The Beginning of the End

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


"Karin, I'm glad to see that smile on your face." I said as I helped Karin get her things out of Seungri's room and move them into the room I had been staying in at the dorms. Obviously she couldn't stay in that room now, too many memories were in that room. I gabbed a box of her items as she and I headed down the hall to my old room. Top and I were leaving in the morning to head to the U.S. for a month of vacation. It was much needed for both of us and we were excited. Once we were back I was moving into his apartment and starting my new life with him.

"Well don't think that I am ok, though, sissy. I just, well GD, he's helped me a lot this morning." Karin had stayed in his room that night, sleeping in his bed while GD sat on the couch and just watched her, making sure she was ok. All night he just stayed there, staring. Meanwhile Seungri stayed in their room and slept very little. Daesung stayed with him, helping him through the night. "GD knew exactly what to say to me." She continued. "This is why he's my leader because he just knows how to fix it." We headed into her new room and set things up where she wanted them. The guys were at their meeting with YG and to be perfectly honest I was nervous. I respect YG but when it comes to things like scandals, rumors, relationships...he's pretty outspoken. I wondered if Seungri would speak up and say "Scold me more....scold me more..." like he tended to.

Karin began to unpack. I noticed as she did she still had her couple ring on that Seungri had just given her. I didn't mention it to her, no need to bring it up really. Karin dumped out her purse and rummaged through the contents, beginning to place them in another purse. She came across the note from Seungri and opened it to reread it, as she did she began to cry. "Kar, you know what, let me just take that for you ok?" I said reaching my hand out to grab it. "No, don't you dare." I looked at her, "ok, then I won't." She looked up at me. "Deni, no matter how much I hate him right now, I love him and I don't want to lose anything he's given me."


A few hours later Karin and I were finally finished moving her things into her new room and I was done packing mine to send some to the new apartment Seunghyun and I would share, the rest was in suitcases to head back to Indiana. Karin and I were simply sitting around talking when we heard the guys come in, loudly.

"Seungri, really, its not the end of the world." Seunghyun said to him as Seungri stormed away towards his room.

"Yah! At least he didn't tell you to break up with your girlfriend, hyung. Don't tell me its not the end of the world....its the end of my world." Seungri stopped and turned around, heading back to the front door. Grabbing his keys and slamming it as he left yelling..."I need a drink..."

I looked over at the rest of the guys. "What happened?" I asked anyone who'd answer, which was Bae. "Ah, Deni noona, lets just say YG laid down the law on all of us. Seungri is to break up with Karin, the theory being that it will help calm down the scandal and attacks." Karin looked at me and then back at Bae, "Wait, aren't I allowed to have a say?" She said getting mad and walking over to GD. "Don't I get a say in whether I want to be with him?" GD looked at Karin, I could tell that he was sad for her. "Sweetie, no not really. What YG says, goes...and do you really still wanna be with him anyways?" I looked at GD, what a rude thing to ask I thought. Karin backed off and looked around, "I guess, I mean...I guess not." She walked off and to her room. I knew she had just lied. She loved Seungri still, but she was too hurt and full of pride to actually stand up for their relationship.


Seungri sat at his favorite bar taking down drink after drink. He was completely at his end and really didn't care about much of anything anymore. I give up. I give up. He thought, drinking another shot. I've lost everything, whats the point anymore? I love her, I'll always love her. Another shot down. 

At home, we were all just trying to move on, some. Everyone was doing their own thing, Karin and GD talking in the living room, Top napping in our room and Bae, Dae and me playing video games. "GD, I'm sorry I have to go find him, its been hours now and I just need to find him." Karin got up to head to her room. "Like hell you will. Karin you don't need to be anywhere near him." GD said protesting. Karin ignored him and walked up to the three of us who were in the middle of a crazy game. "Bae, I...I'm sorry to interrupt, but will you take me to Seungri's bar? Please? I need to find him." Bae paused the game and nodded, "Sure, hun, sure..." GD attempted to protest still but Karin simply ignored him heading to her room. I ran after her, I had to figure out what she was thinking.

"Kar, sweetie, what on earth are you doing? The last thing you need...." She stopped me. "No, no, unnie. I am doing this whether you or anyone else agrees with me or not. I need to find him and talk to him." Karin got changed into a silky red dress and red high heels completing the look with some smokey makeup. "Kar, really, you don't really need to dress up, its just a bar." She shot me a look, "But it's Seungri...I'm not gonna do anything I shouldn't. I promise. I just need to talk to him. GD told me I needed to live for myself, but I can't do that without talking to him first. I can't live for myself without ending it with him the right way. I left everything for him, my family, friends, school, life and now I'm back at zero. Seungri won't end it unless I do and I can't start over, I can't be myself and live for myself without talking to him. You and GD, you two hold my hands and you help me stand up and keep me strong always, but now, I need to do this on my own. I must stand on my own, I must breathe again."

I smiled at Karin. My heart hurt for her, but yet I was proud that she was standing on her own two feet and handling things. I'd always back her and I knew she was right. Seungri would never really end it. Karin had to end it, it was best, for everyone, even if it hurt like hell. Karin finished and left her room heading down stairs to where Bae was waiting. GD had went out to smoke, he need air and he needed to be away from everyone for a time. I followed after her, "Wait, I'm coming with you two, Top's asleep and Bae I know you aren't used to bars." They smiled at me as we all headed out to find Seungri.

The car ride was a silent one. Bae focused on his driving, occasionally looking over at Karin or up in the rear view mirror at me, but mostly he just drove. Karin sat in the front seat just staring out the window, lost in thought. It was very rare for her to be so quiet and both Bae and I weren't really sure how to act with her like that. I spent my time playing on my phone, like usual. I texted Top to let him know where we were when he woke up and then I played on the internet some, mostly reading what the VIPS had said about me and Top. Before long we were at the bar and parking the car. Bae, being the brother and caretaker of us two put his arms out so that Karin and I could grab an arm and we could all walk in together. We entered the bar and Karin head towards the VIP section, as she did eyes of the patrons in the bar followed her...she ignored them all and headed to the spot she knew Seungri would be sitting. Bae and I followed behind linked arm and arm. He wasn't a bar go-er and I was really cautious now with mine and Top's relationships public. Bae and I watched as Karin finally located Seungri.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?