First Date

Super Love; Super Famous
Saturday morning, I'm currently getting ready to have breakfast with Kim Heechul. Although I don't want to do this I know I have to. Making sure my hair looks good I grab my things and make my way towards my hummer. Driving to the restaurant all the possible things that Heechul could start talking about cross my mind. I actually feel nervous, but I'll try to be honest with him. 
He won't judge me. 
I take a deep breath and enter the restaurant. The host takes me to where Heechul is already waiting.
"Cinderella!" I paint the fakest smile I could for him.
"Don't give me bull ." He sneers. I sit down feeling his glares. This would be the first time I have encountered an angry Heechul. "Why have you been ignoring me?" He gets straight to the point.
"I don't do goodbyes." I take a sip of water.
"No, you just ignore them."
"This is the reason why I don't make friends. Soon or later they all leave." I look him straight in the eyes.
"That’s why you’re a to us." He laughs. I'm untouched by his use of profanity on me. Maybe I deserve it from him. "Monster we are not going to leave you. Sure some of us have our doubts on you, but we'll be your friend whether you like it or not." 
"You're leaving." I point out hoping to prove my point.
"Yeah, but I have to. I do not have a choice. Plus I'll be back."
"Two years is a long time."
"When I get a chance to talk to the outside world you'll be the first I call." I just nod my head not sure if I want to believe him. The waiter comes over and takes our orders. "Now what are you doing to our Fishy?" He asks after the waiter leaves.
"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders.
"I'll tell you a secret Monster." He whispers lowering his head above the table. 
"What is it?" I do the same.
"Donghae doesn't like being alone, therefore he will never leave you alone." He winks sitting back up. "The members and I thank you for getting him to leave us alone for a while. He can get really annoying at times." I laugh understanding the feeling. "What are you afraid to open yourself up with him?"
"That I tell him the truth," I look down at my hands. "And he leaves me.”
"The truth about what?" Worries covers his face.
Why did I bother saying that?
"Heechul, you can keep secrets right?" I look around making sure nobody can hear us.
"Don't tell me you're a serial killer." He whispers.
"Then what?" He asks slightly annoyed.
"Let's just say I'm not who I say I am." I whisper backing out of telling him.
"Then who are you?" I didn’t answer him. The waiter comes and sets the food down. I start eating hoping Heechul will just drop the topic and talk about something else.  Thankfully, he begins eating not saying anything else. I was about to start up another conversation when Heechul's phone goes off.
"Hello? Yeah I'm with her. Why? Oh, alright." He hangs the phone up. "Of course Leeteuk will know what's going on." He shakes his head handing me his phone.
"Fans find proof of Donghae and Rumi's Relationship before they announced it to the public." I read out loud. Scrolling through there are pictures of Donghae and I talking, whispering, and standing by each other at the SM Town Concerts. Then in one of Kyu and Minnie's scelas we are talking to each other in the background. Scrolling further down a video of the dance he did with me.
"I don't get why they are still tripping over this stuff." I give him his phone back.
"The fans call you two RuHae." 
"That's nice."
"You two should just date."
"I have a date with him later today." I sigh metaling thanking Heechul for reminding me.
"Cheat on me like that." Heechul flips his hair dramatically.
"This is my only day off until August." Then Heechul slaps my hand. "What was that for?"
"You lied to me. Were you really not going to talk to me until I left?"
"I wasn't even going to talk to you the day you are going to leave." 
"Wow." He laughs in disbelief. I look at my phone, 10:32.
“I got to go." I finish my water and stand up. Heechul stands up looking like he was going to give me a hug, but then stops remembering who we are.
"Where are you going?"
"I got another date." I look through my purse searching for my keys.
"With who!"
"Ahhh... 'Your brother'."
"You too?"
"All of us." He smirks.
"Unbelievable. Well, bye." 
Parking outside Jiwook's house I quickly check my appearance. The possibility of me seeing his parents are high and make my nerves on end. I couldn't even knock on the door before he opens the door greeting me with a smile.
“Hello beautiful.” He grins guiding inside his house.
“Someone woke up on the happy side.” Push him as I sit on the couch. “Are your parents home?” I ask him looking around wondering where they were.
“Nope,” He pops the ‘p’. “I actually want to talk to you about something.” The tone in his voice changes scaring me.
“Well talk to me about it.”
“Do you remember how things were between us back when we were crushing on each other?”
“Ji, I don’t.” I lied to him. I remember those memories clearly. They were nice, but it was part of the darkest events in my life.
“Don’t lie to me,” He takes my head into his. “Don’t lie to be me because I still feel the same way I felt seven years ago.”
“I have to go.” I pull my hand away from his heading towards the door.
“Hana, do you not like me anymore?” He says that name. “Do you really not remember?” My hand stops at the door knob.
