd of bodyguards. Jiyong wasn't kidding, there really were a ton of them here to help us out. YG would stop at nothing to protect his boys and the two girls that where a part of the family. I took in a deep breath as I watched them leave. I had no idea what waited downstairs but I had a feeling it wasn't good. Seungri came over to me and put an arm around my shoulder, "You ok, noona?" He asked concerned. "Yah." I whispered. We would wait in the room until their car left...or well, that was the original plan. My phone rang in my purse. I grabbed it to see a call from Top.

"Aye, what, what's wrong?" I said concerned since he was calling me so quickly. "Baby, can you guys come down, Karin won't leave without you here. She needs you." He said, I could hear the screams of the crowd in the background.

"Uh, yah, of course, we are headed down now." I looked at mankae as I ended the call. He grabbed my arm and walked with me as we headed out. The bodyguards crowded around us as we headed down the elevator to the lobby. We stepped off and walked towards the back door. I stopped, I couldn't take another step because of the screaming I heard. I was not used to paparazzi, crazy fans, the commotion that was going on outside.

Top and Karin were over in the corner where she was crying and he was trying to calm her. Seungri and I walked over to them, the bodyguards building a wall around us. I walked up to my sister and hugged her tightly as she cried. "Karin, sweetie, its ok. I'm here." I pulled away and looked deep in Karin's eyes. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "You need to go with Top now, ok? He won't let anyone hurt you sweetie. I will see you guys at the airport ok? Please sweetie." Karin looked at me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Deni, if...if...if...if they kill me, always remember me."

I sighed, "Karin, no one is going to kill you, stop with that crap ok?" Karin squeezed me tighter as she went on. "I have loved you since the first day we met, Deni. I love you so much, you know? You are my family now, you are the only family I have now. You are both my sister and my mother. I love you so much sissy." I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my chest. This was the first time in hours that Karin wasn't a zombie. I sighed, "Oh my sissy. I love you too. Always will. You have more family here then you think. Now, go with Top, ok, he won't let anyone hurt you and neither will the bodyguards, you have plenty of protection." I lifted her head up in my hands and looked her in the eyes. "I'll see you in a bit at the airport, no one can touch us there. Now, go..." I kissed each of her cheeks and let go, backing away from her.

The airport had been closed to the public for the afternoon, I knew once she was there, once we were there, we'd be safe. I cried as I turned to my Top. I wanted to be with him so bad, but I knew he needed to protect Karin and get her to the airport quickly. He smiled at me and reached for my hand, pulling me to him. He looked deep in my eyes as he wrapped his arms around my waist, me wrapping mine around his neck. "I love you baby." He kissed me sweetly but quickly. He pulled away and I smiled looking at him, "I love you too." I said as he went to Karin. "Come now little girl, lets get you out of here." They walked off, 20 bodyguards around them attempting to cover them.

The crowd that had gathered was full of very angry fans and tons of people wanting just a picture, just one picture. People were screaming at Karin, saying terrible things to her as they exited the building. My heart sank hearing the words being thrown in her direction. So many people were hating on her and Seungri and they were vocal about how they felt. I wanted so much to run out there and tell them off. Instead I was stuck inside having to watch, while Seungri and I stood together my arm around his waist, his arm around my shoulders. Our group of guards stood there, not allowing anyone to come near us.

I could see Karin grab Top as she was trying to turn around and come back inside. Top moved forward, blank stare, his arm around Karin's shoulder. "Come little girl, come." He said pulling her forward. "No, no, Top, their going to kill me." She yelled out at him. Top looked at her annoyed, "Stop, now, you won't die, now walk, fast." Top began to practically pull Karin as they arrived at the car.

Again my heart sank, as they finally got to the car where Top helped Karin get in, then climbed in himself. I watched as the car pulled away with the help of a path cleared by numerous police officers. Tears began to run down my face, thinking of Karin, thinking of my fiance who I wanted beside me more than anything, listening to the crowd scream. It was all too much and I really wanted no part of it.

In that moment part of me wanted to walk away, away from this life that I had. I was seeing the horrible part of being in the limelight and it was terrible. I felt frail as it was, without the crowds sharp as knives words. I couldn't legs were stuck to the ground there. I couldn't take one step forward, I wanted to run and hide, but couldn't. I was stuck.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?