I Still Love Him

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


I was crying as I tried to explain to Top what I had just read on my phone. I wasn't sure what had happened, but I knew it couldn't be good if Karin was wanting to harm herself. "Something bad must have happened." I said to Top, tears streaming down my face. "Karin said she was ending it and I don't know if that means her or them or what. But we can't stay here, Seunghyun, I am sorry, but we have to, we have to go."

Top didn't argue, he didn't say a word he just grabbed my shoes in one hand and my hand in another and pulled me with him. We ran out the back door to the car, we didn't even notice the crowd that was still out there. The furthest thing from our minds was hiding ourselves, we only cared about the fact our friends, our younger siblings were in trouble. We ran to the car and climbed in quickly. The driver pulled away.

Tops phone rang, he looked down and noticed the caller ID. It was Seungri so he answered quickly. "Hello." He said. A moment later saying, "We are already on our way....what happened mankae?" He turned the phone on speaker so I could hear. Seungri began to explain.

"We were out, everything was fine, then she saw an article in that stupid gossip magazine she likes. Next thing I know she's running off and crying. The article said something about me and some woman in Japan, the woman claimed that I was basically a jerk in bed. Karin believes it, she believes it and...but I know it's not true...I never did that. I've been trying so hard to reason with her, talk to her, but she just won't listen. We got back and she tried to jump off the balcony, then was going to take pills. I stopped her, but now she's locked in the washroom, I dont know what to do."

I looked at Top and back at the phone. "Mankae, I believe you did nothing and I can't understand why she doesn't. But we are on our way, please don't let her do anything stupid. Ok? We will be there in a minute...we will figure this out ok?"

"Yah." Seungri said sadly on the other line.

"Yah, mankae, hang in there brother, we are on our way." Top said, ending the call. "You ok?" He said, looking at me, seeing the pain in my eyes. He moved close to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. He knew how close I was to Karin, he knew that she was my sister. He understood that what hurt her hurt me too. "Baby, oh baby, she will be ok. Ok? We will help them figure this out." I just sat there crying into his chest. I was mad that my night had ended abruptly, I was overwhelmed, but mostly I was really worried for Karin.

I knew she would be lost without him. She had given up so much to be with the man she loved and if I knew her, I knew she thought she had nothing left. I had to do whatever I could, whatever possible to be there for her and get her through this. Our car pulled up to the back door of the hotel, Top and I hurried in and up to their room. Seungri was waiting with the door open.

He looked completely broken, not the usual fun, silly, annoying mankae I knew. I walked up to him and smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. "Oh mankae." I said as I pulled him into tight hug. He limply hugged me, beginning to sob. "I swear.....noona....I....didn't...I..." he tried to get out. "No no no, you don't talk, I know you didn't do it. Ok, shhhhhh, its ok." I pulled back and took his face in my hands, looking him in the eyes. "You don't have to explain anything to me, I don't believe the crap for one second." I kissed his forehead and smiled. "Is she still in the bathroom?" He nodded.

I looked at Top who wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulder and comforted him and walked in to the room. I sat my purse down and lightly knocked on the bathroom door. "Seungri I told you, leave me alone." Karin yelled. I sighed a heavy sigh, "Sis, its not, its me, Deni...please sis let me in?" I heard her move to unlock the door. "Oh Deniiiii...."she said. I turned the knob and walked in to see her laying on the rug in a child like state.

"Oh Karin." I said sitting beside her, lifting her head and putting it in my lap. She hugged my waist and continued to cry heavily. I didn't know what to say or do, other than hold her there. On one hand I wanted to take the pain away for her and on the other I wanted to smack some sense into her. I'd known her long enough to know that she had a tendency to overreact - especially where Seungri was concerned.

We sat there on the rug on the bathroom floor, Karin sobbing, me just, just, letting her. There were no good words in that moment. After what seemed like hours, but was really only a few minutes Karin finally stopped crying. She sat up against the wall and looked at me sadly. I turned to face her. "Karin." I said, wiping tears off her face and then holding her hands. "Oh sweetie."

"He cheated on me, sis. I'm completely broken." She said. My head wanted to say, no he didn't you dummy, but I knew better. So I smiled. "I know, I know you're broken baby. What happened?" I asked already knowing, but not being sure what to actually say. Karin took a deep breath and poured it all out. Explaining the entire evening, from the yacht, to the ring, to the love note, to the cafe, to the terrible moment she read the article. All of it.

I moved to sit beside her, putting my arm around her shoulder and hugging her. I looked down at her left hand, the ring was still there. For being so mad, I figured by now that ring would be off her finger. "Sissy, can I ask you something?" I said. She nodded. "If you are so mad and so convinced mankae cheated, then why is this still on your finger?" I pointed to the ring. She looked at me. "Because I love him. I love him so much that this makes it hurt worse. I can't take it off, I won't take it off."

Hearing my sis say that made me breathe a small sigh of relief. She may have been bitterly mad at him, but she loved him still. There was hope for them, even if it wasn't a quick fix. I wanted badly to tell her to talk to him, because I believed he hadn't cheated. And the truth was he hadn't, he never did. Karin though really struggled to believe it.

"Unnie, I have nothing left." She said. "I've lost my family because I chose him and moved here. I don't know what to do, I don't know where I am going to go now." I hugged her closely. "Aye, Karin, you aren't alone, you have me, I am your sister! I will not leave you. And you have Top too. He loves you and wants to help you through this. And you have the other guys, the rest of the YG family, you aren't alone. And you do have a place to go, your apart...." I stopped. I had forgotten that Seungri and her shared that apartment.

"Unnie, thank you." Karin hugged me tightly, sobbing.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?