
Super Love; Super Famous


The next morning, I got up at 8:30. I had gone to the hair salon to dye it a light brown. Now, it's 3:30PM. The photo shoot starts at 4:00. Jung Hoon Oppa is taking too long. I'm outside waiting and it's cold. I would go back inside but then I have to deal with the annoying manager who's always talking to me.


I'm freezing. Maybe I should listen to Appa when he says not to wear shorts in the winter. There yoga grey shorts and then I have a black panther oversized hoodie, black UGGs, and to complete the outfit a red beanie. Three things I'm going to complain about the cold, my bag being heavy, and Oppa being late. He dropped me off and said he'll be back to pick me up when I'm done. No Oppa.


 A fan came up and just stood next to me. It was a fan boy. A couple of minutes later he hands me the blanket and runs off. Opening it up to make sure nothing was in it, I wrap it around my legs. Distracted by the warm feeling I’m getting, I didn't realize that a black van stopped in front of me until the horn went off. Looking up I see Oppa driving. I wink at him. Opening the door, I see angry SUJU members. Hopping Inside I sit on Cinderella and hug him taking in the warmth.


"Yah! What to you so long?"


"Why did you wink at hyung?" They all ask.


"Have you seen your manager?" I smile and Donghae glares at me. "Why did you take so long?"


"The boys took long to get dressed. Why were you standing outside?" Jung Hoon asks.


"I don't know. When someone text me 'I’m on my way', that kind of means like I won't be here two hours later."


"Your cold." Heechul states the obvious.


"Thank you for noticing. Now give me warmth." Into the drive to the photo shoot, I ended up in the back. Donghae hold my upper body while Eunhyuk and Yesung got my lower half. Arriving at the location, I get out the van only to have four members following behind. Eunhae and Kyumin. "Hi, what are you doing?"


"We have no life." Eunhyuk


"I do, being alive is life." Kyuhyun


"It's cold, let’s go." Sungmin


Being 30 minutes late isn't good but considering I didn't really want to be here, I made it on time. The staff member rushed me to the dressing room with SJ following our steps. In the room they sat in the couch playing around and being them while I got my hair and make-up done.


"Why did you guys stay here?" I ask the lovely couples.


"To give you support." Sungmin tells me going back to talking with Donghae. The make-up artist starts working on my eyes causing me to close them. I heard 'hellos' go off.


"Hello Rumi, How are you today?" Mrs. Cha asks me.


"Horrible. It's cold outside."


"If I could change the weather l would. You shouldn't feel horrible." This lady is creepy.




"Do you have any questions about the shoot today?"


"No. Oh yeah. I'm not going to shoot right?" This got the boys attention.


"My girlfriend can't be ." Donghae tells her.


"You are dating Rumi?"




"I don't mind it but I kind of need to know. To shoot ." I tell her.




"Fishy, shut up."


"No. There will be no ness." Mrs. Cha laughs.


"Damn." Kyuhyun


"I was Looking forward to that." Eunhyuk


"Stick to the computer Hyukki." Sungmin


"Yah!" Eunhyuk


"Good. No one needs to see her like that." Donghae


"Except you?" Sungmin


"He already did." Kyuhyun


"Shut up!" I yell at them. The make-up lady jumps. "I have no more questions Mrs. Cha.".


"Very well, I'll be in the other room if you need me."


Finishing up on my face and hair, the fashion coordinator walks me through the different styles and asking me if I feel uncomfortable in anything. The thing about HaYuJu is that they are very free. They design whatever they want.


Random would be a key word to describe them. The put out photos that describes the celebrity they chose to promote their brand, at least that's what they want to try out. A photo shoot themed after me, well they must really know me. "We will do half the shoot inside. The other half will be done on the streets."


"Outside. In the cold." They don't know me.




"Damn." I mutter under my breath.


"Let's get you dressed." She happily clapped her hands. "I'm a big fan. Heard a lot about you." She handed me my first outfit.


"The world has." I was about to take my shirt off when I remember the boys. Turning around, I see four pairs of eyes looking at me. "Get out." With moans and groans they made thier way out of the room. I get dressed into the first outfit. It's very simple yet chic. As the photo shoot progresses, the outfits become more me.


Pose. Flash. Pose. Flash. Pose. Flash. Pose. Flash. Pose. Flash. Pose. Flash.


