Visiting the Handicap Part II

Super Love; Super Famous


I ignore Donghae's words bringing my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around my legs. I no longer feel like arguing. 

"What do we do?" Ryeowook whispers asking the members.

"Feed me." I reply. "Might as well make yourselves useful if you’re not leaving." Non understandable mutters go off in the room before I hear feet move.

Donghae sits next to me expressing an exaggerated sigh. I watch as he grabs the remote control and turns the TV on. My performance with Donghae flashed on the screen along with other performances of the concert. I was shocked at first but then remembered the cameras that were trying to get into my waiting room.

Donghae shifted when he saw me pop-up on the screen. The cameras caught me leaving the practice room; exactly after he had dropped me.

"Oh Camera." The camera surprises me coming out of nowhere.. "Annyeonghaseyo, Kwon RuMi-immida." I bow walking towards my dressing room. 

"RuMi? We didn't know you were here." the PD tells me surprised by my presence

"Hahaha....yeah..I didn't either until a week ago." Before even touching the knob of my dressing room a member staff comes up and tells me I need to be on stage for rehearsal. "Okay." I sigh limping a couple of steps

"Rumi, are you feel okay?" 

"Yes, just a little tired from all the rehearsals." I smile returning to a normal walk.

"Do you like being with your Japanese fans?" 

"That is why I'm here." I bluntly tell him.

"Ooooh, so cold RuMi."  The PD says playfully "We hear you're performing with Super Junior's Donghae."


"You don't sound too excited to perform with him." 

"Oh, I am." A fake smile appears on my face. " It’s just.... I'm worried if Donghae....Oppa...can perform the dance, considering he only had two days to practice."

"Awwww...Someone has a soft spot.” I shrugged my shoulders heading towards the stage.

The camera filmed me practicing my performance with Changmin. A shot was cut in where I was holding onto Max's shoulder and pulling my ankle up so I can massage it, then I slightly winced in pain.

"How come you didn't go to see a doctor after you fell? It's obvious you were feeling pain." Donghae pushes my knee.

"Cameras were there." I tell him before turning my attention back to the show not wanting to have an argument about it.

When my part was over scenes featuring Super Junior appeared.

"We are here in Japan to be with our lovely Japanese fans." Leeteuk announced cutely. The camera man zoomed onto Donghae's face, he looked worried.

"Donghae, how is it to work with Kwon RuMi?" The PD asks.

"It’s entertaining, she amazing to work with, easy going." Donghae tells him with a smile on his face.

"Really?" The PD asked Shocked that I someone said that. People normally say I'm cold, an Ice Princess. "Do you like her?"

"Yeah..... no a friends, a coworker." Donghae says in a rush causing the people around him to laugh.


The rest got boring. I looked over at Donghae you had fallen asleep. Taking the remote from his hand I turn the TV off not wanting to hear the noise anymore. I look over at the kitchen hoping for the food to already be done, but it still looks like Ryeowook is still going at it. The other members were sitting at the dining room table talking and drinking beers.

"Donghae," I kick his side using my right foot; he groans leaning his body towards me. His arms wrap around my legs making my body go stiff. I'm glad he had told me to put pants on earlier. 

Curiously gets the best of me. I lay my chin on my knee taking in Donghae's sleeping appearance. He looks like an innocent five-year-old. Slowly my hand starts moving towards his face, but stops when I hear foot steps behind me.

"Food's ready," Kyuhyun says. "But if you want to Donghae we can eat without you two." A smirk covers his face as he went back into the kitchen.

"Donghae take me to the kitchen!" Donghae jumps back surprised from my screaming.

"Yah! Couldn't you just nudge me or something?" He scolds.

"I did but you hugged my legs as if they were pillow, babo!" I yell back at him. He sighs before forcefully picking me up bridal style and taking me into the dining room.

I eat quietly while the members chatted and ate happily laughing every now and then. Finishing the food I push the plate aside waiting on Donghae to finish so he could take me up stairs. 

