

   Sipping on a Starbucks cup of hot latte, Nikki picked back up her pencil and started to get back to work. She decided to draw some place else besides at the apartment. Since first of all, the weather has been getting hot and her room was way to stuffy for her to concentrate. Secondly, she just wanted a cool, calm environment for her to brainstorm since at home, well... there's Mei. And thirdly, to just get away from everything. Even if it is just for a while. Somehow, Nikki found the smell of fresh bew coffee really relaxing. So, why not go to Starbuck's?

   Proping her chin in the palm of her right hand, she began to complete the finishing touches of her drawing. It's a tall faceless girl with long black hair, wearing a light yellow ruffle sleeveless top and a pair of light denim blue ripped studded shorts. Holding up her sketch book, Nikki smiled at her hardwork. She started to stretch since her hand got cramped up from drawing for god knows how long. Once she's immersed in her work, she does not pay attention to her surroundings. 

   She looked out the window and got surprised, the sun has already set and it was starting to get dark. She looked at her cell phone in her bag to check the phone. It read 8:10. She had gotten 1 missed call and 1 new text message. Both of them were from Mei, asking on where she is. She texted back, reassuring her best friend that she's at Starbuck's working on her sketches and starting to head home right now. Sliding her phone into her jean pocket, she collected her things and walked out. Nikki decided that sincer her apartment was only 7 blocks away, she'd walk inside of taking a taxi or bus. It saves her time and she is getting her excercise, in which she is lacking a lot of lately. 

   She started to walk down the sidewalk, listening to her iPod on full blast. Crossing the street, she thought she'd saw someone behind her from the corner of her eye. She turned around,, only to be greeted by darkness. She shurgged it off and continued to cross the street. Once she reached the sidewalk, Nikki swore she saw someone behind  her again.

   Getting slighty paranoid, she started to pick up her pace. She had seen a lot of tv shows and movies where the girl who always walks home at night, gets kidnapped and killed in the dark alley by some creeps. She does not want to be one of them. She quickly ran the next two blocks and around the corner. As she did so, she heard footsteps right behind her following her. 'I'm going to diee! Please God, don't let me die.' Nikki prayed as she kept on running. She slowly slowed down her pace as she no longer heard footsteps. "I think I lost him.." Nikki whispered, letting out a relieved sigh as she tried tor regain her breath. 

   She turned around and started walking home. It was now only a block away since she pratically ran all the way. She then felt a pair of hands snake around her waist as a hand covered . She tried to free herself from the stranger or let out a scream for help but he was simply to strong for her. The man then dragged her into an empty alley, where no one can spot them. He released his hold on Nikki. As he did so, Nikki grapsed onto her bag tightly and slung it over her shoulder, repeatedly smacking the man with her bag over and over.



  "You ert!"


  "How dare you try to kidnap me?!"




  "People like you ne--." Nikki started to yell, then stopped hitting him when he said her name. "How do you know my name you creep?!"

  "It's Jiyong!" 

  "Jiyong! Why did you sneak up behind me?! You scared me! I thought you were a stalker or a creeper!" Nikki cried out, clutching onto her heart.

  "I saw you walking down on the streets and I wanted to go talk to you but you were walking so fast so I had to catch up." Jiyong explained, clutching onto his head due to Nikki's beatings at first. "God, what do you have in that bag?! I think I just lost 100 braincells." 

  "Sorry, I tend to hit really hard when people catch me off guard." Nikki said, rubbing the back of her neck. She then remembered that she's mad at Jiyong.

  "Well, I'll go going now." Nikki nonchalantly said, walking back.

  "Not until we talk." Jiyong firmly said, blocking her way.

  "Okay, shoot." Nikki said, crossing her arms and waited for his explanation.

  "Not here, let's go somewhere else." Jiyong said, grabbing a hold of her and leading the way.

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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 47: Done, love reading your.story
nikiarora #2
Chapter 18: hey d ending scene is same frm d disney movie.. "starstruck"....
I read this in one go
/is proud
off to read sequel :D
^o^ stayed up just to read all of this! >o< absolutely loved it!<br />
Will read the sequel tomorrow~
nuramy #5
hi there!<br />
<br />
Good read here!<br />
<br />
Spent a good quality time reading this!<br />
<br />
thank you for writing! <br />
<br />
will read the sequel~ :D
Nomnom08 #6
LOVE THE ENDING X'3 MAkes me jelly...
Yes a sequel!
omg u bish wae u no tell me this already ended? ಠ_ಠ<br />
And wae did i forgot to subscribe to this OMEGED I DUN EVEN ಥ‿ಥ<br />
Make a sequel now because GD gusta this ^ㅂ^
Awh, I loved the ending! ^^<br />
Please please please please please please MAKE A SEQUEL! Your an amazing writer and this story is so fantastical (haha^^) we need a sequel. (: