
Super Love; Super Famous

"Kwon Rumi! Kwon Rumi! Kwon Rumi! Kwon Rumi! Kwon Rumi!" The fans chant my name. I wave them off stepping off the stage finishing up my pre-recorded stage of With Ur Love, the intro to my comeback. Walking towards my dressing room, new comers bow as they pass by.  I like seeing new faces, seeing the same old ones bore me. One of the staff members pass me my phone.

"Yubseyo." I call into the phone.

"Hana! Its JunJu." A smile covers my face.

"JuJu. After two weeks you call?"

"Sorry, I've...... you know." I regret asking her but put it aside.

"What's up?" I take the bottle of water from Biho.

"I'm outside. I was wondering if I can see you for a while." 

"Ju, you don't have to ask."

"Come outside and see me." I laugh at her sudden boldness.

"Okay, but come towards the back. At the gate give the guard your phone, I'll speak to him." Hearing wind against the phone then voices, I hear a deep voice. "Guard Oppa, you mind letting my best friends past through so she can come see me. It's Rumi."

"How do I know it's really her."

"Who saw you with another women, Oppa."

"She'll be right in Kwon Rumi." Hanging the phone up, I go towards the parking lot. Walking outside, I feel the cool wind hit against my legs. I like spring but I can't wait for summer. Seeing a figure in the distant, I speed up my walk finally coming face to face with my beautiful sister. 

"JuJu!" I bring my sister into my arms.

"Hana." She whispers. Looking up at my sister, I admire her beauty. "Look at you, so pretty and y." She winks. "Fans must go crazy seeing you in that." I've been in worse.

"Ju, you look beautiful." She looked amazing in a simple black with white polka dot dress, a red rose in her hair.  "Today's my comeback."

"I know. That's why I came. Showing support for our little Hanni." 

"Hannie." I say back. 

"Should I call you Rumi?" She asks, looking worried.

"Only around others, but between us call me whatever." 

"Whooo-Hoo." I hear an annoying voice.

"Be prepared to be flirted with."  Just then a black van pulls up in front of us. 

"Princess." Donghae brings me towards him giving me a quick kiss.

"Hey pretty lady." Eunhyuk put his arm around JunJu.

"ert take your hands off her." Heechul scolds him.

"Don't worry he won't bite." Kyuhyun tells Ju.

"Boys this is JunJu, my best friend." I tell them. 

"The director." Kyuhyun points out.

"Yeah... Ju, this is Dong-"

"Doesn't she already know who we are." Eunhyuk interrupts me.

"I don't." JunJu tells him. She laughs at his shocked face. "All I know is that you're Super Junior."

"How come you didn't introduce us at the university." Heechul

"She was busy.... Like I was saying before I was so rudly intertupted. This Donghae, Heechul, Kyuhyun, and Eunhyuk." I point at them.

"So, you're dating my Ha-Rumi."

"Ha Rumi?" Kyuhyun asks her. Stiffening at his question I look over at Ju.

"I was about to call her my brothers name." Kyu nods happy with the answer. Stupid smart evil maknae.

"Are you single?" Eunhyuk starts his flirtation again.

"She's older than you."  I blurt out at him.

"Noona ~" Ju just laughs.

"I'm 27." Ju tells them.

"Younger than me." Heechul tells her, not seeming to interested in who she was.

"Oppa." JunJu plainly says.

"Yah! You have to be cute about it or don't call me that at all." Heechul told Ju. I just laughed knowing the way my sister is.

"Heechul. First time meeting and you're already like this." She pats his chest. Laughing I take Ju's arm and walk inside. Once we reach my dressing room Hairstylist Unni puts me in the chair to get ready for my comeback stage. 

"Ru, what song are you doing?"  JunJu asks.

"I'm doing two, First With Ur love then Oath." 

"How long have you and Ru been friends?" Donghae asks Ju. 

Stop being nosy Fishy.

"17 years." 

"Wow. Where have you been hiding your pretty face?" Eunhyuk flirts.

"I've been busy."

"Hae pass me my purse." I ask him taking the attention off Ju. "Here you left theses." I hand him his shades.

"You know they left to Maldives together. Telling no one that they left." Eunhyuk tells JunJu, she nods her head no.

"Don't you read the newspaper, no internet, TV?." Heechul questions her.

"Hyung leave her alone." Donghae defends as he notices my glares.

"There's pictures of them, google it." Kyuhyun shrugs as if it were nothing.

"They got married." Heechul lies.

