

   Riping the paper from his notebook fiercefully, Jiyong balled it in his fists and sinked into his chair. He had to write some new songs for their comeback album. Usually, being the genius he is, he'd be scribbling away. But today, he had hit a blockage in his train of thought. Time is running out and Jiyong had a deadline for writing his songs. He had a million of things to do. Producing the beats, going over the lyrics with each of the members, making a demo of it first to show YG and Teddy, etc.

  "Work brain, work." Jiyong said, lightly tapping his head. He tried to come up with a beat first but nothing seems to come into his mind lately. Instead, Taeyang's 'talk' with him the other day popped up in my head. 



“What are you going to do about it?” Taeyang asked, walking over to the couch and plopped down.

  “There’s not much that I can do.” sighed Jiyong

  “You can always do the right thing.”

  “What is the right thing?”

  “You know what it is Jiyong, it’s just up to you if you want to fix it or not.” said Taeyang, patting his best friend’s back before getting up and walking away.

-Flashback ends-

  'The right thing to do..., the right thing to do..' Jiyong slowly mouthed the words to himself. Pursing his lips together and tapping his pen on the table, slowly a light bulb formed on top of Jiyong's head. He quickly jolted down the lyrics in his head, afraid that it'll disappear within thin air before him.  

'You know when you're lost in love. Don't know what to think or do.'

'My mind is spinning cause of you, ya know?'

'Tell me what is right and what is right.'

   Jiyong read over the lines he had just scribbled down. These were the exact feelings he is going through right now. He had no idea on what to do with the situation with Nikki.

  Should he fix it or just leave it alone?

  Will she even forgive him or would she be even more angry at him?

   Realizing that Jiyong is overthinking things is never the best thing to do, he pushed away the bad thoughts. He then started to focus on writing the song. Of course, that all to do failed. For, Nikki's face would pop up in his mind every so often. 

  Jiyong groaned and threw his work across the room. He fiercefully messed up his hair with his fingers. "Why do you keep on appearing in my head?" Jiyong softly whined 

  "I'm going crazy."


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 47: Done, love reading your.story
nikiarora #2
Chapter 18: hey d ending scene is same frm d disney movie.. "starstruck"....
I read this in one go
/is proud
off to read sequel :D
^o^ stayed up just to read all of this! >o< absolutely loved it!<br />
Will read the sequel tomorrow~
nuramy #5
hi there!<br />
<br />
Good read here!<br />
<br />
Spent a good quality time reading this!<br />
<br />
thank you for writing! <br />
<br />
will read the sequel~ :D
Nomnom08 #6
LOVE THE ENDING X'3 MAkes me jelly...
Yes a sequel!
omg u bish wae u no tell me this already ended? ಠ_ಠ<br />
And wae did i forgot to subscribe to this OMEGED I DUN EVEN ಥ‿ಥ<br />
Make a sequel now because GD gusta this ^ㅂ^
Awh, I loved the ending! ^^<br />
Please please please please please please MAKE A SEQUEL! Your an amazing writer and this story is so fantastical (haha^^) we need a sequel. (: