Beautiful Future

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


"Omo, are you Deni? Like, Deni as in Top's fiance Deni?" A younger woman asked after running up to me.

"Y-yes...yes I am." I said looking at Bae, who was still at my side while we stood waiting for Karin. 

"OMO!!! OMO!!! You don't know how excited I am to meet you! You are so lucky, so lucky and omo, congrats!!!" The girl blurted out happily, bowing over and over to me. I wasn't sure how to respond, I'd never been on this side of the fan experience. I was really good at being a fan, but not good at being the object of a fan's affection.

"Thank you, thank you." I said trying to figure out what to do in this awkwardly cool moment. Bae smiled at me and pulled me close to him, whispering in my ear. "Noona, you're famous now! You're well known and apparently well loved." He pointed as fans lined up to say hi to me.  I smiled at him and looked at them, one by one fan after fan came to congratulate me and meet me. It was surreal and exciting to be the center of everyone's attention. Bae let me be, walking over to the bar but keeping a close eye on me. I greeted each fan bowing, taking pictures, shaking hands. I had forgotten that I was only wearing sweats, I hadn't planned to be out in a bar. The fans didn't seem to care, they were all interested in me, wanting a picture, even autographs. I obliged, enjoying every sweet word that was spoken to me. Before long the last fan had filed through and I walked over to Bae. "Let's go sit over in that booth and talk." I said, it was obviously going to be a while before Karin was done talking to Seungri.

Bae and I sat down, facing each other across the table. I smiled up at him, thankful for some one on one time with the great Sol. "Well, that was different." I said laughing.

"Welcome to the world of being famous noona!" He said smiling at me. "You did well you know? You're a pro!"

"Thanks, its where I've always wanted to be, you know, the famous world." I laughed again. "Omo, it feels so good to know that people actually like me and are truly happy for me and Top, ya know?" Bae nodded as I continued on. "How are you doing? I mean, with everything that's going on?" I asked.

"I am ok. I am concerned for mankae and Karin. It makes me so sad that things have turned out like this for them, but I know they will both get through it, they are strong. And as far as you and hyung, Noona, I am so happy for you and I am glad that most fans are accepting your relationship."

I smiled up at Bae. "YA! Me too, I was really concerned, ya know, that I'd be hated. I mean I probably am, but it seems to me most people are excited for us and I guess now we even have a ship name."

"Ah yah, what is it?" 

"ToNi....has a ring to it doesn't it?"

"ToNi....hmmm....Toooooo, Niiiiii, Two Knee, you have two knees?" Bae said laughing.

"Omo, seriously, Bae?" I laughed and then looked at Bae, serious.

"What should I do about Jiyong?"

"What do you mean?" 

"Well. I mean, we had a fight, I yelled at him, I said some pretty rude and intense words to him. He won't look at me, talk to me. It's breaking my heart..."

"Aye, that's Jiyong for ya. You hurt his pride, noona. When people hurt his pride he takes it to heart and carries it around and sulks. Even if you spoke the truth, which, believe me, he needed to hear, it still cut him down some. Which it should have, but now, now he's gonna probably walk around and avoid you, but really want to talk to you, but not, because he's too hard headed to admit he did anything wrong."

"So what I'm hearing is, I'm going to have to walk on eggshells around him?" 

"Aniyo. You know what you should do?"


"You should focus on the guy that put that ring on your finger..." He said pointing to my hand. "Top is far more important and Jiyong will come to you in his time."

"Wait, so I shouldn't apologize to him?" I said, knowing I really didn't want to anyway. I was furious and I was proud of myself for standing up to him. 

"Noona, keep the ball in your court, make him come to you. Trust me it will do him some good."

"Bae, I just, I just can't lose him, ya know?"

"Deni-ah. You won't lose him. That man adores you, you are his dearest friend...he just needs some space is all and you do too. You should just focus on you and Top hyung now and now worry about Jiyong."

Bae was right, he was right. It wasn't about Jiyong right now. Top and I needed to focus on our newly public relationship, our trip to my home and our future. Jiyong would always be a part of my life, but he and I needed some space. 

"Bae, thank you!"


"Being here tonight and for understanding me. Mostly for being my friend. I was scared you and I would never really talk or be close, but I am not anymore. I am so glad I can turn to you."

"Aye, Noona, its nothing really. Thats what friends are for, right? I am always here."

Bae and I continued to chat as Karin finally found us. She was disheveled and Seungri was with her. "Let's go home." She said, grabbing Seungri's hand to help lead him out to the car in his drunken state.


I closed the door behind me as I quietly made my way into our bedroom. Seunghyun was still asleep in our bed as I maneuvered my way around in the dark to find a light to turn on. I got the light on and quickly changed into some pajamas and got washed up for bed. I slid in beside him careful not to wake him.

"Jagi." He said half awake and half asleep.

"Omo, did I wake you babe? I'm so sorry." I said laying down on my side to face him. He put his arm out and pulled me closer to him.

"Ne, but its ok. I like waking up to you." He cuddled in closely to me, I was running my hand through his hair and his defined cheek bone.

"Well I'm still sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's nothing to be concerned over." He said, his eyes opening, a smile growing on his face. "Where have you been?" 

"I was out at a bar with Karin and Bae. She went to find Seungri and end it. I couldn't let them go without me, is it ok that I went?"

"Of course, how did it go?"

"Good, I guess. I mean we managed to get Seungri back home, Karin seems a little weird right now, her mood is off. Bae and I talked a lot oh and and, fans actually like me." I said smiling.

"Well of course they do, have you seen yourself?"

I laughed, "No I'm serious here babe. Like, I really thought no one would like me. I took everyone's Tabi. Then tonight, I found myself greeting and talking to and taking pictures with fans, real fans." I smiled big.

"Oh Jagi, do you know how good it is to see you smile? I've missed that smile."

"It's good to smile again." I said kissing his forehead. "I feel like things are better now. And to be honest, I am so ready to go home and see James and show you my world!"

"You, Ms. Beautiful, are right. This nightmare is over now. You and I are going to have the best time at your home." He said taking my face and holding it in his hands. "But I better see that smile all the time now, yae?" I smiled and nodded. "And just remember I am still not sharing you with another guy....just so you know."

I laughed, "Well, you have to share me with two whether you like it or not?"

"Who?" He said confused.

"My dad and James of course, those are the only two guys I will ever make you share me with."

"Yes, of course, but other than that, you are mine, got that?" He kissed my lips then smiled.

"I think I got that Seunghyun."

"Good, because you are my baby. You are my yesterday, my now, my future. My beautiful baby." He kissed me on the lips and pulled away. You are my MiRae." 

"Your what?" I said.

"My beautiful future."

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?