Dancing? Me?

The Love of a Star...

I was excited to watch them dance...
Never had I thought I would be sitting here in the SM studio, seeing how trainees learned their dancing skills.
My boyfriend, was a trainee...
The reality started to sink in and I could do nothing but smile.

After ChangMin had changed in the man’s room the training had begun.
The first fifteen minutes I noticed I didn’t feel comfortable...
I could only look at ChangMin without feeling shy.
Since ChangMin didn’t dance in the front very much, I was almost forced to look at the others dancing.
The guy who was leading the training, I believe his name was YunHo, danced in front most of the time.
I was very shy towards him, he looked so strong, so big, a bit scary even...
He had a gaze that went almost directly through me...

After the first fifteen minutes, I started to get a bit more comfortable.
ChangMin constantly smiled at me, making cute faces while dancing.
I’m sure his hyung saw it, but he didn’t mind it, at least not for now...

When they had danced for a while and I was getting more comfortable watching them, they took a small break to drink some water and to rest a bit.
ChangMin came sitting next to me with a bottle of water.
He was soaked with sweat, but I didn’t mind at all.
I passed his bottle of water to him.
‘How did I do? What do you think of my dancing?’ ChangMin breathed, curiously watching my face.
‘You did very well! I like the routine especially the part when you and the others jump at different times! It’s really cool!’ I smiled at ChangMin’s ever broadening smile...
‘Thanks!’ YunHo said while walking past us...
ChangMin laughed at YunHo.
‘He has choreographed the routine.’ ChangMin explained to me...

When the break was over they started doing stretching exercises, to make the muscles warm again.
Then they started the routine again.
It was such energetic music and I was getting familiar with it already that I started to feel the rhythm of the music go through my body.
If I was alone, I would have started to dance on impulse...
But I wasn’t alone, so my shyness kept me from dancing and following my impulses.

As if ChangMin knew what I felt he grabbed my hand and started to pull me from the place I was sitting.
The routine had ended just before and JaeJoong and YooChun were already goofing around, dancing silly dances on the routine track...
Basically, there was no way I would be the "silly dancer"...
Actually, I wasn’t such a bad dancer at all.
I just didn’t dance often... only in my own room.
‘Wow! You’re actually quite good!’ ChangMin said, looking at me from the mirror.
I started to blush, laughed and at the same time stopped dancing...
‘Don’t stop! Let’s dance together!’ ChangMin encouraged me.
He started to dance, but my feeling for the rhythm had somehow evaporated a bit.
I was at loss for dance movements...
ChangMin saw that I was hesitating dancing and got hold of my hands.
Then he put my hands on his shoulders and hugged me by the waist.
He kept dancing very slowly, I started to follow his dancing.
‘Aaah! They’re smooching!’ JunSu said, cupping his head into his hands...
He looked like a kid, doing that.
I turned red, but ChangMin hugged me tighter, not wanting me to stop.
YooChun hit JunSu lightly at his head...
‘You want to smooch too? Ask her when she’s finished dancing with ChangMin, ‘cause I’m not going to dance with you like that...’ YooChun said to JunSu...
‘Very funny that I started wanting to, since you suggested it! Eu kyang kyang!’ JunSu laughed evilly...
YooChun started to pout...

While I watched how YooChun and JunSu were being weird with each other, I forgot about JaeJoong and YunHo for a while...
Until I caught them doing a parody of a Spanish dance...
It looked weird since JaeJoong was continuously laughing and the type of music did not fit the type of dance...
When I saw them dancing like that I started to laugh.
ChangMin turned to see what happened...
Then he saw it too...
‘AISH! Will you stop that? We’re starting to look strange here!’ ChangMin blurted out...
Obviously he was used to this behavior and didn’t want me to know about the silly side he probably also had...
‘Yah! What are you doing then?’ YunHo tried to defend himself...
The others seemed to realize the youngest was acting most mature, so they stopped their silly dancing and their goofing around.
The dance track for their routine had been followed up by several others now...

When JaeJoong had turned the music off, YunHo decided the training was over.
All of them went into the changing room...
I waited outside of course...

When I started to wonder if they had used another way out and left me behind, I saw the door go open and ChangMin stepping through.

ChangMin’s POV:

My hyungs are so embarrassing...
Why did they have to show their best side... *cough*
They are having fun, I know, but they make themselves look foolish!
And me too...
I hope DaMae liked it today...
I’ll just bring her home now.
Her family must wonder where she is.

ChangMin took my hand.
His hand was really warm and a bit sweaty...
I couldn't care less... he was my everything from now on...

When we were outside, he offered me a helmet again.
He wanted to bring me home?
Well, my home was on the way to his home...
I was getting used to it already!
I didn't feel that scared anymore, driving with ChangMin on his scooter was actually quite nice...
He didn't drive his fastest, I could tell, but I liked it this way.

________~END OF CHAPTER 22~________

I couldn't wait to update! ^^" ...but I guess nobody minds me updating faster than I'd planned, right? XP

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this story was goood! i loved it! C:
X'D Awh~ Don't feel lonely~! =P
Annyoung! ^^ and yay for u signing in at asianfanfics! *feels a little less lonely* X)