
The Love of a Star...

My heart stopped beating for a second...
There was a mail from ChangMin!
How did he get my e-mail address?
Well, it didn’t matter. He sent me a mail!!
I was all about smiles again...
How easily he could make me smile... If only he kept on doing that!
I opened the mail to see what was inside...
It seemed like a random message.
Somehow I had hoped it to be a confession he’d love me for eternity.
Deep down I had known that wouldn’t happen, still I felt less high spirited...
The message read:

- Hi! Didn’t meet you @ school.. any idea about music? 2-morrow @ canteen 4 lunch? Xx MaxX xD! -

A short message, and shortened even...
... but all was okay!
I was going to have lunch with ChangMin!
He called himself MAX!!!
My head was currently on vacation, I was going crazy...
Keep breathing... In, out, in, out...
I was just about to scream, when my appa turned his head around my door.
I smiled broadly and kept from squealing.
‘I’m going to make some tea, will you come downstairs in 5 minutes?’ my appa asked.
‘Of course!’ I agreed still smiling...
‘Uh... Is there something going on? I haven’t seen you smile so broadly since we agreed you and DongJae should get seperate rooms...’
‘I- I’m just happy...’ I said, knowing I was getting higher on the tomato-rate...
I never had a boyfriend, my parents never had lovers until they met each other.
So, when I would meet someone I love, they immediately think we’ll be married in the future.
I like to think that too, but my parents are going to ask everything about him!
They will bug me until they know everything, from his shoe size to his plans for the future.
That’s why I rather don’t tell my parents about ChangMin.

I turned off my computer and headed downstairs...
My mind was already drifting off to tomorrow.
Was it going to rain or would the sun shine?
I hoped the sun would shine, so we could have lunch in the school garden!

After tea I my computer again and checked the weather...
It was going to rain...
Nice weather... not!
We will have to find a quiet place...
... in the canteen, where almost everyone went...
Well, at least we will be together!

Maybe I should write an e-mail back, saying I read it or something?
Hmm... I think I should... but what do I write?
I started typing...
After fifteen minutes my message read:

- Hi! I read your message.. How did you get my e-mail address? I have found a song for the project. I’ll let you hear it tomorrow, maybe you’ll like it, I’m not sure you can dance to it, but maybe.. See you tomorrow! Xx DaMae *hug* -

Ten minutes later I changed it... It then read:

- Hi! I read your message.. I have found a song for the project. I’ll let you hear it tomorrow, maybe you’ll like it, I’m not sure it’s danceable music, but maybe.. See you tomorrow! Xx DaMae =) -

I still wasn’t happy with my message, so I changed it again...
Finally it read:

- Hi! I read your message.. I have found a song for the project! See you tomorrow! Xx DaMae! =) -

When I finally pressed "send" an hour had passed since I drank tea...
I wondered... did ChangMin have to think about his message?
It seemed he just wrote and sent it in the same minute...
I didn’t say I agreed with having lunch...
Maybe he’ll think I only want to see him at school, and tactfully "forgot" about his offer to have lunch...
I can’t write him again!
He’ll think I’m a stalker!
He’ll probably know what I meant, right?
Fingers crossed!
Maybe I should cross my fingers permanently...
This was the umpteenth time I crossed my fingers this week!

__________~END OF CHAPTER 10~_________

TT_TT It's going to be bad weather... It has started to rain now... AIYA!!!

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this story was goood! i loved it! C:
X'D Awh~ Don't feel lonely~! =P
Annyoung! ^^ and yay for u signing in at asianfanfics! *feels a little less lonely* X)