“I don’t want to remember!” I scream out. “Remembering us in the past involves remembering what I’ve been through.” 
“Then forget what you’ve been through and focus on me. I’m here now.” 
“You don’t understand.” I face him.
“Hana you don’t understand!” He screams at me. 
“Stop calling me that!”
“I like you. I love you, Hana. I want us to be together happy and pain free.”
“How can I live happy with you when you’re part of my evil world?” I realize that Jiwook only wanted to bring up the past. He made me bring back those memories I worked so hard to get rid of. 
“I did not do those things to you Hana. I helped you through them. Don’t place me with those memoires!”
“Even so Jiwook. How do you expect me to love you in return when I don’t even like you?” I was done playing nice. I swing the door open exhausted with the whole event.
"I know where your mother is! She’s not dead or with your father. She left the day you left." 
"Like I care where she is, ." Turn my Hummer on and leave the person forgetting I ever met this person. 
I rush into my house and collapsing on my bed. I scream into my pillow. What does he mean he knows where my mother is? I'm not even looking for her or anybody from the past. 
I check the time, 11:50. At this time I am not even sure I want to see anyone let alone Donghae. With five hours until Donghae comes I let my body relax and think back to what Cinderella said about Donghae.
"Donghae doesn't like being alone, therefore he will never leave you alone." 
I kick my feet in the air frustrated with my emotions. Being a girl , maybe I'm just attracted to him because he took my ity. It’s time I prove Heechul's fact. I'll tell Donghae everything tonight. Everything. 
After my nap, I quickly take a shower and dry my hair. While straightening it I wonder exactly where Donghae is taking me. How do I need to dress? 
To: Evil Kyu
From: KyuMi
Yah. Where is Donghae taking me?
Minutes later I get a reply.
To: KyuMi
From: Evil Kyu
Dress causal bye
I look in my closet, look outside, and back at to my closet. He better not be taking me anywhere outside. Heard the front door open. Appa is home. Hearing my door open I turn hoping to see Appa, but instead I see pabo and pabo.
"Rumi! Put some closes on!" The old angel screetches.
"Don't come to my house." I reply.
"You can keep them off." Eunhyuk smirks at me. 
"What are you two doing here?" I ask grabbing an oversized t-shirt. Pulling it over my head I catch Leeteuk staring. "I thought you wanted the closes on." He blushes.
"We came because I was bored and Teuk Hyung has something serious to talk to you about."
"What’s so serious that you had to break into my house?"
"You leave the front door unlocked. It's not breaking into your house." Eunhyuk tells me.
"Rumi, Do you really like Hae?" Leetuek blurts out.
"Do I? Yes, if I didn't I wouldn’t have let him just tell me he's picking me up. I would have said no.”
"I don't want to see him hurt. His last girlfriend broke him."
"Literally! He came home with a broken leg." Eunhyuk says making me laugh.
"That isn't funny." Leetuek says, but begins laughing in the end.
"Then why are you laughing?"
"Just don't hurt him, please." Do they really think I'm going to be the one hurting him, what about me getting hurt? "We don't worry about you because we know how Hae gets when he likes or has fallen for a girl."
"I see." I sit down next to Hyuk to only be suffocated into a bear hug. "Well, If you’re done here," I push Hyuk off. "Get out. I need to get dressed."
"I want to help you get dressed." Eunhyuk stands up walking to my closet he start looking for an outfit.
"Whatever, less work for me." I stretch my body out.
"Wear pants." Leeteuk mumbles. Eunhyuk just laughs at his leader.
"We need something at won't be too hard to take off." Eunhyuk taps his chin looking as if he were fantasizing the event.
"Why?" I ask innocently.
"Don't get pregnant." Taeuk sighs.
"We won't even do that." I promise myself.
"Sure you won't." I can hear the smile in Eunhyuk's voice. I throw a pillow at him. "What was that for?" I give him a teasing wink.
"HyukJae, why aren't you freaking out and telling Hae to watch his feelings."  Teuk talks like I'm not here.
"Because it was a waste of time before. You guys should let him be. Just be there if he does fall down and breaks something."
"I’m not here. At all."
"Be quiet." Leeteuk tells me.
"What an angel." I tell him sarcastically.
Letting Hyuk and Teuk be my stylist for today they pick out what I'm going to wear, how my hair should be, and what my make-up should look. Looking at myself in the mirror I'm satisfied with my look. "Leave." They laugh and say their goodbyes, leaving me alone in the house. Ten minutes, and then I'll see Donghae. Butterflies start forming inside me, why am I so nervous?
A doorbell snaps me out of my thoughts. Walking down the stairs, my heart starts beating like crazy. I really need to get fit. If walking down the stairs makes my heart beat speed up then I'm too out of shape. Taking a deep breath I open the door. 
"I forgot my key." Oh my gosh. 
