Jeju Island Bound

The Fated Trip (BB Series pt. 2)


The four of us were on our way to our couples weekend. It was much needed as the boys had just come off their recent world tour and us girls had had little time with them with their busy schedules. Karin and Seungri were a few seats ahead of Top and me. They were cuddled up together sleeping, Karin's head on Ri's shoulder.

Top and I sat together talking, we liked to chat and snuggle together and it suited us. I leaned over and cuddled up to Top, who had his right arm around me. My head laying on his upper chest as we talked.

"You know, you did amazing tonight." I said. "I was so very proud of you. Those VIPS got such an incredible show. Aye, baby, I am just so happy." I smiled as I listened to him breathing.

"Baby, thank you. It was such a bittersweet show, but I am so glad to be done for a time. Now I can focus on you, us, our impending wedding and for this weekend - our holiday." Top's hand was rubbing up and down my arm. "Baby, I don't think I could have done this last show without you backstage. You give me so much strength and you push me to be better." He bent his head down and kissed the top of my head. "I must admit, I will be so glad when I can show you to the world and shout to everyone that I love you, my beautiful Deni."

"Ah, yah it will be nice." I said. "I'm really glad no one is on this plane other than us and the bodyguards. Just being able to sit here beside you and cuddle makes me so happy. But, babe, how will we get around the island without being noticed? How will our relationship not be exposed?"

"Ah, jagiya, this is the perks of having bodyguards and being a part of YGE. The bodyguards will work very hard to keep things easy and private for us. Also, having been here before, I know who I can and cannot trust. I know where we can go and cannot. We will be able to be relatively normal, all while of course being protected."

"That press conference, god, it can't come fast enough you know?" I thought back to earlier that day, when Top had talked to Papa YG about the announcement of our relationship. The press conference in a week would be where he, along with papa YG, would announce it to the reporters. It would be easier this way, safer for me and for him. "But I am still scared that we could be found out before that, Top. Don't you worry about it?"

"Ah silly girl, no. I have a team that protects me always. And now they protect you too! Even if we were found out there is no need to worry about it. YG wouldn't let allow us to get hurt and you better believe I wouldn't let anyone hurt my baby. Thats why I always have bodyguards. Plus knowing I have YG behind me and caring about me, I don't worry. Come now, lets just rest, we have a bit longer on this flight." Top pulled me closer and I closed my eyes, falling asleep.

I suddenly heard the ers of the plane kick on and jolted awake. I sat up and looked out the window. The island, even in the middle of the night, was beautiful. Just how I imagined it would be, but still not even what I could have imagined. I looked over at Top, who was sleeping very sweetly. My poor baby, he'd worked so hard for months on this tour, I had only been in Korea for a few days but he and I had been busy together too, he was exhausted. He deserved this holiday away, not because I was there, but because he had been so busy for so long with little rest. I leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly, putting my right hand on his arm and my left on his shoulder. He didn't move. I laid my chin on my hand on his shoulder and smiled whispering,  "Wake up, handsome, we're here."

Again I leaned over and kissed his cheek, nothing. Not even a slight movement. Our plane was taxiing to the gate. I leaned back a moment in my seat, thinking. Ah, got it. I leaned over to him and took his left cheek in my hand, I slowly moved his head so it was facing me. He began to smirk as I leaned in and kissed his lips sweetly. I pulled away to see a huge smile on his face. Aye, my little brat.

"Yah, stop being a brat and wake the heck up already." I said poking him. "I know you're awake, I see that smile on your face and I know you kissed me back. Wake up or else." I poked him. At that Top's eyes opened and he attacked me with a huge hug, holding on to me tightly.

"Or else what?" he asked laughing.

"Or else, um, uh...or else..." I said. I hadn't actually meant or else, I really didn't have a good comeback.

"Ha, that's what I thought," he said as he leaned in and kissed me.

"Yah, you two, could you at least wait till you're in your hotel room?" Seungri shouted from a few seats ahead, Karin laughing hysterically.

I pulled away and sat up, looking at Seungri meeting his eyes. "Mankae, you're in for it, ya know? I will get you and you will pay. Oh when you least expect it boy, I will get you!" I smiled pointing at him. "Take your own advice and get yourself a room why don't y0u?" I loved picking on my mankae, he made it too easy and fun.

"Oh you think you can get me, noona? Ah, I doubt that, I really doubt that. And for the record, I am working on getting us a room." He laughed.

