The Perfect Getaway

Super Love; Super Famous



After an eight hour flight, we land in Maldives. I wanted to take Rumi somewhere she can let loose and forget the stress she's going through.  When we get back we'll hear it but for now, we are going to enjoy our week. Walking out the airport I felt good, seeing the clear blue water. Looking over at Ru her face is in Awh, she's amazed by the beauty. We ride the boat to to the villas. 
Checking in, the bell hop guides us towards our villa explaining the different things we can do on the way. Opening the door, I couldn't believe we were going to be staying here for the next week. I may have booked it but I've never been here before. Rumi ran onto the bed and starts jumping. 
"Let's wash up and..... " I look around hoping to get inspiration off something.
"Yeah, the sun is already setting. I just want to cuddle and relax."  Agreeing with her, I let her wash up first.
I order room service, telling them we want the sea food course and wine. Coming out of the bathroom I don't bother putting on a shirt just basketball shorts. Rumi must have had the same idea except she's just in her undergarments and an oversized off-shoulder shirt. Way to make a guy feel relaxed. Hearing the door, I walk over letting the service guy bring in the cart full of yummy food. Seeing the food, Rumi gets up running towards the table. 
"Cute ~" I pinch Ru's cheeks. Receiving glares from my angel, I laugh sitting down to eat.
"Wine ~" I Choke on my food from her sudden agioo. She waved the glass of wine in the air, admiring it's color.
"You really like wine that much?" She nods her head. "Kyumi." I blankly say. Hearing her giggle we continue our dinner in a peaceful matter. Sitting down on the couch I wrap Ru in my arms. I never thought I could feel this way about a girl. 
"What are you thinking?" She asks quietly.
"What did I do to deserve you?" I feel her stiffen under my hold. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I was just thinking the same thing." Sitting up she turns to face me. "Thank you. I needed this, although I didn't know I did until seeing this place. I can't describe how much I appreciate it."
"Who are you and what did you do with my Rumi?" I joked around earning me a slap on the arm. 
"Yah. I'm tiring to be serious and you're joking around." Pulling her into a hug, I kiss her cheek.
"Be serious but enjoy the time we have here." 
"Hae, let go." She tries pushing me off but I hold on tighter. "I'm serious!" Hearing her cough I freak out and let her go. Getting off she runs to the bathroom. She still feels sick, stupid birth control. Kind of wish we didn't we use it. Ten minutes later, she walks out. Grabbing a pillow she lays herself on my lap. Reaching her hands up she makes a picture frame at the sky. "The stars will forever be locked in my memories." She smiles.
"Are you feeling better?" 
"Yeah..." She looks at me. "I just want to sleep." She tells me putting her hands down.
"Rumi," It was time I asks her about what happen. "Why did you defend him?" 
"You shouldn't be hitting people." She looks away.
"He was holding on to you. You looked like you were about to cry." I feel my hands ball up into a fist just thinking about it.
"I felt dizzy and fell from the stairs, he caught me. About to cry? No I wasn't." I felt somewhat stupid, but I didn't say a thing.
"Who is he?"
"A friend." I don't believe it but drop the conversation. If I start asking questions after questions this isn't going to be a relaxing weekend. 
Staring up at the sky I see millions of twinkling stars. Looking down at Ru, she's fallen asleep. Taking her over to the bed, I flip the covers open and tuck her in. She looks innocent and pure, like an angel. If only she was like that when her eyes were open. Slipping in next to her, I admire her features until falling into dream world. 
The next morning I wake to an empty space next to me. Freaking out I jump out of bed, looking in the bathroom; she isn't in there. Going towards the outside tub, she's not there either. I walk over to the edge of the patio looking in the clear water. "Rumi." She didn't fall in and drown, can she swim? Ugh. Just then I hear the door shut. Walking in like a model Rumi sits on the couch. If I wasn't drooling over how good she look, I would have yelled. 
"Wipe off your drool. I'm Hungry hurry up and get dressed." She scolded. 
"Tsk..... This girl." I mumble to myself. 
Sitting down at the table, I look around making sure nobody recognizes us. If someone did, it could possibly ruin our time here. Looking over at Rumi, she looked as if she was making the decision of life or death. Laughing, I take a sip of my drink and look at the scenery. Giving our orders to the waiter, I knew Rumi had thought long for what she wanted to eat. 
"Relax. You'll have a chance to try it all."
"What are we doing today?" She ignores my comment.
"We are going into town."
"I've always wanted to walk the streets without being noticed." she slides on her sun glasses
"Me too."
{Rumi POV}
Walking the streets with Donghae is nice, hand in hand with nobody bothering us. No ones ask if we are RuHae or spaz over who we are. I like it. Passing various shops, I was looking for something but couldn't really put my finger on it. What was it, it's on the tip of my tough.
"Couple rings." I point at a cute little accessory store.
"Awh... The oh so Monster Ru is just like the rest of the girls in the world." Ignoring Donghae I run into the shop. "Yah! What have I told you about ignoring me." 
"Girls will be girls." I tell him. Looking through all the rings I turn around to tell Hae we should get one but he isn't there. "Fishy."
"I'm over here." I follow his voice and find him next to the necklaces.
"Let's get necklaces instead." He tells me already searching.
"Why?" He ignores me continuing to search. "Yah! Don't ignore me." Laughing he turns around with two puzzle piece necklaces. One is silver with a diamond in the corner and the other is a faded black, the two perfectly match each other. Smiling, Donghae turns me around moving my hair to the side and puts the silver one around my neck.  Going towards the mirror, I play around with it thinking why do I have this on.
"I like it." I tell him giving him a back hug while he pays.
