CandleLight Dinner Pt. 1

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


I remained on the bed as Top got on his computer for a bit. He emailed his parents to let them know how he was doing. I hadn't met them yet, they didn't even really know about me I didn't think. They knew Top had met someone, but I am sure they were not aware of how serious we were. I laid on the bed under the covers, just watching that beautiful perfect man sitting there. The devotion he had to his parents made me love him all the more, I believed if he was that devoted to his parents, then he would be even more devoted to his own children, someday. He got done and came over to me, sitting beside me on the bed. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

"Aye, baby, we should get ready, we have to leave very soon." He rubbed my arm sweetly with his hand and got up, heading over to the closet. He opened the doors and pulled out a white button up dress shirt. He laid it at the foot of the bed, then he grabbed his long Prada coat. It had to be my favorite thing of his that he owned. It suited him with the big white coller and the pinkish red color. And I, being biased, thought he looked just gorgeous in it. He grabbed out some black dress pants and his nice dress shoes. Laying it all at the foot of the bed he headed to the washroom to freshen up.

I sat up in the bed and grabbed my phone. I took a moment to text Jiyong, I hadn't heard from him since our little fight and I missed my friend. "Hey Ji! Just wanted to say hi. I miss you! This is an incredible vacation so far. You ok?" I put the phone down on the night stand and headed to the closet. I picked out the black dress that Top had gotten me for our engagement night. I grabbed a string of pearls and the silver heels I brought. I laid it down beside Top's outfit. As I did my phone buzzed and my ringtone went off. For Ji, the ringtone was "Light it Up" and thats what was playing. I picked up my phone and held it in my hand looking down. I saw the text from him. "Sweet girl, glad its fun, don't need the details though. ;P I miss you too, more than you know. Enjoy the plans Top has for you tonight, and aye, stop texting me, you should be focused on him silly." I held the phone in my hands, deciding on what to text. "Yah! Kwon Jiyong, I'll text my best friend if I want and you can't stop me! <3" I waited a moment and my phone rang again, "Sweetie, seriously, go get ready...I know you're wasting time - I know you. Have fun, see you soon!"

I smiled down at my phone. He could really irritate me but he knew me and for that I loved him. Not in the way he had wanted, but I couldn't imagine a better friend. Top came out from the washroom, smelling incredible, his white hair messed up a little. He wasn't even dressed in his outfit but he looked amazing. I went in and cleaned myself up taking a very quick shower. I stepped out, grabbing my robe. I left my hair down and curly, Top liked it like that. I threw on some make up and headed out to change.

Top was already mostly dressed. He had his undershirt and pants on and was getting into his button up shirt. I went over and smiled. "Hey, let me help you with that love." I buttoned his shirt starting from the bottom up. As I did, Top rubbed his hands up and down my arms. I got to the top two buttons and looked up. He smiled, taking my face in his hands and kissing my lips sweetly. "Thank you jagi." He swatted at my , "Now, go get yourself dressed, yae? We have to leave in 5 minutes."

I pulled my dress on over my head, pulling it down. I attempted to zip it but before I could start, he was there, his breath on my shoulder, his hands grabbing the back of my dress and zipper. "Let me." He said zipping up my dress slowly. I moved my hair aside as he got to the neck of my dress. "There." He said, leaning down and kissing my shoulder. I put my pearls on and turned around. I modeled for Top who looked at me lovingly. He grabbed my hand and spun me around. "Beautiful as always." He pecked me on the lips.

We headed towards the door, getting our shoes on and leaving the room. I grabbed Top's arm that he was holding out for me and we waited for the elevator. "Aye, jagi, I want tonight to be unforgettable you know?" He said on the way down to lobby. "Of course oppa. And I have no doubt it will be." I said leaning into his chest cutely. We stopped on the bottom floor and I moved to not be close to him. Even if we were in love, we still had to be careful. We stepped off the elevator, he had his sunglasses on to help with disguise. I had some big ones on too, I hid my ring in my purse for now and our body guards walked a few feet ahead of us.

