Someone Like You

Super Love; Super Famous

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I nod my head no. Sighing Donghae pulls me closer towards him. After the whole Incident earlier Hae brought me to my house, only causing more drama. Jamie started arguing with me for no reason then she argued because I wouldn't argue back. Donghae dwelt with her and took us upstairs. Now we are in my room laying down on the bed cuddling.

It's been quiet between us except for now with Hae's question. Telling him the truth now is probably the best time but I can't bring myself to do it. "Do you want me to stay?" I shrug my shoulder. "Will you speak?" I sit up, looking up to him I can't help but want to cry. He cares for me, the only people that ever cared for were my sibling and new Appa. I look back down and start playing with his hands.

"Do you have a schedule tomorrow?" I finally decide to speak.

"Yeah, but if you want me to stay. I will." Still looking down, I smile but quickly make it disappear.

"No. You should go get some rest." Donghae lifts my chin to look at him.

"Okay but if you need anything, anything, call me." Nodding my head, I receive a gentle kiss from my fishy. I feel him pull away, so I pull him back wanting him. The fishy smirks, sliding my sweatshirt up. Throwing the sweatshirt off I straddle on top of him.

"Ru ~, Whatcha doin'" Jamie's little boy walks in causing Donghae to push me off.

"I hate kids." I mutter. Hae give me a quick goodbye hug and walks towards the kid.

"Hey buddy. You never saw us."






{JunJu's POV}



Hanni looks amazing on stage and the fans adore her. My smile can't help but shine every time I look at her. Knowing where she's been all this time the weights of worry lift off my shoulders. Yes she's famous but you have to have TV and internet in order to know about them. I'm only blocked from the world in my house, I don't have the time when I leave because of work.

Standing next to Donghae I can tell he truly loves Hana, Rumi. Donghae will you stay with Hana when she tells you?  

My eyes wonder towards the audience, they're all shouting Hana's name. Well it's her name but not her name, but still her name. Squinting my eyes, I see someone I would never imagine being here, Appa. Eyes coming contact with him I think I saw the devil. Running back towards the dressing room, I find the other boys watching Rumi's performance in here.

"Beautiful Noona, where have you been?" Eunhyuk asks me.

"Beautiful? Hmph." I send glares over at him.

"I was watching from backstage with Donghae." I sit down next to Kyuhyun. Feeling frigidity I start playing with the hem of my dress.

"Noona, are you feeling okay?" Kyuhyun asks.

"Stop acting like you care Kyu." Heechul tells him. Feeling mad I grab my purse and leave the room. Who the hell does this Heechul think he is? Walking towards the parking lot, I stop seeing Appa in front of me.

"JunJu." He says sternly. "What are you doing here?"

"Appa." I smile at him, not wanting to push the wrong buttons. "My work asked me to interview some Idols to see if they were willing to perform at the university." I hate lying.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Appa walks closer. "You came to see Hana." Shocked at what he just said I didn't feel the slap across my face. "Let's go." He starts pulling me.

"Hey!" A voice calls out. Just then Appa is knocked out on the floor. Looking towards the person, I see Heechul holding on to my hand. 

"Are you okay?" He gives me a look of disbelief, instead of waiting for my reply he drags me out of here before Appa gets back up.

In the van it was silent, the other boys were with us except for Donghae. Eunhyuk was telling us about how Rumi was going crazy and wouldn't tell anyone what was wrong. Hana, she saw him, I wanted to go to and tell her that she's safe. 

That the man I call Appa will no longer hurt her but if by looking at her made her the way Hyuk is explaining, imagine what it would be like if he had talked to her. Touching my cheek I wince in pain, why hasn't Heechul asked me about Appa? Maybe, he didn't see the slap and only saw him pulling me away. 

"Are you hungry?" I thought for a second. I can say no and go home to hell or I say yes and get free food. 

"Hyung I'm hungry." Eunhyuk whines. 

"Are you taking us out?" Kyuhyun's eyes show happiness.

"No, Just her." Heechul blankly says. 

He's saw the slap. 

"I'm not hungry." I urge not wanting to be asked about the situation.

"Jung Hoon Hyung drop us off right here." He starts putting on a hat and sunglasses. The sun already settled, what's with the glasses? 

"I told you I'm not hungry." I tell him. It was no use, he grabs my wrist and drags me out of the car. Letting go he walks in front of me, I now regret coming to see Hana. Instead of following behind Heechul, I could have ran off but something was telling me to stay. We walk into this tiny restaurant, instead of taking a seat with the other costumers, he opens the back door. Back outside he went up stairs, maybe I shouldn't have followed him. Reaching the top, I gasp at the beautiful city view. Sitting down at the table, Heechul held a serious expression. 

"How come that man hit you?"

"What are you talking about?" I stare at the twinkling lights.

"I saw the old guy slap you across your face, you even have the red mark."

"Are we not going to eat?" I ask him wanting my free food. 

