

   Jiyong pulled up in front of Nikki's apartment and parked his car. He fished out his phone from his pocket, checking the text, which Nikki sent him her address. He got out of the car and slowly made his way to the door. Bringing his hand up, he rang the doorbell twice.
'Ding dong! Ding dong!' Behind the door he head some shuffling and yelling sounds. The door slowly opened. Jiyong was expecting to see Nikki in front of him, but a man around his age greeted him instead.

"Uhm, is Nikki here?" asked Jiyong awkwardly

"Yeah, she'll be right out. You can come in." said Derek, opening the door widely enough to let Jiyong in and guiding him to the living room couch.

   Jiyong and Derek sat down on the couch, both facing each other. Then, Mei-Ling walked out of her room, shocked to see G-Dragon of Big Bang in her apartment. She started hyperventilating. Trying to keep Nikki's promise, she silently, or so she tried, squealed and happily made her way over to the couch, taking a seat next to Derek. The air in the room was clearly awkward. Anyone can tell if they looked at the scene in front of them. Derek is observing Jiyong's actions while Mei-Ling, on the otherhand, is smiling like an idiot who is starstruck. Jiyong started to shift on his seat, feeling very uncomfortable right now. He had no idea on what to do. So, his eyes wondered around Nikki's apartment. It didn't look too shabby or highly class. It had a modern look to it. The walls are painted light blue with paintings hanging on them. Their kitchen and living room is connected, making it able for you to look out on it. It was also quite spacious too. 

   Diverting his gaze around the house, the bathroom door opened. Out came a freshly showered Nikki. She is ruffling her hair with a towel, trying to dry it faster. She walked out into the living room, wearing only a pair short shorts and a wife beater. Jiyong realized what she is wearing and he suddenly felt hot.  He wanted to look away but Nikki's body was entrancing him. 

  "Hey Jiyong. Sorry for making you wait," apologized Nikki, "I'll just go and get dresed quickly."

  "Aniyo, it's fine." said Jiyong, smiling slyly. 

   Sensing that Jiyong is starting at Nikki's body, Derek got up, spread his arms out, trying his best to cover Nikki's body behind it.

  "Nick,  you can't go around the house walking like that! There might be guests." warned Derek, eyeing Jiyong.

  "But oppa, it's fine." said Nikki, trying her best to move away from Derek, "I always wear this when I'm around you."

  'What? Are they always like that with each other?' thought Jiyong, furrowing his eyebrows deeply. 

   Nikki finally agreed to go back into her room since Derek was being too overprotective of her. Well, more like Derek pushed Nikki into her room and told her she can't leave the room until she's fully clothed. After a few minutes of waiting, Nikki came out and walked  into the living room. She is wearing a floral skirt and a white tank top with a cardigan and a matching pair of gladiator sandals. Finally relieved of not being on the spot anymore, Jiyong got up from the couch and opened the door for Nikki. 

  "Bye Mei! Bye oppa!" Nikki smiled and waved goodbye to them

  'Oppa... Why doesn't she call me that.' thought Jiyong

  "Sorry about that, my friends can be like that sometimes." apologized Nikki. walking side by side with Jiyong to her car

  "Oh no, it's fine. I understand." chuckled Jiyong

  "So, where are we going?" questioned Nikki as she buckled her seatbelt.

  "Oh, you'll see." Jiyong said smiling, releasing the parking brake and driving away.


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 47: Done, love reading your.story
nikiarora #2
Chapter 18: hey d ending scene is same frm d disney movie.. "starstruck"....
I read this in one go
/is proud
off to read sequel :D
^o^ stayed up just to read all of this! >o< absolutely loved it!<br />
Will read the sequel tomorrow~
nuramy #5
hi there!<br />
<br />
Good read here!<br />
<br />
Spent a good quality time reading this!<br />
<br />
thank you for writing! <br />
<br />
will read the sequel~ :D
Nomnom08 #6
LOVE THE ENDING X'3 MAkes me jelly...
Yes a sequel!
omg u bish wae u no tell me this already ended? ಠ_ಠ<br />
And wae did i forgot to subscribe to this OMEGED I DUN EVEN ಥ‿ಥ<br />
Make a sequel now because GD gusta this ^ㅂ^
Awh, I loved the ending! ^^<br />
Please please please please please please MAKE A SEQUEL! Your an amazing writer and this story is so fantastical (haha^^) we need a sequel. (: