Tears Rolling

Super Love; Super Famous
I froze. My body and mind going into a state of shock.
"RuMi? Ru...Monster!" My body snaps back into reality. The only thing that I was able to protect in my old life was now... gone. I feel myself becoming nauseas. I'm not pregnant. Right? 
"RuMi." This time my name came out of the man who took my ity. "RuMi?" Hae grabs my wrist making me look at him. He was still under Siwon the holy man was praying. Most of SUJU are trying to process what they just heard disbelief written all over their faces. 
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I pull my wrist out of his hand. I can't even look at him let alone be around him any longer. Standing up I gather my things. "RuMi look at me, please." I look over at Hae, but our staring contest didn't last long. Tears stung my eyes and I quickly ran out the room. I spot my manager and immediately go up to him. 
"Can you take me home, please?" I ask him trying to hold my tears in. 
"You can't you have to stay here." .
"RuMi!" Donghae call out. Glaring at Biho I rush towards the exit pushing past Donghae only to be pulled back into him. "Let me explain."
"No!" I wasn't in the mood to listen, not now. 
"Ru, I...." I didn't let him finish, pulling my hand out of his grip I run outside towards the cold. Snowflakes dance around me mocking my stupidity. I hear footsteps behind me. I couldn't take the following around anymore.
"Leave Me Alone!" I turn around to scream at my follower. It was Suju's manager, Kim Jung Hoo, he who flinched back and puts his hands up in surrender. "Take me home, please." I beg this time with tears running down my cheeks.
"Let's go."
{Donghae POV}
"Hyung... Hyung, hyung can you take Ru home?" Quickly begging my manger, "She's not feeling well." I tell him rubbing the back of my neck. 
"What about Biho?" We both looked over at him. He looks pretty stressed out. It must be hard to manage someone like her. "Fine."
"Thank you!"
I screwed up big time. The look of disbelief she had when the Maknae told her it killed me. For the second time I've seen a side of Rumi that pains me to her like that. She was close to tears. 
Why do I have you be so hormonal? 
Pabo, Pabo Pabo! I tell myself as I hit my head against the wall. Walking back towards the members I can still see their shock expressions. 
" scratches. She must have enjoyed it." Heechul Hyung tells me. 
Ignoring his comment I sit down next to Hyukkie who stares at me with a cheesy smile on his face. "Your first time doing it standing up. It explains the strong grip you had or was she good too." Scooting away from him I lean my head against Siwon. The only person who can keep his mouth shut about this. For now. 
"I hear s are good 'cause well you know....." Shindong says drifting off the subject and looking away from my glares. 
"You...Hae...I don't...Wow." Leeteuk hyung can't even speak. 
"Kyuhyun, you're too smart for everyone's own good." Yesung tells him.
"Would you have told her if Kyu didn't say anything?" Siwon asks me. I couldn't answer him. After it happen I regretted it because she was drunk. 
Why did she have to be so tempting? 
I throw myself back against the floor. I have no idea what to do. 
Rumi Rumi Rumi Rumi. The images of her still fresh in my mind. She's the only thing I've been thinking about since we kissed.
"Hae, do you like Rumi?" Sungmin asks.
I don't know. 
"You need to go explain everything to her." Ryeowook advices.
"Do you didn't hurt her, right?" Yesung hyung questions me.
"I can't believe this is happening." Leeteuk hyung sighs.
"Will you say something?" Heechul hyung pushes.
"Speak!" Eunhyuk screams.
"Donghae...." Leeteuk calls. 
"He's muted." Yeaung says.
"Bet you he wasn't like that last night." Kyuhyun smirks.
"Yah! Don't speak like that!" Shindong hyung scolds him.
"Guys just stop. This doesn't involve us." Thank God for Siwon.
Not being able to take all their questioning and opinions I grab my jacket and leave.
{Rumi's POV}
I lay still as possible hoping Appa doesn't sense me. He's drunk and who knows what he wants. Last time Appa came home he took advantage of JunJu unni. That night I didn't sleep much. All I heard were the calls for help from unni. 