"You're a lot like Rumi. Changing the subject when not wanting to tell the truth."

"What do you know about Rumi?" I sit up straight. 

"What do you mean?" I sigh in frustration, gliding my hands down my face. 

"Owww." Heechul got up, leaving me alone on the rooftop. He doesn't know anything, why would he even bring me here? I stand up, making my way down the stairs while Heechul is coming up. 

"Where are you going?" Ignoring him I slide pass him. "Aish...this girl." 

Hearing footstep behind me, I pick up my pace. Turning into an alley way, a hand grabs me turning me around. "Let go."

"Not until you tell me what's going on. Something isn't right. First Rumi tells me she not who we think she is, we meet you at the university and you never even say a word towards Rumi, then Monster has a breakdown today, and I see an old man hit you. What the hell is going on!" I stare at him shocked that he actually knew something. 

"That man is......" I felt something cold hit my face.

"Hold that there." It was a bag of ice. Laughing I fall to the floor, tears start streaming down my face.

"Heechul, how was your childhood, were your parents loving?" I look up at Heechul. "Being happy and not having to worry weather or not you're going to live to see the next morning. Not having to worry about protecting your younger siblings from the parents that are supposed to protect you." Heechul sits beside me.

"Taking the hits so Hana and Yuhan don't suffer, taking them away from Appa. Omma always to drunk or high to bother keeping us safe, always worrying about herself. You know those girls in high school that thought that caking your face with make-up was cute? I put layers of make-up on to keep the bruises from being noticeable. Appa is evil, that's why Hana left, she left reaching the dream of living well and happy." 

"Who's Hana?" Heechul whispers. Realizing what slipped out my mouth, I quickly stand fixing my dress.

"I've already said too much" I wipe the tears away, starting to walk away.

"Where are you staying tonight?" I hear Heechul call out to me. "Don't go back."



{Rumi's POV}

I really don't want to be here. I'm at SM Town, practicing for my second day comeback with MNet. It's late, my feet hurt, I'm tired and hungry. Since yesterday, my nerves have been on edge. I don't want to see him again, what if this time it's not just eye contact but verbally. Shaking my head, I decide calling it a day and tell the dancers to go home. Calling Donghae, he doesn't answer. Stepping outside the cold night my phone starts ringing.

"Donghae, why didn't you-"

"Hana! Have you seen JunJu?" It was Yuhan.

"I saw her earlier but...." I stopped in my tracks.

"Hana? Look she didn't come home last night, the devil is pissed the off. She isn't answering my calls. Hana? Where are you, I'll go to you."

"Yu..yuhan O..pp.. ppa, I'll call you later." I hang up.

"Follow me." The man hypnotizes me with his simple words. Lifting my hood but I gather my courage. Time to stand up to this . Reaching an alley way, I stand as far as possible. "Hanni, it's good to see you. I've missed you." He starts walking around me like a lion stalking his prey.

"Sure you did. Did you also miss hitting me?" He laughs.

"Hana, watch how you speak to me. I know something the media would love to hear." He backs me up against the wall.

"What do you want?" 

"I want you to come back or you can give me money." 

"What makes you think I'll do anything you ask me."

"If you don't I'll tell the world your dirty little secret." He grins evilly. That grin made me want to throw up.

"Go ahead! Why would I want to do anything for a baster like you!" His fist comes up. Shutting my eyes I wait for the blow to come.

"Get the away from her." Yuhan pulls him off, pushing him to the floor. I slide to the floor starting to cry my eyes out.

"Yuhan!" Appa was about to punch Yuhan when a car beeps causing him to stop. "I'll deal with you when I get back." The car drives away.

"Hana." Yuhan swats down hugging me close. "For once I'm glad his drug dealer is pissed."

"Yuhan." I whine. The only time I ever called Yuhan Oppa was then I was scared or in trouble. Yuhan picks me up bridal style and starts walking. I wrap my arms around his neck crying even more. 

"Rumi!" I hear Donghae call me. "What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything." Yuhan puts me down but I don't let go of him. "Ha-Rumi, let go, you have to go."

"Stay. Don't go back there."

"You know I can't stay. If you let go I won't go back, I'll go somewhere else." I pull  back a little to  look at him.


"Cross my heart and hope to die." He smiles.

"Don't play like that." I glare at him.

"I promise. Go into the arms of your boy friend, he looks jealous." I let Yuhan Go. Watching him leave, I hear footstep nearing behind me. 

"Donghae...." I turn around.

"I got a schedule tomorrow. Text me." He kisses my forehead and walks towards his car. I could have stopped him, instead I watch him drive away. Reaching my own car, I make my drive home. Remembering Yuhan asking me where JunJu is, I call Eunhyuk.

"I knew you'd want me." I hear ruffling on the line.

"Where's my sis-best friend?"

"JunJu? With Heechul."

"Why would she be with Cinderella?"

"I don't know." Hanging up I sigh feeling better that she's safe, maybe.

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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!