{Donghae POV}


She looks amazing. The boys left hours ago, around eight, it’s now 12.


"Doesn't she look beautiful?" Mrs. Cha came up to me. I bow.


"Takes my breath away."


"Don't get cheesy." she laughs.


"She looks beautiful." I change my cheesiness.


"Has she always been this bold?"


"Yeah, that’s what she is known for, but deep down she's a shy innocent girl. She needs love."




"Someone who puts up a bold fierce front like her and then tears them down when she is alone needs love." I didn't mean to tell Mrs. Cha, but for some odd reason I can’t keep quiet. "Whenever she does not want to deal with something, she runs away from it. Anyone who talks down on her, she defends her self, but at times she just ignores them. It’s like she takes what they say and believes it but then leaves as if not hearing anything."


"She has been through a lot." Mrs. Cha said. Does she know Rumi?


"I'm sorry." I look over at her, eyes watery with tears but they do not spill over.


"Nothing." She walks off.


"It’s cold." Rumi runs, more like waddles, over to me wrapping her around my waist.


"Your body is hot, how are you cold." She just finished her last picture shots, her hippy, definitely y, look barely covered her body.


"Rumi, we'll get you ready for the next shoot and then go to the location."


"I don't want to go." she muttered into my chest. "I'll freeze to death." I like it when she acts like a little girl, complaining about everything that does not go her way.


"Go get dressed." I pushed her towards the dressing room. I went to the van to wait for her there. Tomorrow, I don't have any early morning schedule so I'll be here with her until she is done. Even if I felt tired, as soon as my eyes landed on her a shot of energy went through my body.


Sitting inside the van, I saw Mrs. Cha come out. She just stood there doing nothing. Why would someone have sunglasses on during the night? Now that I think about it, since I met her she has always wore black sun glasses. When the door opened she turned around smiling at the person who walked out the door. Rumi wore thin closes with a blanket over her body, she shook receiving the cold.


Mr. Cha, said something making Rumi look confused. Cute.


I'll make you fall for me.


I open the door grabbing the ladies attention. "Rumi you are going to get sick. Come in the van." She rushes over with staff following behind her. She got in with me while the staff got in there vans. Jung Hoon Hyung started the car and followed the staff cars.


"Why are you such a good person?" Rumi asks me, making her self-comfortable on my lap. I wrap my arms around her.


"It’s just who I am."


"Stay that way." She falls asleep. I looked out the window, thinking about the New Years' Party, the skinship, her secret place. She’s opening up to me, the only thing I’m scared of doing it scaring her away. I’m shocked that me telling her I was falling didn't freak her out. I look down at her, admiring her innocent features.


What are you hiding Ru?




{RuMi POV}


"Son of a it's cold." I screech getting out of the car.


"Language." Donghae says in a stern voice. I laugh and push him, he barely moves. He pushes me and I practically fell on the floor if it isn't for Fishy's fast cat like reflexes. The staff quickly come to me fixing my hair and make-up. The photographer directs me to where he wants me to stand and tells me to just do what I feel right now.


Cold, I feel cold. I hand the blanket to the Unni. Ten minutes into the shoot I felt my body go numb, the cold went away and I was able to finish the rest of the shots. Going into a trailer I change into my next outfit and make-up.


Three in the morning the time I finally finished the photo shoot. Changing into sweats and a white tank top, I throw my jacket on and leave the trailer. Outside Donghae is sitting down on the park bench, sleeping. Standing there, I stare at him. He told me he's falling for me, I want to open my arms and say me too but I can't.


He's a human being, they make mistakes, and I don't want to be the mistake he takes. Sighing, I walk over and sit myself on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. I’ll take what I can get from him. Shocked his eyes open wide and his arms push me a little. Realizing it is me he calms down and hugs me close.


"You scared me." I laugh baring my face in the crook of his neck. I hear a click. "Did you see the flash?"


"No. Did you hear a click?"


"No." Donghae Sighs, he know what it is.


"I want to go home." I tell him popping my head up. My face is mere inches away from his, we can't kiss. Paparazzi were around, they knew we were dating but kissing in public. Donghae answered my question.


"Let's go." he gently gave me a shove, signaling me to get up. Fishy finds my hand and we make our way to the van. I feel exhausted.




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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!