*The lunch date*

The Love of a Star...

Having lunch with a girl is fine, ChangMin thought.
Except when the girl constantly talks about how good she would look with you...
Seriously, she fantasized about us being a couple, and talked about that.
If I’d fancied her, I would have agreed...
...but since I don’t, it’s just creepy and unbearable to hear.
ChangMin never wished for the lunch break to be over, but this one couldn’t be over quick enough!
Having manners, ChangMin didn’t want to grab his mobile phone to check on the time, so he had to wait for the school bell to ring again...

They sat in the school garden...
The weather was nice and the sun was shining, so they sat at a picnic bench under a broad tree.
It was a romantic place, but ChangMin didn’t feel romantic.
NaoMi obviously did feel romantic, since she was happily gazing at ChangMin and voicing her happy thoughts to him.
He didn’t listen to her, he nodded once in a while, to keep her from thinking he didn’t listen...

At a certain point of their "date" ChangMin started noticing a little piece of food stuck to NaoMi’s chin.
It moved up and down while NaoMi spoke, and she spoke a lot.
Once he noticed it he couldn’t get his gaze off of her chin.
NaoMi had started a new topic, dresses...
...when suddenly ChangMin was done working up an annoyance from the piece of food...
He moved forwards... and reached for NaoMi’s chin...

NaoMi’s POV:

WAAH!!! He’s going to kiss me, gentleman style!
Reaching for my chin and dragging me towards him!!
Is my breath fresh?!

NaoMi closed her eyes, waiting...
... and he hit the piece of food from her chin, less gentle that he had intended it...
‘So, now I don’t have to look at that anymore!’ ChangMin smiled, while looking at an awkwardly staring NaoMi...
Oops, I think she’s offended... ChangMin thought, not really being sorry for her.
What did she expect?
That he was getting an urge to kiss her, because she talked about dresses?
Because she believed guys thought it was y for a girl to talk about dresses?
She was wrong!
Dresses was a topic to talk about with other girls, not with a guy, unless he is your boyfriend and you talk about your own dress...

‘I’m sorry, I have to go see MinHo and HanKyung...’ ChangMin said, knowing he had ruined the lunch and acted like no gentleman would have done...
He stood up and left NaoMi at the table, not looking back at her.

Instead of walking to his friends, ChangMin had changed his mind and headed for the supermarket.
The supermarket was just on the other side of the road.
At the supermarket he bought a few sandwiches and a bottle of strawberry lemonade (not the instant kind, where you have to add water, just the immediately drinkable kind)...

Man, he really was hungry.
Today’s happenings made his stomach want to work, apparently.
When he had paid for the food, he crossed the road back to the university, eating his first sandwich.

He couldn’t believe his eyes...
...was the girl still not tired of him?
NaoMi stood on the grass in the center of the school garden, waving at ChangMin like crazy.
He couldn’t pretend he hadn’t seen her... she had taken care of that!

So with his head hanging low and one hand in his pocket he walked towards NaoMi.
She almost literally jumped up and down, cheering: ‘Oppa, oppa, I forgive you hitting me on my chin! You had to do that since I must have looked stupid...’
No way, ChangMin thought, who could have thought NaoMi would ever forgive someone who had offended her...
If it was someone other than me, she would have hit back, harder, if she dared...

Being the good boy his mother taught him to be, he offered her a part of his sandwich.
She smiled and took it from him.
She was clearly content about his behavior towards her now.
Well, if he just reminded her of earth once in a while, then maybe they could be friends...

They had no other choice, they still needed to be on good terms with each other for the showcase and the dance battles...
ChangMin decided to give NaoMi a chance.

Maybe he should try and get her involved with HanKyung more...
ChangMin wouldn’t want to have MinHo deal with her, he was just too deep for her, he liked to talk about interesting things, meaningful things.
She would annoy him in no time, and he wouldn’t keep from telling her that...

HanKyung was a better party, he didn’t seem too smart, maybe because his Korean wasn’t that adequate, he was from Chinese origin.
HanKyung was always very interested in girls, he liked to check them out...
He even liked to talk about fashion and girl topics, excluding girl problems and boys of course...
NaoMi might have a chance with HanKyung.

The only thing ChangMin should have to do now is having HanKyung at his side whenever he will be seeing NaoMi...
Well, he’ll start right now!

ChangMin grabbed NaoMi’s wrist and pulled her back into the canteen.
He quickened his pace and NaoMi walked, half running, beside him.
ChangMin had forgotten she was shorter than him, and there for he could walk faster.
When he saw his friends he dropped NaoMi’s wrist...
HanKyung was animatedly talking to HyoRi!
How could he!
Now ChangMin had a rival... and in what way!

____________~END OF CHAPTER 8~___________

Aiya~ I have to shut down the PC soon.. ='(
There's bad weather coming our way (I think, since I hear thunder in the air..), and the weather can damage my harddisc (according to my parents..)
^^" So I'll update till chapter 10 in lightning speed! XD [ sorry for my corny use of words.. =3 ]

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this story was goood! i loved it! C:
X'D Awh~ Don't feel lonely~! =P
Annyoung! ^^ and yay for u signing in at asianfanfics! *feels a little less lonely* X)