The second combination class

The Love of a Star...

At 3:12 am I woke up from someone walking on the stairs.
The person walked with a heavy step, it sounded like DongJae.
Had he broken up with BoMi?
From the slow pace of his walking I concluded he must be tired, maybe depressed, or he didn’t want to wake anyone...
Although the latter wasn’t bothering him last time...
‘DongJae!’ I hissed...
He turned his head around my door.
His eyes had deep bags under them, my brother looked awfully tired, sure he must feel the same way he looked.
‘Your boyfriend is a fantastic guy!’ He said, I thought I could spot a smile, but it was kind of dark so I wasn’t sure.
‘Whaaat?’ I asked, almost using my normal voice, shooting up from my bed.
ChangMin went out with DongJae and BoMi?!
What happened around me?
‘He saved BoMi from a ’s hands by helping me knocking him down...’ DongJae went on.
I was so surprised I was afraid my eyes would pop out if he said anything more of this unbelievable happening that had taken place apparently...
‘I’ll tell you the story tomorrow, or you’ll hear it from ChangMin... Good night!’
With those words DongJae turned around, leaving me alone in my room, wondering what had all happened.

The next morning I went into DongJae’s room before I had to leave for school.
DongJae was already awake, or maybe he hadn’t slept and thus was still awake.
When I approached DongJae I saw he looked even worse than I thought he looked yesterday.
He had several light bruises and scratches on his arms, hands and face.
The dark circles surrounding his eyes also hadn’t subsided, they might even have become worse.
‘DongJae? Are you okay?’ I asked, concerned for his health.
I saw that one of the corners of his mouth had gotten a blow, there was some dried blood.
For the first time I felt something that you could consider calling siblings care.
‘Ah, I’m fine...’ DongJae waved my concern off, after all, he was the brother, I was just his sister.
‘Just be careful... I’m going now, sleep well for this hour but don’t forget school!’ I said.
DongJae groaned, turned his back to me and covered himself with his blanket.

‘ChangMin! What happened to you?!’ I said, my eyes wide in shock and my expression one of deep concern.
‘I heard you are a hero, but please don’t let yourself get beaten up!’ I continued.
‘It’s just a black eye... I’m fine DaMae...’ He smiled.
‘You look like half a panda!’ I pouted.
‘Those are the ultimate mismatched eyes!’ ChangMin joked and pulled me close.
Of course he knew what his attractive points were, his eyes were certainly high on the list.
I laughed halfheartedly, I still didn’t know what had happened, but the story didn’t seem one to joke about.
‘What has actually happened yesterday night?’ I asked.
‘Hmm, where should I start?’ ChangMin asked, looking at the horizon, as if looking for the answer there.
I looked at ChangMin’s face, seeing a smile form on his lips.
‘I’m going to debut soon!’ ChangMin finally said.
‘Really? That’s so great! Congratulations!’ I said jumping up and down in front of him, then hugging him around the waist.
‘Wait, but what does that have to do with yesterday?’ I asked confused, when my excitement of ChangMin’s news had subsided a little.
‘That’s why I and my hyungs went out to celebrate.’ ChangMin said, his smile faded.
Clearly the celebration had turned out not so great.
Then he told me the story of DongJae, BoMi and the .
ChangMin had really behaved like a hero.
I tiptoed and gave him a kiss on the lips.
‘You’re really a hero, my hero...’ I smiled and kissed him again.
I felt ChangMin respond immediately, he deepened the kiss.
It felt so good, I couldn’t get enough.
I hugged him tight and felt like the butterflies in my stomach would come out soon.
Suddenly I heard someone cough.
I broke the kiss and was just going to complain about interrupting, until I saw who it was.
I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
The person interrupting us, was nobody less than the headmaster.
NOT AGAIN!!, I thought.
‘It is against the rules to make out on the school grounds. Don’t let me catch you making out here again!’ The headmaster said and walked away.
‘Phew! I thought I was going to be in trouble for the third time in two days!’ I whispered to ChangMin, when I was absolutely certain the headmaster didn’t have his attention on us anymore.
‘You really sound like a bad girl saying that!’ ChangMin grinned, making his lips go all square.
‘You make me a bad girl, if you do that again, I’ll have to kiss you!’ I joked.
‘Hmm, really, then remind me to do that after school!’ ChangMin grinned again...
‘You’re doing it~!’ I warned.
‘Sorry...’ ChangMin said, making his face go completely serious all of a sudden.
I laughed, lightly slapping him on the chest, ChangMin laughed too.
‘We’d better go inside now, class starts in seven minutes!’ ChangMin suddenly said.
I instantaneously checked the time too, he was right of course.

School was pretty boring.
The first few classes were over in the blink of an eye.
Then it was time for another combination class!
This was what I have waited for all day!
In this class ChangMin and I will be together, working on our MV-project.
We had worked out a story and chosen the music.
‘I hope all of you have a story and a music track, because you’ll need that today!’ The professor started.
Someone gasped.
I believe it was NaoMi, well, she deserved to fall on the cold floor.
NaoMi was paired up with one of those popular Kingka type of guys, I believe his name was JiYong, but everybody called him G-Dragon for some reason...
‘Each pair of you will get 5 minutes to act out a part of your story and to tell us which music track you’ll use. You’ll get 10 minutes to practise now and then we’ll spend the rest of the day to perform and judge the stories and music.’ The professor continued.

________~END OF CHAPTER 41~________

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this story was goood! i loved it! C:
X'D Awh~ Don't feel lonely~! =P
Annyoung! ^^ and yay for u signing in at asianfanfics! *feels a little less lonely* X)