We made it to the car safely, no one seeming to notice us at all. We got in the back and the driver headed off. "No matter how often we do this, Top, I will never be used to being with an idol and having people want a picture." He chuckled. "Hey, 7 years later and I am still not used to it, Jagi." He put his right arm around my back and looked down at his phone. He seemed a bit preoccupied.

I looked at him a little irritated. "Uh, oppa, are you expecting a call?" I said, pointing at his phone. "No." He smiled. "I'm just expecting an update on a plan for tonight is all. I want everything to be perfect." I laughed. "Then put that phone away and don't worry. You worry too much about silly things oppa. Tonight will be perfect because you are here and I am here and we are together." He smiled and put the phone in his coat pocket. He grabbed my hand with his now free hand and squeezed it. "Ah my brilliant baby." He chuckled.

I looked out the window. Jeju Island was beautiful at night. Picture perfect. I sank back into Top as he smoked with the window down. I wasn't thrilled that he did it, but I wouldn't ask him to stop. That wasn't me, he knew my stance and that was that. The smoke didn't bother me, I was a former smoker so part of me enjoyed it. We made the turn to where dinner would be. It was quaint little eatery on the outskirts of town. It was known as the place for couples to go and tonight it was all ours.

Our car pulled up to a crowd of people. I sat up and looked at out the tinted window. I quickly turned to Top in fear. "Top, Top what are we going to do....there are so many people here. They'llseeusohmygodtheywillfigureitoutTopareyoulistening." I said frantically all in one breath. Top just threw the of the cigarette in a holder on the door and chuckled. "Oh Jagi, do you not trust Oppa?" I shot him a look. I couldn't believe he'd ask that. "Of course I do, I just, I just, we are already in enough trouble as it is. I just don't want to be...." Top put his finger on my mouth to stop me from talking.

We pulled up in an alley behind the restaurant, where I saw a back door and a tent to give us privacy to enter. Top pulled out a jacket and handed it to me. "Just for a little more cover." He said. "Use it to cover up yourself as much as possible. I will exit first, yes? And then you will exit, your bodyguard Cha will be here to you in. Don't make eye contact, look down and don't show much of anything." He smiled. "I know what I'm doing, jagi. You trust me yes?"

I smiled. "Yes, I trust you oppa." He kissed my hand and exited the vehicle first, walking as fast as he could into the building. He made no eye contact with the screaming fans, he had no expression and he kept his head down. His personal bodyguard walked with him for safety. I waited a moment and took a deep breath in as I grabbed my purse and the coat. The door opened and I looked to see Cha, my guard waiting for me. I scooted over to the door and prepared myself. You can do this Deni, just follow Top's lead. This is your life now, you can do this. I took another deep breath, covered myself with the coat as much as possible, my sunglasses over my eyes. I put one leg out then another standing up. Cha put his arm around my waist and ushered me forward. I did as I was told, as I saw Top do. I put my head down, made no eye contact, just walked forward expressionless. People were yelling things like, "Unnie! Noona! Hey Top's girlfriend! look over here." I ignored it all and just ran forward.

I was inside faster than I thought. Cha closed the door behind me and smiled. "Good job Ms. Hooper." I looked at him and smiled handing him the coat, I quickly took my ring out of my purse and put it back on. I couldn't bare to not have it on my finger. "Aye, Cha, don't call me that, its Deni, please. And kamsahamnida." He smiled, "Aniyah...just doing my job." He walked off and left me in the care of Top who smiled at me, leading me to our table. All the windows were covered. We sat at a corner table where he pulled out the chair and I sat down. He pushed the chair in for me and then ed a couple buttons on his coat, sitting down across the table from me.