"Appa! Don't scare me like that." I clench onto my heart.
"How did I scare you?" He laughs.
"Don't worry about it." I sit on the couch only to hear the bell ring again. Appa Opens the door revealing a hot looking Donghae with a single orange rose. Shocked to see Appa he jumps a little. I giggle making him look over at me smiling. I quickly turn around so he can't see my blush rising to my cheeks. Papo I think to myself. 
"Donghae what are you doing here?"
"I'm here to take your daughter out." Donghae smiles only to recieve glares from Appa. "Of course with your permission... Sir." He bows. A minute past and Appa just stares at Hae. I start cracking up. 
"Yeah take her." With that he walks upstairs giving me a wink.
"Appa!" I hear him laugh.
"Let's go." Donghae hands me the rose.
"Yeah, Let’s go." I stand up grabbing only my phone. Why bring my purse if he is going to pay for everything. Donghae walks ahead of me hopping inside his car. Climbing in the car is already warm making me feel happy. So far Fishy is doing a good job. 
The car ride was quiet; we drove for 30 minutes when we stopped in front of an apartment complex. Without a word he gets out. Following behind him he reaches his hand out catching mine. I'm too nervous to ask questions at this point. Riding the elevator up he looks over at me smiling, I look away. The elevator stops on the 18th floor; stepping out Hae guides us down the hall. 
We reach Apartment 1818. Entering it there’s rose pedals and lit candles around us. Walking to the balcony there’s a dinner set up with soft music and a fire place making it warm out here. Donghae gestures for me to sit and disappears back into the apartment. I sink into the seattrying to relax my nerves. Taking a deep breath I sit back up pouring myself water I gulp it down.  Donghae comes in with food, it smells amazing.
"Did you make this yourself?" I ask the first couple words of tonight.
"No, Ryeowook helped me." He sheepishly smiles. Placing the plates down he sit down across me. Hae picks up the chop stick, picks up some chicken, and guides it towards my mouth. Hesitating at first I open my mouth and take in the yummy chicken.
"Is it good?"  I nod my head. "Good." The first five minutes were us eating in silence and Fishy taking a couple of glances at me making me giggle. I actually giggled with him. 
"Yah, Stop." We laugh for a while. Calming myself down I catch myself staring into those lakey brown eyes. "Why?"
"Why what?" 
"Why do like me?"
"Can't you tell?" I nod my head no. "Kwon Rumi, You don't like people around you. I wanted to change that. I want to be the person you chose to let into your life. I can't answer why because even I don't know why. I just do." I'm speechless.
"Way to answer a question."
"I try." He pulls out a bottle of wine. As he pours it I can't help but look at the way his arms look. I wonder what’s underneath the shirt. Shaking my head I get rid of those thought. That is not happening tonight.
"Cute. You had dirty thought." He chuckles.
"You hang around Hyuk too much." He laughs but then stops making a serious face.
"Jiwook." The name I did not want to hear tonight.
"Nothing. You don't have to worry about him anymore."
"Why did you lie and say he was your half-brother"
"Why do people lie at all?"
"To hide something." Donghae is a lot smarter than he looks.
"When did you become smart?"
"I'm 25 years old. I'm way smarter than you."
"You're more experienced than I. Not smarter."
"Why are you trying to hide him?" I felt water hit my arm.
"Donghae, there's someth-" The sky starts crying. I immediately thank god for the rain and run towards the screen door. Pushing past Hae to get inside he grabs me holding both my wrist to my side. The way he searches my eyes trying to find answers make my legs feel wobbly. I couldn't take the staring anymore. Standing on my tippy toes our lips come in contact.
Letting my wrist go his hand cup my face deepening the kiss. I didn't care that I was getting wet or that I was starting to feel cold. I cared about how he made me feel. As Hae lifts me up I wrap my legs around his waist. Feeling my shivers he opens the screen door and leads us inside without breaking the kiss. The warmth hits my body making me want him even more.
"You are officially mine." He breaks the kiss. I couldn't make words so I just nodded. Returning my lips to his I feel the cushioned couch hit my back. I pull away pushing him lightly so I can stand. Donghae sits up on the couch. I pull of my sweatshirt off. 
I see Hae his lip, Smiling I straddle him. His fingers crawl up my back causing me to shiver for pleasure. He starts placing kisses up my neck towards my jaw line and back down lightly, I tilt my head back enjoying the feeling. 
I glide my hands down his chest stopping at the bottom and going back up taking the shirt with me. Getting the message he helps me pull his shirt off, revealing his six packs. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling his lips onto mine.  Donghae pulls me closer and stand up walking somewhere. Seconds later I feel soft fabric come in contact with my back. Pulling away Donghae looks at me asking me if this is what I want to happen. I nod my head. With that everything else was a blur. Something I told myself wouldn't happen, happened.
"I love you."
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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!