Next To You


   Nikki must have blanked out that she didn't even noticed that the ride already ended and they were already walking out. Nikki touched her face, feeling her cheeks were wet. She tried her best to wipe them away but her tears kept on flowing. Jiyong guided her to a nearby bench and sat down. He patted the seat next to him, signaling Nikki to sit. She slowly sat down. Knowing that Jiyong is curious on why she went on the rollercoaster.

  "Why did you want to go on the ride knowing you were scared?" Jiyong said holding onto Nikki's hand, caressing her fingers.

  "I heard that if you face your fears with the person you love." Nikki sniffled and lightly smiled, "it will replace it with a nice memory instead." 

  "How come your fear is rollercoasters?" 

  "It's a long story." Nikki chuckled lightly

  "I got time." Jiyong said. Nikki let out a sigh and told her childhood story to Jiyong. Nikki stopped a few times, reminiscing on how she felt and started tearing up. Jiyong just listened to her, giving her his full attention. She never told anyone about this story before. Not even her best friend, Mei-Ling. But she trusts Jiyong enough and she owes an explanation for the way she was acting back there.      Then Jiyong hugged Nikki out of the blue, reassuring that everything's alright.

  "Enough of being sad, let's go somewhere else." Jiyong said wiping the dry tears off her face. He then took a hold of her hand and dragged her. 

  "W-wait, where are we going?" 


  "It's so peaceful here." Nikki timidly smiled.

  "It is."

   Jiyong had taken Nikki to a park. They walked to an open field and laid down on the grass. it is dead silent and all you could hear are the grasshoppers chirping. 

  "Can we just stay like this forever." Nikki whispered loud enough for Jiyong to hear her as Nikki snuggled closer to him. Jiyong smiled at her action. His arm is around her shoulder and Nikki is using his chest as a pillow. She could hear the uprising breath intakes as his chest slowly moves up and down.

  "So, what happens next?" Nikki asked, out of the blue

  "What do you mean?" Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what Nikki means. 

  "You know, when we go back to Seoul." 

  "We're going to stay like this."

  "Are you sure?" Nikki asked with a hint of worriedness in her voice as she started drawing circles on Jiyong's stomach.

  "I promise." Jiyong said, kissing the top of her head causing her to smile.

  "And how did you know I was here?" 

  "I went to your house a couple of days ago to talk to you but you weren't there. So, I asked Mei-Ling about your whereabouts and here I am." Jiyong explained, keeping the long story short.

  "Stupid Mei, I am never telling her anything ever again." Nikki muttered under her breath. But then again, if Mei hadn't told Jiyong on where she is, her and Jiyong wouldn't have been together right now.

   A tiny glimpse of a yellow light flashed a few feet away from where Nikki is laying at. It caught her eye as her gaze is locked at it.  Then it suddenly disappeared. She rubbed her eyes, thinking that she is imagining things. Then it appeared again. But this time, a few feet closer to where she is laying. Nikki immediately shot up, surprising Jiyong.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Look." Nikki smiled, pointing at a tiny yellow light that is flying a few feet away from them.

  "Fireflies." Nikki softly whispered to herself. She got up and went to go catch one. Jiyong chuckled, seeing the sight of Nikki tippy toey, trying her best on not to scare it away. She quickly made her move, before it flies away. Nikki opened her palms and cupped the firefly. She smiled successfully while walking back to Jiyong, hoping to show him.

  "I got it!" Nikki smiled, showing her glowing palms to him. Jiyong made her release the grasp of her palms, causing the firefly to fly away. Nikki followed her gaze on the firefly while it was flying away. it happened to land on Jiyong's nose, making him looking cross-eyed when he tried to take a look at it. Nikki bursted out laughing at how ridculous he had looked.

  "Yah!" Jiyong yelled, flinging his hand in front of him making the firefly fly away once again. Nikki ignored him and continued on laughing.  She was clutching onto her stomach and tears were beginning to come out of her eyes. 

  "Is it really that funny?!" Jiyong knew it would be best to wait for Nikki's laughter to die down before talking to her since he would just be ignored. When Nikki's laughter subsided, she wiped the tears away from her face.  

  "Is it really that funny to see me looking cross-eyed?" Jiyong repeated. Nikki just smiled and nodded in response.

  "Good, cause I'd do anything just to see your smile and laugh."

  "Gahh, stop being cheesy!" Nikki playfully smacked him as she got goosebumps all over her body hearing him say those words. Jiyong really meant those words. Even though he is not sure if Nikki took him seriously or not. He will try his best to not hurt Nikki anymore. Who knows how many tears she had shedded because of him. Sure, she acts strong and tough on the outside. But on the inside, like everyone, she is fragile. An image that Nikki rarely opens up to people.

   Nikki slowly slipped back into Jiyong's embrace. They were both enjoying the view in front of them, the little blinking flying specks of light roaming around the field. The warm silence were engulfing them but that didn't matter. As long as they had each other's presence, that is all they needed.


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 47: Done, love reading your.story
nikiarora #2
Chapter 18: hey d ending scene is same frm d disney movie.. "starstruck"....
I read this in one go
/is proud
off to read sequel :D
^o^ stayed up just to read all of this! >o< absolutely loved it!<br />
Will read the sequel tomorrow~
nuramy #5
hi there!<br />
<br />
Good read here!<br />
<br />
Spent a good quality time reading this!<br />
<br />
thank you for writing! <br />
<br />
will read the sequel~ :D
Nomnom08 #6
LOVE THE ENDING X'3 MAkes me jelly...
Yes a sequel!
omg u bish wae u no tell me this already ended? ಠ_ಠ<br />
And wae did i forgot to subscribe to this OMEGED I DUN EVEN ಥ‿ಥ<br />
Make a sequel now because GD gusta this ^ㅂ^
Awh, I loved the ending! ^^<br />
Please please please please please please MAKE A SEQUEL! Your an amazing writer and this story is so fantastical (haha^^) we need a sequel. (: