*My surprise for you*

The Love of a Star...

As they were happily racing the courts of Mario Kart, the time flew by.
‘I’m going to win~!’ ChangMin sang...
‘I don’t think so~!’ DaMae replied using the same intonation as ChangMin.
‘How come, I’m first already!’ ChangMin said, stealing a glance at DaMae.
‘Then how many rounds have you driven? I’m in my fourth round!’ DaMae cheered...
ChangMin knew he was in his third round, so he was losing from her...
He drove a little faster and crossed the line, now he drove in the fourth round too...
‘I’m also in the fourth round!’ ChangMin said, smiling...
‘Ah, but now I’m in the fifth, that’s the final round isn’t it?’ DaMae said, a hint of playfulness was in her voice...
After that she passed the finish line and won...
‘Let’s play two out of three!’ ChangMin said, wanting a second chance to prove his skills...
He hadn’t been playing this game to lose from the first challenger!
‘Ah, why not!’ DaMae replied...

ChangMin’s POV:

She really is good!
I should be able to win from her, shouldn’t I...
No way she has spend more time playing the game as I have!
Then why has she beaten me already?
Maybe it’s just beginners luck!
Let’s see what the second game results will be...

As they were now driving their second game, DaMae was ranking first again...
ChangMin followed up behind her.
‘I’m winning~! I’m winning~!’ DaMae cheered.
At that moment she accidently hit an obstacle which caused the car to flip over and lose speed...
‘You were winning...’ ChangMin said, racing past her...
‘I’ll come back, wait and see!’ DaMae said enthusiastic in defending her first rank.
Happily for ChangMin he passed the finish line a fraction of a second earlier than DaMae...
So it was a tie now.
The next game was going to decide the outcome...
Was it going to be DaMae?
Or was ChangMin going to win?

ChangMin started fighting with himself...
Was it okay to be so competitive or was it better to let DaMae win?
Would DaMae laugh at him so he will lose the sense of pride he had?
Or worse, would DaMae notice it if he would let her win?
It’s better to try my best, ChangMin decided in the end...

So both of them were fully anticipating the game and tried to finish as quick as possible...
This game was of a higher level.
The court was more difficult to finish and the roads were smaller and had more turns and sharper curves.
This level was an advanced level, the previous games had been of intermediate levels.
In the first round neither of them had ranked first or second...
By the time they started their fifth and last round they had left everyone else behind.
Both of them were struggling to become ranked first...
Suddenly ChangMin slipped and lost speed...
DaMae was now close to winning the game, but suddenly ChangMin came back, having used a power boost tool he still hadn’t used.
Then the finish line came...
Both of their jaws dropped when crossing it.
‘A draw?’ DaMae said, surprised.
‘No winner? I didn’t even know that was possible!’ ChangMin said, also surprised.
‘I guess we both are the winner!’ DaMae said, smiling at ChangMin.
ChangMin bent towards DaMae...
‘No, I’ll leave that honor to you... You are the winner!’ He said, locking his lips with DaMae's.
‘You’re my winner... You won my heart...’ DaMae whispered back after breaking the kiss.

After kissing some more, DaMae suddenly got a sour look on her face.
‘What’s wrong?’ ChangMin asked, immediately thinking about what he might have done wrong, but having no clue what it might be.
DaMae moved a little from side to side on the pillow and remained looking sour.
ChangMin started to look worried.
An invisible question mark formed on his forehead.
Very carefully DaMae lifted her right leg from underneath her...
Like it was made of rock rather than human, she put her foot down in front of the pillow and started rubbing it.
‘Oppa, my foot sleeps! I’m having cramps...’ DaMae said finally.
Being the good guy he was ChangMin stood up and came back with the chair.
‘You can sit on the chair if that’s better!’ He offered.
‘Ah, kamsahamnida, but where are you going to sit?’ DaMae replied.
‘Eh... On two pillows?’ ChangMin answered brightly.
‘Do you really have only one chair in your house?’ DaMae asked, surprised.
‘No, I have another in my room.’ ChangMin said, debating with himself whether he should tell her yet that he is going to move in next to her...
‘You should buy a couch, you have so little furniture, in fact it surprises me you have a play station!’ DaMae exclaimed.
Okay, he was going to tell her!
‘Actually, that won’t be really necessary... I’m about to move to another house...’ ChangMin started.
‘Really? Somehow I should have known! If you weren’t moving I would have thought you’d have a strange habit of being restrictive, by having and using only the most needed stuff.’ DaMae laughed.
‘Wait, so you have been thinking like that the entire time you were here, up till now?’ ChangMin asked, wondering whether she really did, but not believing it...
‘Actually, no, but I was wondering why you had so little stuff...’ DaMae answered honestly.
‘You know, I have a surprise! I don’t know if you’ll like it, but I think you will!’ ChangMin said grinning at DaMae, watching her face intently for her reaction.
‘What is it, tell me oppa!’ DaMae smiled excited.
‘Hmm... Maybe later...’ ChangMin joked looking at the ceiling as if he thought about it.
‘Tell me, tell me, I want to know!’ DaMae said and started pouting...
ChangMin couldn’t hold it back anymore, seeing DaMae pout made him want to be sweet to her...
She melted his heart...
‘Don’t pout, I’ll tell you.’ ChangMin said softly, removing a strand of hair from DaMae’s face.
DaMae’s face lit up and she started to smile again.
‘I... am going to move in... next to... YOU!’ ChangMin said, smiling widely at DaMae.
DaMae’s eyes started to grow very wide and her jaw had dropped.
Her hands covered and she wasn’t able to say anything...
Then a wide smile formed and she hugged ChangMin tightly, jumping onto him, while laughing from happiness.
Eventually tears started to flow over her cheeks, tears of happiness of course...
ChangMin was touched by her reaction and happy too, his eyes became watery.

DaMae’s POV:

When ChangMin told me he was moving in next to me, a lifelong dream came finally true!
I had always wanted someone to live next door, having his or her room looking out on mine.
Never had I thought it would come true, but now it did, and that person having the room across from mine would be ChangMin, my loving boyfriend!
I cried tears from happiness.
I loved ChangMin so much!

I’m so glad my umma bought that house, ChangMin thought.

________~END OF CHAPTER 36~_________

Does nobody like my story? *pouts*

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this story was goood! i loved it! C:
X'D Awh~ Don't feel lonely~! =P
Annyoung! ^^ and yay for u signing in at asianfanfics! *feels a little less lonely* X)