I took in the room, he had outdone himself. There were candles everywhere. On the table there was a beautiful candle flickering, a box that looked to contain jewelry, a bottle of wine and my favorite drink, a mango margarita. I looked at the box and put my fingers on it. "Ah, no not yet." He said, grabbing it from me putting it on his side of the table. He grabbed my hands from across the table. "You did great with those crazy people out there jagi." I smiled at him, rubbing the top of is thumbs with my own. "It was really scary."  I said. "I don't like this part of our relationship" I chuckled. "Aye, I know baby." He said. "But you handled it very well." I let go of his hands and took my drink in my hand. "You got my favorite drink! You really thought of everything." I said taking a sip. "Aye, I wanted tonight to be perfect for you jagi. I went as far as to have them prepare your favorite food." I looked at him. "They know how to make my favorite grilled chicken dish here?" I asked surprised. "Well they did when I got the recipe." He chuckled leaning back in his chair acting proud of himself.

I laughed. "You, Choi SeungHyun, are a man of many surprises." He smiled. "Now can I have the box?" I joked looking at him with a pouty face and puppy eyes. "Gah, you always do this jagi." He said. "But I won't break this time, I have to give it to you at the right time and this is not that moment." I took another sip of my drink. "Fine!" I said. We talked a bit about the day, the look on Seungri's face when Top tried to feed him sand, the look on Seungri's face when I poured water on him in the middle of kissing Karin, the scuba diving. We laughed holding hands and taking sips of our drinks occasionally. Before we knew it our first course was out, I looked down at the food in front of me. On one plate was kimchi, on the other my favorite appetizer, deep fried pickles. I looked at Top. "For real? You got me deep fried pickles! Oh Top baby, I could kiss you!" He laughed as I grabbed his hand and kissed it. He knew how much I loved those pickles, even if they were extremely unhealthy. "Enjoy." He said, pointing at them. "This night is all about you." He picked one up and dipped it in the ranch dressing he knew I loved. He fed it to me as I happily ate it, bouncing up and down in my chair.

We ate the appetizers together, Top even eating some of my favorite pickles. He didn't really care for anything fried, but for me, he'd eat them. I ate the last one and took a drink of water, as I did I heard music. My favorite song was being played on the violin - Marry You by Bruno Mars. Top scooted his chair out and stood up coming over to me and putting his hand out. "May I have this dance, jagi?" I put my hand in his and nodded in agreement. We walked out to the middle of the room. He put one arm around my waist and with the other he held my hand out like a formal waltz. I put my free arm around his back and followed his lead looking in his eyes. We moved slowly around the floor, not saying a word. I sang along to the tune. I put my head on his shoulder as we danced slowly together. I closed my eyes, taking it Top began to sing. Not rap, sing. "It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I know I wanna marry you." He sang, changing the words a bit. As much as I loved when Top rapped, I loved even more when he sang , I loved everything about his singing voice and he knew it. To have him sing this song to me was just exactly what made that moment perfect. The music stopped but we kept dancing there together. He now had his hand running through my hair. We stood there not moving. I was crying a happy cry. I was completely overwhelmed by that moment that I couldn't not cry. He leaned down and kissed away the tears.

"I didn't mean to make you cry baby." He said then kissing my lips. "Aye, no no, its ok its a good cry oppa. I just was taking in the moment that is all." He smiled. "Good." He said taking my hand and leading me back to the table. "I'll be right back." He said excusing himself to a back room. I sat there smiling a goofy in love smile. My phone went off.  I grabbed it out of my purse and saw a text from Karin. Sis, I hope you're having an amazing night. Our night is perfect so far, nothing could ruin this. P.S. look at twitter.  Look at twitter I said out loud. What on earth was I going to find. I got on and looked at my time line. There I saw it...a new post from Top. Oh no I thought. I hit the post and it pulled up on my phone. A picture of a candle flame with the description, "This flame won't ever burn out...." I smiled. Top was nothing if not sneaky in his writing. I knew exactly what he met...and smiled. He got back to the table and sat down. He smiled at me taking a sip of his wine.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?