*Exciting news!*

The Love of a Star...

I hope I was polite enough, ChangMin thought to himself as he drove home.
- Can a person be more polite than you, ChangMin? -

At home ChangMin quickly packed his bag, he wasn’t done for today...
He still had to attend SM’s dance practise.
Not that he didn’t want to, because it was fun, but at the same time it was thoroughly exhausting.

In the dance studio ChangMin found YunHo already waiting.
ChangMin had come in second.
‘Ah, there is the maknae! Have you warmed-up already?’ YunHo asked, going through a rack of CDs, no doubt searching for a track to use during the warming-up.
‘No, I haven’t, but I feel like I’ve trained the whole day through... I’m a bit tired...’ ChangMin replied, going into the changing room to put on his dance wear.
Not long after he went in he heard the voices of his other hyungs.
JunSu’s dolphin sound singing "My heart will go on", and the musical parts too...
YooChun filled the blanks with a faint "come back, come back" and "Jack, Jack"...
No doubt JaeJoong was acting out the famous Titanic scene with YunHo.
They had all come in wearing their dance wear already.
ChangMin was anxious to get the training started...
The past few weeks he had really improved his dancing and he wasn’t the only one.
YooChun and JaeJoong were getting better at dancing too, JunSu and YunHo danced very well already.

After the warming up and some basic exercises YunHo stopped the music and motioned for them all to come to him.
Sitting in a circle YunHo looked at all faces one by one.
‘Listen up, everybody! I have exciting news!’ He started.
Everybody looked at him curious of what the exciting news might be.
‘We~... are... go~ing... to~...’ YunHo emphasized every word now, but got interrupted by an impatient JunSu...
‘Hyung, just tell us!’ JunSu said, overly curious and a bit annoyed by YunHo’s delaying way of speaking...
‘Okay... We are going to DEBUT!!’ YunHo yelled, not able to hide his own excitement...
Lots of cheers filled the dance studio...
Suddenly the manager stepped inside the studio with a tray of champagne and cookies to celebrate.
The combination cookie and champagne was kind of weird, but it didn’t matter, they were going to debut soon!
‘When are we going to debut?’ JaeJoong asked the manager, taking a sip of his champagne.
‘Around Christmas time. You’ll be in a show with Britney Spears and BoA.’
Gasps filled the room...
‘BoA?’ JaeJoong asked, not quite believing they would share the stage with such a great performer.
The manager nodded.
‘In a few months you’ll probably be as known as BoA herself!’ He joked.
‘Britney Spears?’ JunSu asked, looking worried.
ChangMin burst out in laughing...
JunSu looked so dumbfounded it was very funny!
The rest joined laughing because of ChangMin’s laugh.
‘Haha... but really, who is Britney Spears?’ JunSu asked, now serious again.
All of them started laughing again, all of them except JunSu, who still didn’t get what was so funny...
‘What is so funny, hyung?’ JunSu turned to the manager, who was currently unable to talk.
He too thought it was very funny that JunSu never heard of Britney Spears...
‘She’s an American singer. She’s very popular and well known...’ YooChun kindly informed JunSu.
‘Oh...’ JunSu let out, painfully aware that he lacked some information everybody else did have...
After some time JaeJoong turned to the manager again.
‘Manager hyung, what song will we perform? Do we need to produce a song in such a short period?’ JaeJoong asked, clearly worrying about it.
‘No, we don’t have to produce a song, you are going to perform a few covers. Such as "Silent Night, Holy Night" and other Christmas carols.’ The manager replied.
ChangMin felt a little relieved...
Having the chance to debut so soon was really great, but getting recognized as artists by performing an unknown song, while being an unknown boy band really isn’t easy.
Talking about an unknown boy band, they didn’t even have a name...
The only thing they knew was they would be debuting with the five of them and YunHo was going to be their leader...
Normally the oldest would be the leader, but JaeJoong passed because he thought he wasn’t able to deal with the stress that comes with being a leader...
YunHo was brave for being the leader, ChangMin knew that.
As youngest he wouldn’t carry any stress upon his shoulders, but JunSu had a touch for being the most carefree...
JunSu was truly still a child, a child with an attitude at that...
Half an hour later they were still celebrating their upcoming debut rather than dancing.
It didn’t look like they would be going home any time soon.
The manager had left again, leaving the tray with cookies and champagne behind.
When all of them had finished their second glass of champagne JaeJoong came up with an idea.
‘Yah, I know a place not too far away... Shall we go there and celebrate further? They have great drinks!’
The rest was immediately excited and agreed to go there.
ChangMin wanted to go too, but wasn’t so sure that it was a good idea, he had school tomorrow...
‘I’ll pay for all the drinks!’ JaeJoong offered, pursuing ChangMin to go with them.
‘Do you think manager hyung will approve?’ ChangMin asked in a last attempt to do the wise thing.
‘He won’t find out and even if he does, how does he know we drank alcoholic drinks, might as well be orange soda!’ JaeJoong said, knowing he just successfully won ChangMin over.
‘Well, okay, but let’s not get drunk!’ ChangMin said, but his comment went lost in a burst of cheers from the rest.
ChangMin had a bad feeling about this, but now he had agreed to come, so he would go with them...

The place JaeJoong knew was actually quite a nice place, but an orange soda wasn’t on the list of beverages, of course.
The least alcoholic drink was probably a 2% alcohol mix drink.
That bastard of a hyung just wanted ChangMin to join the after party too, although he had school the next day.

________~END OF CHAPTER 39~________

The end of this story is nearing.. ='|

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this story was goood! i loved it! C:
X'D Awh~ Don't feel lonely~! =P
Annyoung! ^^ and yay for u signing in at asianfanfics! *feels a little less lonely* X)