Beach Date Pt. 1

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


"Mankae, you know I still have every intention of getting you right?" I smiled kicking his leg under the table.

"Yah! Noona don't do that." He grimaced as I continued to kick his leg lightly under the table.

"Don't do what?" I kicked again. "This?" Kick. "Or this?" kick kick.

He reached down and grabbed my foot with his hand, taking off my sandal. Raising it up he yelled, "Yah, don't make me throw this at you." He said looking as if he was going to toss at me. Top played along and laughed, grabbing the sandal out of Seungri's hand.

"Hey, no throwing things at my girl? Got it mankae?" Top handed me my sandal.

"Yeesh, she started it hyung. She was the one kicking me, why not yell at her for that, huh?"

"I can't yell at her, she's my baby." I stuck my tongue out at Seungri as we all laughed, all except Seungri who got a little defensive.

"Yah, hyung, you've known me longer and yet you take her side, how unfair." He leaned back and crossed his arms pouting.

"Ah, yes, but I love her way more." Top said laughing in his deep voice reaching across the table and poking Seungri's cheek. Seungri just gave me a dirty look and looked over to Karin.

"Ah, how do you allow them to treat me like this? You're suppose to protect me and defend me you know baby? And instead you just laugh."

Karin tried to hold in a laugh. "I...I...I....pfffttt." Karin began to laugh hysterically. Reaching over and putting her hand behind his head. "You just make it to easy on them RiRi." Karin saw how  Seungri was and stopped. "Ah, RiRi im sorry. Forgive me? I am on your side, always." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yah, whatever." Mankae huffed, partially smiling. Karin again leaned over. "Come now RiRi, cheer up...please, for your Karbear?" I laughed out loudly. "Karbear?" I said, putting my face in my hands. Karin shot me a look of disgust. "Yah, you have an issue with our nicknames for each other?" I shook my head no and sipped on my water as Seungri finally sat up, smiling, as if he had won something.

"What?" I said after taking a sip. "What's that look for?"

"Noona, you just got served." He said laughing.

"Served? Really mankae, do you have any clue what the even means?" Seungri didn't know English as well as the others and I was certain he had no idea what he had just said.

Seungri looked at me and smiled. "Well whatever the term is, Karin totally just got you. And yah, noona, don't forget what payback is." He winked and shook his finger at me scolding me.

We all laughed hysterically a moment. It was nice to laugh like that after the crap of earlier. I had completely forgotten the issues with the fans and the rumors and was taking in this moment with my love, my best friend and my mankae. I sat back in the booth and smiled at the three people sitting there. I was truly happy and very relaxed  and it felt good. Karin and Seungri began to chat about their evening plans. Each of us had our own, private couple plans. Top had some fantastic dinner and who knows what else planned. Seungri and Karin were going to go out on a boat.

I looked over at Top as he sipped on his red wine. He smiled, "Want a sip?" He offered me his glass. "No, oppa, you know I don't care for that stuff." I pushed his hand away, wine was not my thing, but I appreciated the gesture. "Ah, well do you want another drink, something else, other than water?" He smiled, putting his hand on the back of my neck lightly. "Choi SeungHyun are you trying to get me drunk?" I laughed putting my hand on his leg and leaning over, kissing his cheek. He laughed, "No, no of course not." He winked at me.

The waitress finally brought our delicious assortment of food. She placed each of our dishes in front of us along with some sides on the table. I looked down at my dish my mouth was watering I was so hungry. I didn't waste time digging in and eating, forgetting all my manners. We all ate and talked and laughed. After an hour at the restaurant we were all finished, sitting back our bellies full.

"Ah, who is ready to go to the beach?" Top asked after paying for our meal. I looked over at him, smiling. "We all are, except you." He looked at me crossly. "What?" he said at me meanly. "Oh no, I mean, you know with how you're do you intend to go to the beach? You can't really swim in jeans you know." His face went from angry to smiling to laughing. "Jagi, I wear bathing suits ya know? But this body isn't for everyone's eyes." He said pointing at himself.

We all laughed and got up from our booth. I grabbed my purse and then grabbed Top's hand, interlocking our fingers. We walked out hand and hand, while Seungri and Karin were arm and arm. We headed out to the beach to swim the restaraunt was just down the shore line from there so we all just walked. I strolled hand and hand with Top, smiling. This was incredible I thought to myself. Seungri and Karin were a bit ahead of us, skipping and being playful. Top let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me tightly to his side. I followed suit, putting my arm around his waist.

"Ah, Jagi I haven't told you this yet, but you look beautiful today." He smiled looking down at me. I smiled back up at him sweetly. "Seriously, Jagi, no matter what you wear you look incredible, but today, today you look especially cute and beautiful. Those shorts and that tank suits you."

"Thank you oppa. You know I chose these shorts because they are your favorite color, right?" Top smiled, "I had hoped so." He moved his hand and placed it in the back pocket of my shorts. I giggled a little. Top was not a man that was outward with his love in public. I knew that and understood why he was quite reserved with his PDA. At home, no, he rarely could keep his hands off me, but in public, he knew better. Today was different, maybe because the beach was closed to public as were many streets and blocks around it. He seemed relaxed, which was good for me to see. "You just wanted a feel didn't you?" I asked him. He laughed and we headed down to the water line.

Seungri and Karin took off running in the sand, dropping their belongings as they ran into the waves. They hadn't even gotten into their swimwear yet, but the kids in them couldn't wait to play in the water. Seungri splashed water at Karin and she splashed back. It was a very cute site. Top and I, being the older more boring couple, laid out the blankets and put up the umbrellas. We sat down on the blanket together, Top took off his red tennis shoes and socks and rolled up his pant legs a bit.