"No we didn't." Donghae mutters

"What about the necklaces?" Eunhyuk holds up Donghae's puzzle causing him to cough. Fishy slaps his Anchovy on the head, once he finishes choking.

"Are they always like this?" JuJun giggles.

"Don't talk as if we're not here!" Heechul yells.

"Aish... Too loud." JunJu covers her ears.

"They're worse." I tell her getting up. "Get out I need to get dressed." I walk over to the rack seeing a sleeping Donghae. "Fishy that includes you." Kissing him on the lip. I pull  away to only be pulled back, Hae deepens the kiss. "" I mutter against his lips.

"Muah, bye."He then tosses me off to the side.

"Yah!" He laughs and runs out the room.

With the boy out of the room, Ju and start talking about random things. Waiting on Stylist Unni to come back from where ever she went, I lay across JunJu's lap. "You're going to mess up your hair."

"They'll fix it. Plus it's there fault for taking to long and making me feel tired." I feel comforable with her here.

"How serious are you will Donghae?" Although she didn't ask me directly I knew what she meant by that. Does Donghae know.

"Serious but I'm not there yet. Telling him would mean telling SJ, telling SJ would then progress to the world." Hearing the door open, our attention turns towards the person who walked in. Mrs. Cha stood there with her big black shades on and bags of clothes, she stood there for a good minute before hanging the clothes on the rack.

"Rumi, you'll be wearing my clothes for your comeback."

"Alrighty Mrs. Cha Cha." She smiles.

"JunJu, this is Mrs. Cha, the owner of the brand HaYuJu. I help promote her brand." JunJu gets up and bows towards Cha. "Cha Cha, this is my best friends JunJu."

"What a pretty girl."

"Thank you, Mrs. Cha." 

"Well, see you later Rumi." We watch Mrs. Cha leave the room. Walking over to the clothes she brought, I look over them.

"Hanni, does she look familiar to you."

"You too. First Jiwook now you."

"Jiwook thought the same thing?" I nod my head.

"Sorry Ru, something came up. Come on, we have to hurry." Unni rushes in telling me what stage outfits I'm going to put on.

"Rumi, five minutes." Damn it. This room became chaotic, people rushing around finding the last pieces to my outfit. I was going live in five minutes. Quickly telling Ju to sick with the boys, I rush out the door.


"Rumi Fighting!" The boys say as soon as they see me. Donghae pulls me into a quick kiss, separating myself from, I ask him to keep an eye on JunJu. "If I don't Hyuk will." Laughing go towards the stage. Fitting on the Microphone, I start getting pumped up. Hearing the fans chants, excite me even more. This is why I love making comebacks. 

Taking my place on stage I hear the PD couting down. "Five, four, three, two..."


"Yo, my best friend, best friend til the very end
Cause best friends, best friends don't have to pretend
You need a hand, and i'm right there right beside you
You in the dark, i'll be the bright light to guide you
'Member the times, times, times sneaking of the house
All of the times, times, times that you had the doubts
And don't forget all the trouble we got into
We got something you can't undo, do...." 


"....Woah, this is my oath to you." Standing up there for my finishing pose, I see the face of a man I dreaded seeing for life.

Walking off stage, I felt like a couldn't breathe. I'm shaking, this man is in the same building as me. Feeling arms wrap around me I scream. "Rumi." I turn around seeing Donghae. Immediately hugging him I felt safe but still scared.

"I want to go. Taking me away from here, now!."

"It's okay. We're leaving." I heard Donghae say a couple of things to the staff before picking me up and taking me to my dressing room. Once in there I went into panic mode. Taking my clothes off I put on a pair of track shorts with a sweater, where are my shoes? "Ru, calm down." he crouches down in front of me.

" me put my shoes on." I barely look at him. Having my shoes on, I try walking out but fail falling to the floor. I hear a sigh come from Donghae and the next thing I know we're outside in the parking lot with me on his back. "Where's JunJu?" I suddenly remember, freaking out even more. If he saw me then he knows she's here or maybe he came for her not knowing I was on stage. JunJu, she's about to get beat for coming here. 

"Rumi Calm down!" Hae scream putting me in the van. Donghae, I  look up at him, worry and anger cover his face. Hugging him tight I start crying, feeling him hug back the crying turns to sobbing. "I love you, Ru." Some how with those three words, I didn't freak out, they calmed me down.

"Never leave me no matter what, Promise?" I mumble into his chest.

"I promise."

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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!