Blood Stained Hands

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


I could have stayed in the embrace forever. I was finally back with my fiance and for the first time in hours I felt safe and content. There was really nothing like a hug from Top. His hugs were strong, yet simple and perfect. He always held on tight enough to calm you, but never enough to hurt you. It was in his embrace that I always felt the safest. I knew that as long I was wrapped in his arms I would be ok, no one could get me there.

Seungri and I had finally, after what seemed like forever, arrived at the airport. I spent my first few minutes there being held by the one person in my life that I knew would make it all better. Top wouldn't let me go and I was ok with that. I was still rocked and struggling from the crowd and the words that were yelled at us. I was still completely exhausted and drained, emotionally and physically. I was happy for those few moments he held me, his touch was truly healing. I relaxed in his arms, putting everything out of my mind, just being...being there with him. I was in a trance standing there, until I heard the yelling of the bodyguards a few feet away.

I had forgotten about the fact that once again Karin had locked herself in the bathroom. It was her way of escaping and really it annoyed me and I think everyone else. I wished she would just face everything head on instead of hiding, but then, then she wouldn't be the Karin I adored. I looked at Top as we held on to each other. "How long has she been in there?"

"Practically since we got here. She almost instantly went in there. I tried really hard to reason with her, but she said she wouldn't leave until you were here." Top said pulling away a bit and looking at me, trying to smile. "I don't know how Seungri ever put up with her, ya know that? She's a little exhausting at times."

I chuckled, looking at Seungri who was pacing outside the bathroom door. I knew how he did...I knew it was because he loved her deeply. And I, I knew that Karin was like this and yet agreed, sometimes it was exhausting, yet I too loved her so much. "Yah, she is, but that's why he is so good for her, even though mankae is crazy, he can be calm and I think that calmness is what often helped Karin the most. Aye, I should probably go check on her." I looked up at Top and smiled. "She needs me." He smiled and nodded, kissing my temple before I walked away.

I stopped Seungri from his constant pacing and took his hands. "Seriously, mankae, I love you and I know you are worried, but this pacing will do nothing to help ya know?" He looked at me, "Yah I know, but I love her Deni. She's everything to me and I want to break down that door and hold her and fix her, fix this."

"I know my sweet boy, I know. Let me talk to her ok, let me take care of her for now. I won't let her be alone." Seungri let go of my hands and hugged me sighing. "Thank you thank you thank you noona. I don't know what I'd do without you here. I don't know what she'd do without you here, she'd be lost without you." I smiled as I hugged my mankae. "Aye, it's really nothing." I said pulling back and taking his face in my hands. "Now, go over there with your hyung and sit, relax. Let me handle that little girl in there." I kissed each of his cheeks and sent him over to Top, who embraced him.

Taking a deep breath I headed to the door of the bathroom that Karin had chosen to lock herself in again. If I were honest I was really sick of knocking on bathroom doors, but I wasn't sick of helping my friend and she took priority right now. I knocked on the door and called out for her. "Karin, sweetie, I'm here now. Can you let me in?" I listened and waited, hearing nothing. Again I knocked. "Karin, please open the door, you said you would when I got here. I am here now so please please let me in." Again I waited and still heard nothing. I began to worry, I knew Karin was upset but she should have opened the door by now. I began to beat on the door, making Top and Seungri concerned. Top ran over to an airport staffer and asked if they had a key to the door. Within seconds the staffer had unlocked the door and I opened the door.

I walked in and around the corner. I didn't see Karin at first as I called out her name. "Karin, sweetie, did you lock yourself in a stall?"  I said, walking to the back of the row of stalls. I finally located her feet, pushing open the stall door. "KAAAAAARRRRIINNNNNN!" I screamed falling to the floor at her side. "OMG...SOMEONE HELP!!! PLEASE..." I cried out, tears flowing hard. There she laid lifeless on the floor. There was blood all over her wrists from the cuts she had put on them. I grabbed her head and put it in my lap, not realizing that I was getting her blood all over me.

"Please, please" I yelled. "Karin...oh please Karin...Karin wake up." I repeated shaking her, slapping her face. Top and Seungri had heard my loud screams and ran into the bathroom. Seungri fell to the ground beside me as I sat there, trying to wake Karin. I wasn't sure if she was alive or not so I shook her to try to wake her. It was all I could think to do. Seungri leaned down and listened to her chest. "Omo, she's breathing, my baby is breathing." As Seungri began to cry and yell her name I continued to try to wake her  I was a mess, crying and screaming as I sat there with my sister. Top grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "You need to get out of here." He said to me leading me to the door, doing what he did best, protecting me. "No, no, Top, she...she...she needs me." I tried to resist, but Top won and got me out into the the lobby.

Top grabbed me tightly as I went weak in his arms. He worked at getting me to a chair where he sat me down, kneeling in front of me. Seungri remained with Karin in the bathroom. He took off his tshirt and ripped it, tying strips of it around the cuts on Karin's wrists. He held her in his arms as a couple of bodyguards helped him get her out and into the lobby. The paramedics had been called and now it was a matter of just making sure to keep her comfortable until they arrived.

Top remained with me as I sat in the chair. I could hardly catch my breath as I sat crying hard, Karin's blood staining my hands. Top asked for a damp rag and Cha ran to get one. Top carefully took each of my hands and wiped them, cleaning off the blood. Then he took another and wiped my face in an attempt to calm down. He was gentle about it, slowly and perfectly wiping the rag on my face.

"Jagi, I need you to breathe for me. Take deep breaths for me, in and out." He said as he lovingly took care of me. I tried to obey, but I was too far gone in my crying to actually listen. "Top...she...she...I....she...I...can't...she..." I tried to form a sentence, but couldn't. "Jagi, don't talk, ok, just breathe. Look at me, look in my eyes, ok?" I looked at him, tears still streaming down my face. I looked at his eyes as he smiled at me. "I'm here...I love you."

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?