Thick Skin

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


I woke up to the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore outside and birds tweeting. I had forgotten all about the phone call from the night before, all that mattered was that I was on vacation with my Top. I turned over to snuggle him, realizing he wasn't there. I sat up and looked around trying to find him. Then I looked at the clock on the night stand, 10:37 am it read. I had slept in later than I had hoped. As I worked at waking up I noticed a note from Top on the night stand.

"Sweetheart, I went to the gym to work out with Seungri. I will be back soon with breakfast. I hope that you slept well and please just relax, we have no plans for a while. This morning is ours to take at a leisurely pace. I love you, TOP." 

I smiled and sat back in bed with no intentions of getting up. I some music and grabbed Top's computer and began to just browse on the internet. The issues from the night before came back to mind and I wanted to see what others were saying. This probably wasn't the best idea, but I was curious. I searched and found photos of us arriving. Sure enough, there I was in the news, snapshots of me and Karin. Thankfully I was not at all recognizable. But many people were leaving comments wondering who the mystery girl with a hat like GD's was. Most people were right, guessing it was Top's girlfriend, many people were arguing that it wasn't, it was just simply Karin's friend. Those believing that made comments about how Top is single. My guess is that those were the ones not wanting to believe their Tabi was a taken man. I could understand that.

I read comment after comment and couldn't handle it anymore. There weren't many mean ones but the few that were were incredibly mean and rude. It was such a bad idea to read this I thought closing the computer. I should have known that people would say terrible things but I did not help myself by reading these things. They didn't even know for sure Top and I were in a relationship, they didn't even know my name or me and they were already judging me.

I laid back down in bed and closed my eyes. I just wanted to rest a bit longer since Top wasn't back. I tossed and turned, I couldn't get back to sleep as all I thought about was what I had just read. It was so very clear to me now why Top and YG were so intent on keeping this relationship a secret. It all made such sense to me now, too bad it may be too little too late.

I couldn't sleep so I got up and went to get a shower. I picked out an outfit first, choosing the pink shorts I had purchased on my trip with Karin. I paired that with a black tank top with "One of a Kind" on it. I laid the clothes out and headed to the shower. I stood in that hot shower thinking, pondering how my life was changing and how I would handle the press, the fans, the negative comments. In that moment I decided that I was going to do my best to have thick skin, to not allow it to hurt me. I had to be strong for my fiance. He himself was a pillar, so strong, I had to do it for him. I got out of the shower and thew on my lingerie set I had purchased the other day. Then I wrapped myself in my robe and put on my slippers.

I walked out to the living space to find Top sitting at the table with an assortment of pastries, some tea and some juice. It looked delicious and I was hungry. I wasted no time in sitting down beside him at the table. I didn't even talk, just smiled as I put some food on a plate. I was still upset regarding what I had wrote, I didn't feel like talking, just eating.

"You seem.....distant." Top finally broke the silence. "Baby, whats wrong?"

"Omo, its nothing." I lied.

Top leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest...looking directly at me and in my eyes he said, "I don't believe that for one second Jagiya, I know you better than that. Now, spill."

I stopped eating for a moment. I had to hand it to him, he was a smart man and intimidating when he wanted to be. I looked at him, tears welling up in my eyes. "Did, did you see what people were saying about us? About me? I, you, you were right to protect us Top. I should have trusted you, people know, they know and they don't like me." I began to sob into my hands. "They hate me, they don't like me, they don't even know me and they already hate me."

"Oh my love." Top said getting up out of his chair. He knelt down by my chair and grabbed my wrists gently with his hands. He didn't say a word, just pulled me down to him as he sat back on his legs holding my tightly. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest kneeling in front of him. After a bit of crying we stood up and he grabbed my hand and took me to the couch. We sat down there and talked, holding each other.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." He began. "Do you understand now why we must protect you? Our relationship is not confirmed and already this terrible stuff is happening. Imagine how much harder it will get. I am concerned you can't handle this."

He was right, I was concerned I couldn't handle it either, but I wouldn't lose the love of my life for these stupid people. "I should have known better." I said. "I should have known better than to read what people were saying. I forget sometimes that this world isn't made up of all kind people. You and your brothers and my friends, they all love me, but I know not everyone will."

"Ah, darling please remember these are all speculations. YG and I have yet to confirm anything. But you must know we will protect you, ok? I will not let anyone hurt the love of my life. If they do, there will be hell to pay." He hugged me closely.

I giggled a bit. "Now that, I believe." I smiled. I pulled away and looked him in his eyes. "Choi SeungHyun, I am in this with you, ya know? Screw them, screw them all. All I care about is you. All I care about is how much I love you and how I am going to spend the rest of my life with you. I am going to be Mrs Choi and no stupid fan that doesn't know me gets to change that."

Top smiled a wide smile and took my face in his hands. Pulling it towards his he smirked. "That's my girl!" He put his forehead against mine. "Miss Denise "Deni" Hooper, I love you and your fire." He brought his lips to mine and kissed me sweetly eventually letting go of my face and putting his hands on the small of my back. We sat there kissing intensely for a moment and then he stopped suddenly.

Standing up he pulled me up with him and led me to our balcony. He walked out and had me face the ocean. Standing behind me he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his chin on my shoulder.

"You truly are more beautiful than this view. And you know jagi, you know what, I don't care what others think. I am here on this beautiful island, I am with the future Mrs. Choi and I love you. Let those silly fans say what they want, let them think what they want, because you are worth every lame negative comment and more." He pulled the robe off my shoulder a bit and kissed my shoulder sweetly. "You and me, we are in this together, every step of the way. We are strong and our love makes us thick skinned, able to take on anything."

At that moment he spun me around in his arms. "You and me, baby, you and me are going to take on this world." And like that he kissed me. An intense, passion filled kiss. I got tingles up and down my back as he undid my tie on my robe and slid his arms in and around my waist. I had forgotten we were on the balcony, I had forgotten about the negative comments, I had forgotten everything but him.

He stopped kissing me and took me by the hand  as he led me inside and to our bed. There he sat me on the bed, grabbing the robe and making it fall off my shoulders. He smiled at what he found underneath, one of the cute little lingerie sets I had purchased.

"You, my darling, are..." he couldn't finish his sentence, because I pulled him on top of me laying back in the bed. I didn't want to talk, I wanted to make love to him.

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?