The next morning, I felt the world spin. Walking out of the bathroom I see a worried Donghae standing there. "I'm fine." I tell him making my way towards my suitcase. He didn't say anything and went to get ready. Since today we are going to a small private island, I'll wear something a little more to Donghae's liking. Packing a small bag, I take medicine to keep me from getting sea sick. 
"Ready?" I asked Hae checking him out a bit. He's wearing a white wife beater  with blue and white striped swim shorts. His arms. 
"Google me." He smirks.
"Why? I have the real thing in front of me."
Arriving at the pier, we get on the boat. Feeling the wind hit my body and the warmth of the sun I couldn't help but feel happy. Donghae pulled out his camera and started taking pictures of us. 20 minutes later we see the tiny island, there were two beach chairs and an umbrella hovering over giving off shade. Getting off the boat, we had two hour to play around before we had to go back. Setting our stuff down I pull out the sun screen.
"Are you going to take your shirt off or leave it on?" Taking it off he sits down in front of me. I finish putting sun screen on his back and take off my jean jacket.  Jumping at the sudden coldness that hit my back, I glare at the laughing fishy. "Yah!" 
Finishing up the sun protection process I lay down on the beach chair. Feeling my muscles relax, I let out a sigh of relief. I look up seeing a pouty five year old. "Let's play." Ignoring him I turn my head another direction. "Ignoring me again." 
"Yah! Put me down Lee Donghae!" Feeling the salty water hit against my skin, I shiver and wrap my legs around Fishy. "Put me down on the chair!" I change my word. He didn't listen, instead he submerged both himself and I into the water. Coming up for air, I wipe the water away from my eyes. 
"Oh Fish boy you are going down." I start splashing water at Hae only to have it back fired on me. With those fishy arms, that are twice my size, he sent a tsunami my way.  Jumping onto him, I try making him go under but since he's way stronger than I, I just ended up getting a piggy back ride. 
Walking back towards the shore I fall to the sand exhausted from playing with the little kid. Watching Donghae walking towards me, butterflies build inside me. Making me feel this way, who does with Fishy think he is? Laying on top of me, he uses his forearm to hold his weight. Staring into each others eyes, it felt like the world stood still. As if time froze around us. Slowly his lip met mine.
Being back our villa, I felt more tired then when I first debuted. Donghae had gone to see if they had anything to cure vomiting at the main office. It's time I surprise him, filling up the outdoor tub I find bubble soap to add foam. taking off my swimsuit I sit in the fully filled tub making some of the water flow out.
"Rumi," Donghae comes in. "They gave me this tea." I can hear him making it. "Where are you?"
"Here." Walking over, a huge smile covers his face. "There's nothing under theses bubbles." I flick some water in the air. Putting the tea down he gets in shorts in all, soon they'll be on the floor.
Day six, today is the last full day we will have together, without the stress of my past ruining everything for me. I know that today of all days I needed to tell Hae about the past, but I don't want to. Everything is perfect right now, why ruin my happiness. After 17 years of sadness and madness I deserve it. Being dressed, Donghae and I walk towards the barbecue party that the staff here throw for the guest. 
"Are you happy?" Fishy asks me. 
"More than, thanks to you." I wrap my arm around his waist.
"You should have worn more closes." Here he goes again.
"My whole back is covered, so stopped complaining." 
"Ruru," He stop staring me down. Bending down towards my ear he whispers the three words that made me worry each time. "I love you." 
Arriving at the outside patio, I grabbed us a seat while Donghae went to get drinks. Sitting down I spot a group of teenagers, one of the girls was looking directly at me. Taking my shades I slide them on looking somewhere else hoping she'll just think of me as a normal person. Donghae came back with our drinks, that made all the girls turn towards us. 
"Hae, we should leave." He looked confused at my request. "Ugh. There's a group of girls behind you, one was staring at me earlier. I think they recognized us." 
"Don't turn around." I slap his attention back towards me.
"No. Go ahead stare and be followed by them all day long." He just laughs. Just then a shutter noise goes off. "Damn it." 
"Donghae?" He smiles at the girl making her squeal.
"Ruhae!" Another one comes. Pictures are being taken left and right. 
Standing up, I leave behind Donghae and his school of fish not wanting to deal with them. Slowly the noise of the people start disappearing and the sound of foot step behind are heard. Stopping in front of the beach, I gaze at the sunset. The way the yellow and orange clash together, making the purple and red pop is magical. 
"What's wrong?" Dongahe Comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist placing his chin on top of my shoulder.
"I didn't want other to know about our little vacation."
"Rumi, you can't help but be recognized. Even if we do live in a different country, there's a thing called the internet."
"I know, but I just wanted something for ourselves." I turn around hugging him.
"How about we order room service and sleep?" 
"That sounds good." I smile.Walking about, and finding a different route to avoid the patio, I felt that sense of calmness and happiness again. Only feeling that when I'm with him. "You're too good for me."
Entering the villa, I was surprised at what I saw. Candles lit the room and rose petals decorated the floor. Looking over at Donghae my expression asked the question I couldn't put into words. "When you ran off, I made a request." he simply answered. He's too good at doing theses type of things. Donghae swiftly turned me so I could face him.
"Rumi, I know that there's something inside you that is keeping you from opening up and showing your true feelings and I'm not going to pressure you to come forward. I just want you to show me in some way that you have feelings for me and that you are not playing around."
"Donghae." I put my arms around his neck. "Even if I wanted to play around with, I wouldn't be able to." Picking me up he guides of towards the bed. Laying us down, my eyes can't seem to find there way out of his gaze. Slowly my finger tip outline his facial features, making him shiver under my touch.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!