Lunch Date

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


"Ya, I'm sorry." I said as they pushed past me. "I can't help that he's so darn irresistible." I laughed making them laugh. They headed into our living area, Karin sitting on the couch and mankae sitting at the table. He looked up at me.

"Noona...." he said trailing off.

"What?" I said standing in the hall.

"People are figuring it out...your relationship, they are figuring it out. Ya know?" He said concerned.

"No, no no no, we are NOT going to discuss this you two." I said huffing and walking around angrily. "Top and I are aware and we've discussed how WE will handle it, ok? I don't want to talk about it, period."

"Oh, unnie, we are just concerned." Karin chimed in. I smiled and looked at them both. "I know you two are just trying to be helpful, but this is something he and I must deal with and handle as a couple. The more everyone brings it up the more irritated I get. I love you two, I get you want to be here, but really, its just annoying me now, please just stop. OK?!"

They nodded in agreement. "Now if you both don't mind I need to go finish my eyes and hair." I turned around and headed to the washroom. Top was just finishing up and was standing with the towel around his waist. I looked at him, I was a little annoyed with Karin and mankae, even if they meant well. I half smiled as I began to look for the eye makeup I wanted, digging through my bag angrily. I found my mascara but I was so angry I felt like throwing it, I lifted my hand up to toss it on the floor violently.

"Uh, babe, you ok?" He said to me, walking over and grabbing my arm to stop me from throwing my mascara.

" not really. Aye, Karin and Seungri brought up the internet rumors just now, they are just concerned, but really I have no desire to talk about it anymore. Especially not to them." I hung my head down in frustration.

"Ah." Is all Top said. He just pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. I relaxed into his arms, my face buried in is , still kind of wet chest. I kissed it lightly and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'll handle this, ok?" He said squeezing me tighter the palms of his hands on my back. After a brief moment he let go and grabbed his robe putting it on. "Finish up now babe, we must leave quickly."

He squeezed my hand as he left the washroom. I finished up my make up and hair, deciding to just tie my hair back and out of my face. I knew we would be in the ocean swimming so I didn't really care if my hair was perfect. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath preparing for the day. I walked out into the living room where Top was now dressed and talking to Karin and Seungri about butting out of our issues. I laughed to myself standing in the hallway. Even on holiday and headed to the beach my Top was well dressed. He was dressed in a nice pair of dark jeans that hugged his legs tightly. He had on a blue shirt and a grey jacket. I decided at the moment my goal was to get him to show his arms in public. It was probably a hard goal to achieve, but I was up for a challenge.

I walked into the room. "Ok let's go, shall we?" I said smiling.

"Wait." Mankae yelled at me. "Sorry, I'm sorry noona." He said with sad eyes, running up to me and hugging me. I giggled wrapping my arms around him.

"Nah, its ok. You two meant well and I know that. It's just a sensitive subject. You know I love you two, so don't worry yourself.  I've moved on. Now, can we go get lunch, I'm dying of hunger here."

Everyone got up and we walked out of the hotel...out the back. People were no longer out there and things were much more guarded. We jumped in the car and headed to our destination for the afternoon. Top, being the idol he was, had made it possible that the beach restaurant and beach were closed to the public.

We made it to the restaurant and got out of the car. I had to hand it to Top, he had made it so we could move freely, with no eyes on us. We were able to have a fun lunch and not worry about the eyes of the world on us. We headed in and were quickly sat down, at a back booth.

Top slid in beside me on one side while Karin and Seungri sat on the opposite. I looked over at him smiling. I placed my purse beside me on the seat and scooted over closer to him, placing my hand on this knee. He took his right arm and put it behind my shoulders. I leaned over and read the menu in front of him...I had no clue what it said.

Top knew that I didn't know the language that well so he smiled at me and began to explain what things were. Pointing at each one, telling me the name and then explaining how it would be prepared and looked. Before long the waitress was at our table, ready to take our order. We went around the table ordering our food. I settled on a clam and mussel dish, it sounded yummy and it was one of the few seafood dishes I would eat.

After ordering we all talked...about anything and everything, but mostly about scuba diving later. I was snuggled into Top as Karin and Ri sat across the table from us. She was snuggled into Ri much like I was to Top, the only time she'd pull away was to take a sip of her drink. I looked at my best friend and mankae and smiled. I wanted all the happiness in the world for them. Every good thing for them.

If only, if only I knew what laid ahead for those two...

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?