What A Tease


  Walking in what seems like a large manison but is actually a wide apartment, Jiyong took off his shoes and threw his keys on the kitchen counter. Nikki slowly took her shoes off as she eyed the whole place. She was surprised to see a place this huge and tidy.

  'Is this Jiyong's place.' Nikki thought, 'Where is he...?'

   She looked around for him but he was nowhere to be seen. She broke her attention when she felt something wet on her foot. She glanced down and was greeted by a tiny sharpei. Nikki squealed in joy just by the sight of it. She has always wanted a puppy of her own but her parents disapproved since they thought it would be dirty and a huge responsibilty. And Mei-Ling is too afraid of dogs so she couldn't get one at her place. She knelt down to the dog and petted it's head.

  "Aren't you just adorable?!" Nikki said, in a cutest voice as she continued to play with him, "What's your name?"

  "Gaho." Jiyong answered for him. He had appeared from out of nowhere. "His name is Gaho."

   Nikki looked up and took a glance at Jiyong before returning her gaze back at Gaho. She had forgotten that she was mad at Jiyong. She let out a cough before she stood up and faced him.

  "Look." The both of them said in unison.

  "You can go first." They both said again. The two of them kept silent, thinking that one of them would start. Jiyong took the chance to start it out.

  "I'm sorry for yelling at you. My angry got over me and you have your reasons for not tel--." Jiyong said but got cut off.

  "Actually.." Nikki said, walking to the couch and sat down. "It was wrong of me for not telling you in the first place. His offer was for me and him to go to America together so that his parents wouldn't get an arranged married for him." Nikki said.

   Jiyong walked to the couch and sat down next to Nikki and said, "You were going to marry him?!?" 

  "No, nothing like that. At first, I thought that too. But he told me it was an opportunity to start anew if I went with him." Nikki explained, looking out to the window.

  "But you had no idea that he actually liked you?"

  "Not until of what happened at the airport."

  "Then why didn't you go?" Jiyong hesitantly asked, staring at Nikki.

  "Because of you...." Nikki whispered loud enough for him to hear. 

   Jiyong then smiled, glad that she picked him over Derek. Nikki just continued to keep her gaze somewhere else besides Jiyong, for she would turn a deeper shade of red if she faced him. It's rare to see Nikki express her feelings openly. It's not that she doesn't want too, she finds it hard for her too. 

  "Nikki." Jiyong said, trying to get her attention to look at him. But Nikki fixed her gaze at the carpet patterns, not daring to look at him.

  "Nikki~~!" Jiyong sang, coming closer to her. 

  "NIKKI!!" Jiyong sang even louder, knowing that it'll annoy her. And it sure did...

  "What?!" Nikki snapped at him. He sure knows on how to get on her nerves on purpose. 

   She turned her head to him and before she knew it, Jiyong's lips slightly brushed against her's. She was about to jerk back but her position blocked her from moving anywhere. He started to close their distance between them, putting her hand around her waist and kissing her with passion. Nikki then closed her eyes, realizing it was no use in fighting and returned the kisses back to him. Their tongues  were having the battle of dominace. The sweet kisses quickly turned into a hot makeout session. Jiyong was the first one to break it apart, grasping for air. 

  "So, are we cool now?" Jiyong said, smiling, trying to regain his breath.

  "Y-y-eah, we're cool." Nikki said stuttering, still cannot believe what they did a few minutes ago.

  "Good. Now, let's continue on where we lefted off." Jiyong said smirking, raising both of his eyebrows as he came closer to Nikki.

  "Yah Jiyong!" Nikki said smacking him and pushing him away, "When did you get so erted?!"

  "I was talking about Gaho and showing you around the place but if you have something else in mind..." Jiyong said, showing his famous one-sided smirk.

  "No! Let's go! Gahooo~!" Nikki quickly said before running off to find Gaho. 

   Jiyong shook his head, chuckling at how cute and flustered Nikki looked. 

  'I'm still not used to it...' Jiyong thought before getting up and going after her.

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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 47: Done, love reading your.story
nikiarora #2
Chapter 18: hey d ending scene is same frm d disney movie.. "starstruck"....
I read this in one go
/is proud
off to read sequel :D
^o^ stayed up just to read all of this! >o< absolutely loved it!<br />
Will read the sequel tomorrow~
nuramy #5
hi there!<br />
<br />
Good read here!<br />
<br />
Spent a good quality time reading this!<br />
<br />
thank you for writing! <br />
<br />
will read the sequel~ :D
Nomnom08 #6
LOVE THE ENDING X'3 MAkes me jelly...
Yes a sequel!
omg u bish wae u no tell me this already ended? ಠ_ಠ<br />
And wae did i forgot to subscribe to this OMEGED I DUN EVEN ಥ‿ಥ<br />
Make a sequel now because GD gusta this ^ㅂ^
Awh, I loved the ending! ^^<br />
Please please please please please please MAKE A SEQUEL! Your an amazing writer and this story is so fantastical (haha^^) we need a sequel. (: