Yacht Date Pt. 2

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


Seungri looked deep in Karin's eyes smiling. Tonight's date had hardly begun and already he was the happiest little panda. "I love you." He said to her, kissing her lips again lightly. "I love you too, RiRi." Karin said her arms still around his neck, still sitting on his lap. She pulled her left hand forward and eyed the new ring on her finger. Her RiRi had done well, picking out the perfect couple ring for her, it was simple and lovely. Perfect.

"Ehem, excuse me, Sir, your dinner is ready." The waiter said, looking at Seungri while balancing a tray with food on it. "Ah, yes, please sit it down." Seungri said smiling up at him. The waiter did as he was told, placing their dinner out on the table. "Let's eat baby." Ri said, stealing one more kiss from Karin before she got up and headed to her chair. She sat down, placing her love note in her purse, she couldn't lose it. She put her purse back down and looked at the food placed on the table. So many delicious looking things were sitting there, she wasn't sure where to start. Karin and Seungri dug in and ate and ate. Hardly saying a word to each other. If there was one thing they both liked it was food and eating.

After a time they were both finished, sitting back in their chairs sighing. Karin looked over at Ri who was picking something out of his teeth. That boyfriend of hers, even with his bad manners he was cute as hell. She looked down at her ring again, she couldn't believe that it was hers and that he had given it to her. Karin pulled out her phone and fiddled with it, while Seungri excused himself a moment. She looked at her twitter, her text messages, her instagram, trying to pass time. She thought about her best friend who was across town, having a romantic night with her fiance. She pulled up her name, "My Unnie Deni" the description on her phone read. She texted Sis, I hope you’re having an amazing night. Our night is perfect so far, nothing could ruin this. P.S. look at twitter. Top had posted a sweet picture of a candle flame on twitter and wrote something sweet and discrete to his love.  Karin was very happy to be able to share all of this with her friend she had met on twitter. They were very close, more sisters than friends. They had been through much together, including being girlfriend's of some seriously special kpop idols. Karin put her phone back in her purse and looked at Seungri, who had returned. "So what now?" She asked looking at him.

"Now, baby, we head to another surprise." Seungri smiled a wicked smile at Karin, placing his hand out to her. Karin took her napkin off her lap and placed it on the table, grabbing Seungri's hand she stood up and followed him to his surprise. They headed down to the ballroom. In the middle of the dance floor sat a chair, which Seungri lead Karin to. "Please sit down baby." Karin obeyed, sitting down, crossing one leg over the other. "Now, I have something very special planned for you, close your eyes."

"Another surprise? Really RiRi, I think there's been enough." Seungri shot her a look and she smiled closing her eyes tightly. "No peeking." He said to her as he walked over and grabbed a mic without her knowing it. Music started to play over the speakers, Karin jumped a bit as it started. She listened - she knew the melody. What on earth, she thought to herself. Strong baby was playing, what was he up to. Seungri began to sing, serenading her with the song that she loved most. He danced around her, singing straight to her. Karin smiled watching him preform a special performance for her. Karin sang along and even clapped during the "Crack Crack Crack" part. Seungri finished and bowed.

"Dance with me?" He said. A slow soft song came on, Karin stood up and Seungri pulled her into his arms. There in that embrace they danced slowly to the song. "Wanna know a secret?" Seungri said suddenly. "Hmmm, what?" Karin asked. "I get very scared sometimes that you will leave me." Karin pulled back a bit and looked him in his eyes, "Omo, baby, why?" She asked confused. "I...I....don't know, I feel like sometimes I am not good enough or that I will disappoint you somehow." Karin smiled and placed a hand behind his head, playing his hair. "Stop being silly, RiRi. You could never disappoint me and you are definitely good enough. I am never leaving, I promise." Seungri smiled and sighed a sigh of relief, they continued to dance. The music stopped and Seungri took Karin back up to the top deck, sitting her down on a cushioned seat.

He sat behind her as she laid back using his chest as a short of pillow or seat back. Seungri had grabbed a blanket to cover up his Karbear's legs, he sat behind her, his arms around her waist holding her close to help keep her warm. She made his heart skip a beat. After a year together, even now, it still felt as exciting as their first date. They had met when Karin was on hoilday in Seoul with her family. They literally had run into each other at a park. Seungri remembered thinking after that first run in, I will marry her someday.

They had a series of run ins and finally after a week, Seungri had the courage to ask her out on a date. Their first date was to dinner and a movie, something simple. It was that night that they officially became a couple, it only took one date for both of them to know. Karin had to go back to her home and they spent the next couple of weeks texting, calling and emailing. Seungri always loved learning more and more about Karin, her life in her country, her love for Big Bang, her best friend she met on twitter and that best friend's love for his hyung Top. Karin loved learning about Seungri outside of his idol world. She got to know him for who he was Lee Seunghyun, not Seungri. Within a month of beginning to date Karin made the decision to move to Korea to be with Seungri. It was a hard decision, because her parents threatened that if she did, they would never speak to her again and she'd be cut off, never welcome at their home again. Karin moved anyways and as her parents threatened, she hadn't talk to them since.

"Seungri." Karin said, taking in a deep breath. "Yes, baby." He said pulling her in closer to him. "I miss my parents, I think I want to contact them." She said, wiping a tear off her cheek. "Do you want to call them now?" Seungri said, pulling his phone out. "No, not now, not tonight...but soon. I just want to hear their voice." Karin said sitting up and turning around to face him. She placed her legs across his lap, covering them with the blanket. Seungri smiled sweetly at his girlfriend, he could tell she really missed her family. "Ok baby...lets change the subject, eh? Pick the mood up a bit?" He wiped a last tear off her face.

"Aye, yes! I don't want to be sad, not tonight." Karin said, smiling at him scooting to sit closer to him. "What shall we talk about?" Seungri thought and said, "Aye, what if we don't talk. Lets ask the yacht to return early and go get some dessert and take a walk down the beach?" Karin nodded in agreement. Seungri got up a moment and went to waiter, asking him to please let the captain know they wanted to return to the harbor as soon as possible.

He returned and sat beside Karin, pulling some of the blanket on his lap, then taking off his jacket and placing it on his cold girlfriend's shoulders. "Let's play a game baby!" Karin looked at him, "Ok what?" Seungri thought for a moment...and then smiled. "First letter last letter?!" This was Seungri's favorite game. A word would be said and the other person would have to come up with a new word with the last letter of the other word. "Aye, RiRi, you and that game." Karin said, poking his side. "Fine, you start!"

Seungri thought. "You."

"Uggs" Karin said giggling.





"Top!" Seungri laughed out.


"Kiss." Seungri leaned over and kissed Karin before she could come up with another word causing her to smile.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?