Breaking The Promise

Super Love; Super Famous

“How could you do this to her!” Yuhan slams Jiwook against the wall. I watch from a far sitting against the wall, its late, Yuhan is about to beat the out of Jiwook for telling the news about everything and making lies. 

I'd never cheat on Donghae.

“Yuhan stop.” JunJu begs. “This is not the place to do it.” A hospital is sad, what he did was sad, perfect place. “Heechul you’re a man, stop him.” Cinderella didn't say anything other than a goodbye. Watching my sister she looks hurt seeing Heechul ignore her the way he did. He probably tired of all this and he's only known for about a week.

“I needed to keep my promise,” Ji breathed out. We all looked at him, wondering what promise he made to ruin my life. “, to get you guise out.” 

“Punch him.” Yuhan does so.  

“Hana! Yuhan!” JunJu yells.

“Stop defending him!” I yell back at her.

“Although I told the truth, except for the part about you leaving your father, I didn't have a choice -“

“Let’s not forget about YOU being my lover.” He sighs.

“I didn’t have choice; the man who helped make you was going to tell them a lie.”

“What was he going to say?” JunJu asked him.

“That Hana was mentally ill, that she ran off making a fantasy for herself. Leaving behind her family who cared for her, who was trying to help her. That the man she lived with was not her Appa, but a lover. He was going to take you back.”

“Punch him.” I ordered. JunJu flinches from the sound of Yuhan’s fist meeting Jiwook’s stomach. Falling to the ground, Jiwook coughs for air holding his stomach. 

I stand up, walking over to him. “You ruined my career, my love life, the promise you were keeping was worthless to me.” 

Bring my hood up, I walk towards my car quickly text Donghae to meet me in my practice room. He replied telling me he was already at SM and to hurry up. Taking a deep breath, I pull out making my way towards the building. Arriving in the driveway I couldn't even park, paparazzi are everywhere, fans standing around with signs asking to hear the truth from me. Getting out my hummer, I rush past the crowd making it to the door without being mauled by anybody. 

Outside the practice room I hold onto the nob, I hear music on the other side. Taking a deep breath I open the door. Donghae is dancing to a choreography, his body sweating like crazy. I feel nauseous, I don't want to interrupt him he was in his zone. Maybe I should leave. Shaking my head I stand there waiting until the music stops.

The music stops and Donghae grabs his water bottle chugging it down in one shot. I want to throw up, to throw up and leave but running away from this was not something I want. Donghae throws the plastic bottle against the wall making me jump, he turns to look at me. Pulling the collar of his shirt up he wipes the sweat off his face. 

"They say once you start dating someone that person become your world. You'd want to tell them things you can't tell other or act the way you would act with others." He laughs running his hand through his hair. "Kwon Rumi, the girl I want to love no do love, doesn't do that. She keeps to herself not wanting to share a thing. Why?" He looks me straight in the eyes.

"I was going to tell you." I whisper.

"When!" He hits the wall. 

"Calm down, I wanted to tell you before but-"

"But what?"

"Listen.... I just didn't now how. Things got to com-"

"You didn't know how so you tell the media and they could just tell everyone at once. I figured out how you work Rumi, or Hana, right? That is your real name, Kwon Hana."

"Donghae, I-"

"What else have you lied about, Huh? Did you lie about loving me? Was I just something you played around with. I must have not meant much to you that you couldn't tell me everything."

"I never lied about loving you. I really do-"

"Heechul Knows. You told your Cinderella but you couldn't tell your boyfriend."

"I didn-"

"What am I to you? Who is Lee Donghae to Kwon Rumi!"

"To me you're the first person I-"

"Who really is that Jiwook guy?" He interrupts me. "Was he someone you used to get what you wanted too? The guy you cheated on me with?"

"No! I never cheated on you! Why would you think that?" He walks back in fourth, not even listening to what I just said. "Dong-"

"It's not like you've been telling the truth for me not to think that way!"

"Will you listen to me, Damn it!" I yell at Donghae, stomping my foot. 

"Are you getting angry?" He points at me. "The only one who has the right to be angry is me!" 

"Would you let me explain! The news didn't say the whole truth. If you want the lies they told you then tell me to leave if not shut up and listen." I grasp onto his hand.

"Why should I listen to your lies?" He yanks his hand out of mine. "Don't you think I heard enough from you?" I stood there, my eyes wanted to let water run down, looking up I hold them back. "Leave." I looked at him shocked by his words. 

"What about your promise to me!" I fall in front of him.

"Some promises are meant to be broken. There's an 'i' in promise for a reason, you were only thinking of yourself. It had to be broken."  He turns towards the door.

"I'm sorry." He turns around. "I'm sorry that I can't open up to you. My father, my actual father, he.... he." I couldn't tell him the truth, I don't even want to hear the truth come out of my mouth. 

My cold soulless side appeared, standing up I wipe the tears away. "Believe all you want." I walk out, doing what he asked me to do.

Outside, I run to the side of the building and empty out my stomach, not really caring if cameras go off; can't really ruin my image anymore. 


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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!