I smiled at him looking him in the eyes, "Thank you." I said leaning over and pecking his lips. "For what," he said laying back on the blanket, his arms underneath this head. I flipped and laid on my stomach beside him, my elbow bent, my chin in my hand, my legs bent up at my knees with my feet crossed. "For this," I said. "For this vacation, for loving me,  well for everything." He moved one of his arms from behind his head and grabbed my chin sweetly. "You're welcome." He sat up and kissed me gently on the lips.

Suddenly Top and I were drenched with water. "You two knock if off already and get out to the water." Seungri laughed holding a pail. I sat up and turned around, shooting him a dirty look. "You are so in for it." I got up and ran after him towards the ocean. That little jerk....I thought as I ran into the water. "Get over here and face me like a man." I yelled at him.

Seungri ran and hid behind Karin as I grabbed the pail he had dropped. "Oh, so you are using my best friend as a shield are ya?" I said slowly walking up to him. "You don't think I'll throw water at you if you are cowering behind her huh? You are a chicken Lee Seunghyun, you know that?" I walked towards him with a pail of water.

"Unnie, no!" Karin shreeked as she tried helplessly to not be in the middle. I took the pail and ed the water towards them, missing Ri completely and getting my best friend instead. I looked at her face - she wanted revenge and she wanted it now. Seungri let go of her and she ran after me and jumped on my back, making me fall into the water. We sat up and just laughed at each other. "Unnie, your clothes, their all wet." She said.

"Ah, whatever, they'll dry." I stood up and took off my shirt and shorts tossing them on the dry sand. I adjusted my bikini top and bottoms, it was a blue bikini with stars on it. The top tied around my neck and the bottoms tied on either side. "Unnie, that is so cute." Karin said to me, "Can I borrow it sometime?" I smiled, "of course, anytime sis." I said, helping her up.

Just then I felt someones arms around my waist as I was lifted up. "Gotchya!" The familiar voice shouted out. I shrieked as Top spun me around in the air putting me down and turning me around. I looked at him, this was the first time not in the privacy of our own home that I had seen him without a shirt on. He had on a very nice pair of suit bottoms, plaid colored. "Oppa, you, you..."

"I...I...what." He said putting his arms around me.

"You have no shirt on, in public." I laughed. Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yah and?" He said looking at me. I said nothing back just smiled. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Jagi" he said in my ear sending chills up and down my back. "Jagi, Oh how I wish I could take this little bikini off you right now. You look incredible." I moved my head and looked into his eyes. I tapped this tip of his nose with my finger and broke free of his hold, "Then you better catch me." I said running away. Top smiled and ran after me like a little boy chasing his school yard crush.

I ran right into to Seungri who had been attacking Karin with water. "Noona," He said putting his arms out and grabbing me. "Payback is here." He playfully threw me in the water, splashing it in my face. I fought back as Top and Karin came up to us. "Mankae...please....don't..." I tried to say between splashes of water and laughs.

"Hey, that's my girl you are splashing." Top yelled as he tackled Seungri into the waves. I got up and grabbed Karin's hand. "Run" I said. We ran and hid near some rocks as the boys playfully fought each other in the water.

"Ah, hyung, get off." Seungri yelled trying to push Top off of him. "Never mankae." Top said, taking handfuls of sand and trying to force them into Seungri's mouth. "Pfffttt...hyung...pffffttt...stop, no." mankae screamed. Karin and I laughed hysterically sitting a bit down the beach.

"For the record sis, I like your suit too, I just didn't get to tell you earlier." Karin's suit was a strapless red top with a small red bottom that tied on either side. "Thank you, you can borrow it anytime." She said as we sat there in the waves while the boys continued to fight each other. "Hey, sis, I'm glad you're here ya know?" I said to her smiling. "I am so thankful that we are in this together."

She smiled back at me. "Omo, unnie, I love you ya know? I am glad too!" She picked up some wet sand and let it with the water run through her fingers. "Sis, you and Seungri, do you think you two will end up married, you know, like me and Top?" Karin looked up at me, smiling. "I really hope so, unnie. But for now, this type of relationship suits us. We don't need a ring or any of that to prove our love."

I looked at her a bit upset. "Omo, unnie, no I didn't mean it like that, I just met that we are happy like this, that's all. You and Top, you two are right were you need to be in your relationship. You two should be engaged because of the intense love and passion you have for each other. RiRi and I, we don't want that anytime soon so we are content here." I smiled at her as suddenly water was poured over my head.

"Lee Seunghyun!" I yelled looking up to scold him. Except it wasn't, it was Top. "Wrong one." He smiled running off handing the pail to mankae. I stood up and chased him, "Choi Seunghyun you are in so much trouble!" He stopped dead in his tracks. Turning towards me putting his hands on his hips. I ran up to him attempting to tackle him, but it was futile he was a strong pillar of a man, there as no way I would be able to bring him down. I tried though, jumping on his back, my arms around his neck, trying to bring him down with my weight. He just stood there chuckling to himself. "Is that the best you got, Jagi?" I continued to try and eventually giving up, getting down and pouting.

"Oh baby girl, don't be like that." He said to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me on the lips. I didn't kiss back. "You could have atleast let me win, this once." I said continuing to pout. "Oh you want oppa to let you win?" He said lifting my head up by placing a finger under my chin. I nodded at him. "Ok then, you can win." He backed up and stood there. "Come get me." I giggled and smiled, my pouting had worked. I ran at him, pushing him into the water him landing in it on his back. The waves crashed against his body as I stood over him. I stuck my tongue out at him, "Ha, I officially w..." I couldn't finish my victory speech...Top pulled me down on him.

We laid there in the water, waves crashing in all around us. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing me for a moment in the water. It was a sweet, special, memorable moment. I wanted it to last forever.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?