I leaned back in my seat as the plane stopped at the gate. We unbuckled our belts and I leaped over Top running up the isle to Seungri. I attacked him from behind, wrapping my arms around him and jumping on his back. "You're in trouble mister." I said as I ticked him. Karin just watched as I attacked him, laughing.

"Yah! Karin, you aren't even gonna try to save me from this monster." Ri said to her.

"Nah, my sister can attack you all she wants, you deserve it." Karin said smiling. I was so glad she was on my side. Seungri gave her a dirty look and tried to fight me off.

"Children, children, will you stop." Top yelled jokingly coming up behind me. "This is not how we are going to start our holiday. Come now, Deni, Seungri...stop." I got off of Seungri's back and backed up obeying. Seungri turned around and smirked.

"Just you wait...payback is a....well you know." He said to me. I laughed and turned to Top who was smiling too.

We all exited the plane and were ushered to a private area before going out into the actual airport. Apparently many people had gotten word of Top and Seungri being there so they were waiting to take pictures at the entrance. Our bodyguards briefed us on what would happen. Seungri and Top were to go ahead of Karin and myself. They would take their own car to the hotel, while Karin and I would escape out a different door and take a car. We had to be careful.

Top leaned over and kissed my forehead, he knew I was worried. "It'll be ok. I'll see you at our room. Just follow Karin's lead and stick by your guard, he knows what he is doing." Top introduced me to my bodyguard, who I was told to simply call Cha, his nickname he said. I bowed and shook his hand. "Baby, he will be with you every step of the way. He is now your guard and he knows to guard you with his life. He won't allow anything to happen to you, ok?" Top smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Ok." I said. Top hugged me and gave me a kiss. He and Seungri headed out with their bodyguards. Karin and I waited a while and were finally able to leave. She and I stayed close to our guards as we headed through the airport. Cha remained by my side as we walked towards the front. I felt safe because he was there and because I was covered. I had a big furry hat on and the hood of my hoodie over that and sunglasses, Karin was less covered, she'd done this many times. I, though, was still not known to the world so I had to be careful. We got close to the door and to my surprise there were many people there to take pictures. I did my best to keep my face covered and not make eye contact. I kept my hands in my hoodie pocket not wanting to expose my engagement ring.

As we walked towards the doors I trembled. No wonder Top and papa YG wanted to protect me and keep our relationship private. This was a very intimidating experience and not one to take lightly. I wasn't used to the attention and I really wished Top was there with me, but I was thankful for Cha! Karin saw how worried I seemed and came over to me. She grabbed my arm with hers and leaned over and whispered "Just keep your head down, ok. We're almost to our car. The guards won't let anyone touch you." We walked fast, exiting the building and got to the car. Once in we sped off towards the hotel.

Once we were down the road I took my hat and sunglasses off and leaned back. "Oh my god that was tense." I said looking at Karin who nodded in agreement. "I mean its 3am, who in their right mind comes to an airport at 3am to stalk idols? I never expected people to be waiting to catch a glimpse." I should have expected it, but I think I just hadn't expected the amount of crazed fans there would be there. We had left late at night from Seoul so we would avoid the crowds and yet there were so many people. I was reminded that the VIP fandom was really quite dedicated to their boys.

Karin looked at me, "Welcome to the world of crazy fans and paparazzi. They have no sense of time or space. This is why we want you protected. It's not something to take lightly, you know?"

"I guess not." I said. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw a text from Top. "Baby, I love you. Stay strong, ok? Just a heads up, tons of people are here to snap photos. Be prepared! I'll be waiting!"

I sat there holding my phone and looking out the window as we made the final turn towards the hotel. I put my sunglasses back on, put on the big furry hat I borrowed from Jiyong and then finally the hood of my hoodie. We pulled around to the back of the hotel hoping for less people. Thankfully there were only a few. Karin and I got out of the car and ran inside. This went faster as it was a shorter walk.

Karin and I headed up to floor 12 to our rooms. We were beside each other - Top and me in 1212 and them in 1214. We said our goodbyes and headed in to our rooms. I kicked off my shoes at the door and walked in, Top was waiting for me, sitting on the bed. I ran over to him jumping in his arms, causing him to fall back into bed. I laid on top of him as he held me.

"That ."

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Chapter 33: Loved this story, is there a proper ending for Karin & Seungri?