The Kindness of Stangers

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


Seungri and I waited for our car to arrive. Due to the news of the scandal and Top and his girlfriend Jeju Island was very busy. Everyone wanted to get a look at the new girl in Tops life, everyone wanted to see Seungri and Karin, everyone wanted a glimpse. Our car was late getting to us so we were forced to stand around and wait a little longer than we'd planned. I found a seat and sat down praying for this nightmare to be over. I wanted to close my eyes and when I'd open them, everything would be back to normal. Unfortunately it wouldn't actually work, it wasn't meant to be that way.

I sat on the couch in the foyer hugging my legs to my chest, resting my head on my knees. Seungri had decided earlier to make it his job to protect me. He figured if he put all his effort into that, then maybe his mind would be off of the disaster happening around him. He came over and sat beside me, putting his arm on my back. "Noona, are...are you ok? You look lost in thought." I tried to smile at him, I wanted to be strong for him, but it was hard to even fake a smile at this point. "No, I am not ok." I said as tears began to fall down my cheeks. "Seungri....mankae...I'm scared. I'm so scared and I'm tired, very tired." This was all I could get out, I could hardly form a sentence. Seungri sighed. I really needed him to be funny, but I knew that my practical jokester of a younger brother was gone for now. "Deni, I am scared too and tired. I want this to all be over."

Seungri and I stopped talking and just sat there because neither of us knew what to say. I sat back and laid my head on his shoulder as we sat on the couch waiting and waiting. We were already 20 minutes late leaving for the airport. One of the YGE staff was trying desperately to figure out why our car wasn't there, the bodyguards just stood around and blocked us from view. The crowd outside, for now, had calmed down. The clock ticked away as we waited. By now, Top and Karin were at the airport and waiting for us. They crossed my mind over and over as we waited. I finally decided to reach out to Top, knowing he was probably concerned.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted him. "Hey babe, as you can see we still aren't there. It seems the car that was to take us is delayed or something. We are just waiting and waiting." I stood up and began to pace, I was full of nervous energy and yet so very tired. I just wanted to be with my Top and on my way back to Seoul. What was supposed to be an amazing holiday became nothing but a terrible dream. As I paced my phone went off. I checked my messages to see one from Top. "Baby, I have called the police station and told them to get down there and get you guys out. I don't want you around those animals outside. This is ridiculous." Top was a pretty even tempered man, but mess with his family, friends or especially his fiance and he was not going to sit by quietly. After another few minutes we were told the car would be there soon. They had been saying this for the past 30 minutes...I began to wonder when soon was.

My phone rang in my hand as I finally sat back down. "Hello?" I answered hearing my Top's voice on the other end. "Yah, baby, I am about to come over there and get you myself." He started to yell into the phone. "I can't believe they can't get a car to come and get you. What is so hard about that? huh?" I listened as Top went off at me upset. I loved how protective he was, but found it hard not to smile because even when really angry he was cute.

"Sweetie, they are trying." I said trying to calm him down. "I'm sure the car will be here before we know it.  Please calm down, they are doing everything they can. The staff have been on the phone since you two left, trying to get us a car. They really are trying."

"Yah well they aren't trying hard enough are they? This is bull! I have called everyone I can think of to come to get you and yet, there you sit still waiting. What is wrong with people? I am worried about you jagi, I just want you here with me so I know you are ok."

"Hunny, please calm down. I am fine! Seungri and I have been sitting here talking, the guards have not let anyone near us at all. At the moment the crowd is just standing outside not really saying anything. Babe, how is Karin? Can I talk to her?" I couldn't stop thinking about my sister, I just wanted to hear her voice.

"Oh, Karin, she locked herself in the bathroom again. The bodyguards are currently over trying to get her to open up but she keeps saying she'll only open up for you. Which is also why I want you here. She's so difficult to deal with right now and you seem to have that magic touch when it comes to her in this state."

"Yah, that girl." I said sighing heavily. "Always locking herself in the bathroom. I wish I was there with you, with her. God this so much. I can't take it much longer." Again I began to cry. I really just wanted to be with him, in his arms. As we continued to talk there was a commotion outside. "Babe, I, I gotta go, there's something going on. I'll talk to you soon." Top sighed, "Please be careful Jagi, I love you."

I walked over to the back door to see what was happening. My bodyguard Cha followed me closely. I looked out to see two women, who looked to be about 20 or so asking to come in and talk to us. I was confused as I looked on, the police not allowing them to go past the barricade. "Cha, can you please go find out what they want." I said looking at him. "Yes, Ms. Hooper." Cha walked out and talked with the two women and came in shortly after. I looked at him waiting to find out what was said. "Ms. Hooper, they have offered to give you and Mr. Lee a ride to the airport. They are good friends with the owners of the restaurant you and Mr. Choi went to last night. They heard about the situation and have offered to help." I smiled and turned to one of the YGE staff members that was still on the phone looking for a car.

"Why couldn't they, those girls out there, just give us a ride?" I asked. "Could we please allow them to do this, please?" The staff member made a call and about 5 minutes later came up to me. "I have talked with YG, we have confirmed who these women are and he is ok with them taking you to the airport. You and Mr. Lee will be accompanied by each of your personal bodyguards in the car for safety." I smiled and thanked them, walking over to Seungri. "Let's go mankae, lets get the hell out of here." We headed to the door, as the screams of the crowd picked up again. I put on my sunglasses and made sure I was as covered as possible. Seungri and I linked arms, our guards forming a circle around us, with Cha and Seungri's guard standing on either side of us.

Seungri looked at me, "Whatever they say, don't pay attention, ok? Don't look at them, don't smile at them, don't acknowledge them." He advised me sweetly. "Just walk forward without stopping, keep going no matter what, ok noona?" I nodded at him and looked forward as the first two bodyguards opened the door and headed out. I took a deep breath as Seungri and I walked forward through the open door. The crowd went wild as we headed out. There were camera lights everywhere, people screaming and yelling. I grabbed Ri's arm tight as we walked ahead. I was scared to death as I did my best to ignore them, but it was hard. Most of the fans yelled at Seungri, they yelled terrible things to him, their words hate filled and hurtful. Other fans yelled out to me, wanting me to wave or acknowledge them.

I didn't look at them, I wouldn't. I kept my head down and just walked forward. We finally made it the car of these kind strangers. Cha opened the door for us as Seungri and I got in followed by Cha and Ri's guard. The sweet girls pulled away and headed to the airport. After we got further down the road I took of my sunglasses and wiped away the tears that had been streaming down my face. Seungri looked at me and said nothing, just put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a big hug. I sat there with my mankae as we got closer to the airport, thankful for the kindness of strangers.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?