"Hannie. Look who I brought home, he's my buddy." Appa slurred opening my door. I sunk deeper into my bed hoping that he wouldn't notice I was there. I heard another voice that was never heard before in the house. "Hana! Don't make me scream. Get up now." He demanded
I slowly get out of the comfort of my bed. Standing up straight I felt exposed. What could this 'buddy' of his want with a sixteen year old? My father gestures for me to follow him. Doing as told I follow them to the basement. Before going downstairs Appa stops at the door. 
"Hannie, you...be a good girl and give this man a good time." Appa playfully hit the man’s chest. 
"Shhhh...." he held up a finger to my lips "It's okay. This will help Appa." Why would I want to help you? Getting pushed into the man he guides me downstairs. It was dark and it smelled musty. I would fight but I couldn't take two older men. I was scared. I didn't want to be unni. To feel what she felt was my biggest nightmare. The guy came up to me and grabbed me by my waist. 
"If you do as I say everything will go smoothly okay." He kisses my neck. 
No I was not going to let this happen to me. 
I pushed him and the devil inside him came alive. He grips me by my shoulder and forces my shirt off me. I start screaming and fighting for my life. The man slaps me across my face. Tears started rolling down my face. The screaming paid off. I heard the door slam open causing the man's attention to go towards it. 
Taking advantage of the situation I kick him where the sun doesn’t shine. Running to the stairs the man grabbed me by the neck choking me making breathing difficult. My savior threw a wrench at him. Falling to the ground I try catching my breath. My hero pulls his shirt off throwing it my way. 
"Hana, Run outside!" Jiwook yells. I quickly follow his order. Outside Oppa and Unni were already waiting. JunJu ran to me and started crying enclosing me in her embrace. She kept repeating that we'll be okay and that this will never happen to me. 
Jiwook came out luckily it was hot out so he won't get sick from being shirtless. He walks up to me and squeezes me to death. Jiwook is my first crush the sweetest guy and strong willed guy I ever met. Although I knew he and I would never be anything serious being friends was enough for me. 
He knew and always tried helping us out but we told him if he were to tell the police they wouldn't believe us. They would look down on us as hood rats. We live in the part of a town where the criminals are mostly from. We walked to Wook's house. His parents didn't know about Appa or Omma. Although it seemed like they knew what was going on at times they never said anything about it. We sat in his room Ji holding me in a tight embrace. 
"This isn't right." He said angrily. My siblings and I stayed quiet what it there to say if you know that the person is right. "I'll help you guys you will not live like that anymore." He promised.
Too bad he couldn't keep it. Two months later his family moved to America. 
Wiping away my tears I force the memory out of my mind. I quickly take the pill to make sure that if something was about to grow inside me it can no longer do that. I'm glad Appa isn't home. If he was I would have been bombed with questions that I'm not in the mood to answer. 
I stand up checking if my curtains are closed, and then I start screaming and shaking all my frustrations out. I throw some stuff animals and pillows around as well. The bell stops the rage. 
Who wants to bother me today? 
Opening the door I see Lee Donghae. Closing the door I go to the kitchen to get something to drink. The bell goes off again, then again once more. Again, again, and again.
I flung the door open and in comes a flying fish. I close the door to make sure paparazzi or fans, if they come by, don't see him. 
"Just let me talk." I don't know why, but tears begin to form once again. Donghae walks over to me and wipes the fallen ones away. Slapping his hand away he begins to speak. "I'm sorry. I was wrong to take advantage of you. I was stupid to believe you in your drunken state. I was sober enough to stop. Which I did at first but then you grabbed me and...... I'm not saying it’s your fault. I did wrong." 
I just stare at him. 
Why do these stupid salt drops keep coming down? I think to myself wiping them away. I don't want him to see me like this, weak and helpless. "Please, forgive me. I'll do anything for you not to be mad at me anymore." 
"Anything?" he nods. I open the door feeling the cold breeze slap against my body. "Leave." He didn't move he just stood there motionless. "Leave. If you want to do something right you will leave." He starts walking only to stop beside me.
"I'm sorry." With that he walks out. 
"What did I tell you about apologizing?" I scream at the walking figure. 
30 minutes later I’m in a disguise, hat, scarf and sun glasses, searching for my keys. When I realize that I didn't come home with my hummer. Pissed off even more I take everything off and dive into the dream world hoping for some happiness. 
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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!