"Did you like the food?" Ryeowook asks me.

"Yes, it was delicious." I give him a week smile before looking at the clock on the range. 7:50 PM.

"Thank you! I'm glad you liked it." He smiles.

"You want us to leave?" Kyuhyun asks. I nod my head yes hoping they'd listen to me this time.

"Well, too bad." He grins evilly. Glaring I push back the seat to forcefully wincing in pain from the force.

"Are you okay!" They all jump from their seats. Sungmin checks my ankle while Donghae and Eunhyuk send Kyuhyun glares while he sends me apologetic looks. 

"Should I get you ice." Ryeowook stands next to me.

"I'm fine." I breathe out. They all let out a sigh of relief.

"We're watching a movie!" Eunhyuk grabs me and carries me into the living room and places me on the couch. "What should we watch?"

"Action." Sungmin says walking in with a bowl of popcorn.

"Yes." They all agree.

"No." I disagree with them.

"Then what do you want to watch?" Kyuhyun asks. "A scary movie." He laughs.


"You already scared us less earlier, no thanks." Euhyuk says.

"Not a big fan of scary movies."

"Well I don't care. Put a scary movie on or I'll scare all of you less again." I cross my arms.

"Fine." They all mutter. 

After taking two minute to make myself comfortable Eunhyuk comes and moves me to the center of the couch with him on my right side and Donghae on my left.  I sigh letting the anchovy win this time.

"Sungmin get me a blanket they're in the closet down the hall." I tell him. 

"Sure." Two minutes later he comes walking in with four blankets in his hand. He hands me one for myself then one for Kyuhyun and Donghae, himself, and Eunhyuk and Ryeowook.

During the first 20 minutes of the movie the members kept jumping and Eunhyuk even used me as his shield. Half way through the movie sleep overpowered my body. Slowly coming in and out of sleep I felt someone gentle pull me towards their shoulder. Wiggling a bit I make myself comfortable by putting my legs on Eunhyuk and laying my head on Donghae's shoulder.


Feeling someone's arms wrap around my waist jolt me awake from the sudden skinship. The TV's light made my eyes wince from the sudden brightness. I look around noticing that the members were all asleep. Ryeowook had moved to the single couch while Sungmin and Kyuhun her laying on the love seat. 

Diverting my eyes beside me I notices that I had been sleeping on Donghae while he layed on my left using the couch's arm as a pillow. The arms belong to the erted anchovy. Gently and quickly I remove his arms and stand trying not to wake the members. Knowing them they'd want to sleep in bed with me.

I take a step using my left leg and wince in pain; I had completely forgotten about my sprained ankle.

"Are you okay?" Donghae mumbled stretching his arms out. 

"I'm fine." I sit on the glass table not bearing the inability to walk upstairs.

"Want me to take you upstairs?" Donghae whispers. Nodding my head He picks me up bridal style and carries me upstairs. 

He gently places me on my bed before looking away with a guilty expression on his face. "Would you stop thinking about it; you dropped me there is nothing you can do about it now." I snap.

"Sorry." Donghae looks me straight in the eyes. His lakey eyes staring at me with such intenseness made me want to melt.

"Stop apologizing!" I whisper-scream at him. "The more you do it, the more I hate you." He seemed shocked at my outburst before covering it with a blank expression.

"Why are you so cold to people?" He asks catching me off guard. I can't let him see me as a weak person. The last person who saw me as a weakling almost killed me.

"Why do you care?" He doesn't answer. "If you don't like the way am then leave. No one is forcing you to stay here and put up with me. I already told you to leave you're the one staying." I take a deep breath. "And stop feeling guilty it makes you look pathetic." I finish.

He shakes his head running a head through his hair before leaving my room. I hear groans and moans of sleepiness as Donghae wakes the members up. Ignoring them I limp my way into the bathroom. The sound of a car starting echoes through the house. 

 I sign in relief. They're finally gone.

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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!