Secret Place

Super Love; Super Famous


Waking up the next morning I dreaded telling Man Man and Fishy what I told the broadcast. This is why I don't like going on Variety shows. It’s their fault. Changing into dark denim skinny jeans with a while long sleeve shirt and putting on my grey UGGS, scarf and coat, I dash out the door. What if he suspends my comeback?


 After all the work I did, I would hate Man Man. We had the title and everything just need the photo shoot and MV.


Running inside from the cold, I walk to the waiting room. Donghae was already there. His eyes diverted to me.


"This is your entire fault." I tell him sitting down. Feeling hot I take my coat off. Seeing that my shirt lifted up Hae pulls it down. "See actions like that got us where we are right now."


"How was I supposed to know paparazzi were outside your house."


"Don't you check?"


"Do you?"




"So you've done this before."


"Done what?"


"Being.... With someone.... Like..." He didn't get to finish the secretary calls us inside. Taking a seat across Lee Soo Man I smile at him. Donghae sits down next to me sighing.


"Don't sigh Donghae and stop with the smiling Rumi it's kind of creepy."


"Yes Sir." We both say. My smile isn't creepy.


"Explain the picture to me."


"I was at Rumi's house with some of the SJ members. I was leaving and decided to give her a goodbye hug."


"I pushed him off."


"So this isn't you guys kissing or anything." We didn't say a word. "Did you or did you not kiss?"


"No." We both said.


"Are you dating?"


"No." We both said. Just then I remembered what I told the broadcast.


"So what do you call what you are doing?" Donghae looks down.


Do you feel ashamed?


"I told the variety show I was on last night... That I am dating Donghae."


"WHAT!" Donghae jumps up. "Why? What were you thinking! This could destroy our career."


"That's exactly what I was thinking of! If we told them they will think I’m a !"


"You're thinking about yourself!"


"Saying we are dating, the fans will get over that! But telling them I’m easy enough to let you come over or let you kiss me and whatever will ruin me NOT you!" Donghae punches the wall.


"Rumi...." Lee Soo Man starts.


I hear Donghae sigh. "Are dating someone else?" I interrupt him.


"Yeah," Donghae says holding his hand.


"Wow. Who the hell do you think you are! You cheating ! Do you have any idea how ....." Donghae come up to me, only inches away from my face shutting me up.


"Shut up. I'm dating you." I slap him across the face.


"I'm going to tell the media you've been dating for a year and we were all waiting for a good time to reveal it. Get out." I stomp out the door, hearing laughter behind me.


"You are cute when you're angry." Donghae laughs rubbing his cheek. “That is the only reason I acted like I was mad.” I ignore him and go to the locker room. Changing into shorts and a hoodie, I make my way to my practice room. The backup dancers were already there.

For this mini album I decided to do a Girly theme. I want to bring out the sweet innocent look for my leading single but for my second it will be a fantasy vampire thing, but still keeping the girly feel to it. Also for this Mini album I’m going to be singing some of the lyrics. My leading single reminds me a lot of the way my sister and I use to be like.


Practicing only went in for three hours before Lee Soo Man called me back to his office. Walking past Super Junior’s room they seem to be practcing as well, but not for thier comeback considering they have not yet picked out the songs.  When I get closer to the door I realize that they are not practicing, they're all huddled around Cinderella.


What’s going on?


Forgetting about it I make my way to Soo Man. Walking without knocking I sit down and prop my legs up on the table.


"Next time knock. Feet down." Doing what he says I sit up right.


"Man Man Sir, how have you been doing? You're not working too hard, right?"


"Rumi, I've been busy covering your like always. Enough with the question I’m really busy, I called you back to discuss your Schedule."


"Where's Biho?"


"He is not feeling to well. That is why Kim Jung Hoon will be helping out."


"I don't mind that." I smirk.


"Aren't you in a relationship?"


"It’s just for the public eye. I’m single."


"Whatever you say." he says fishing around his desk for my schedule. He passes me the paper. "If you don’t follow this no comeback. Get back to practice."


Leaving the room I look over it. Tonight we end practice early at 8:00, its 4:45 right now. Tomorrow I have my photo shoot with HaJuYu. I didn't go to the meeting, being too tired to go, so Biho went. Then Tuesday, I have my Mini Album photo shoot. Wednesday and Thursday I’m shooting my MV. Friday all day practice. Saturday, off. They put me on this long as break and then throw this crazy busy schedule, how nice.


Donghae and Eunhyuk were outside in the halls when I came to the hall with all the practice rooms. They looked stressed out. Looking on the poster of filers I saw something that I pinched my heart a little bit. It was a sign saying 'Heechul's Countdown until Leaving into the Army'. The army? He had 210 days left. I looked up and saw Eunhae looking at me with concern in their eyes. Putting on a blank face I walk pass them and enter my practice room.


Finishing practice, which went totally wrong, I couldn't stop thinking about Cinderella leaving me. No one to call me Monster. I wanted to run away and forget about it, but not alone. Leaving the locker rooms I go and search for Fishy. It was like finding Nemo looking for him. I finally found him with the rest of SJ, in the cafeteria. Noticing my presence they all start getting that concern look on their faces.


Don't pity me.


"I'm hungry. Take me out Donghae." I demand with that the witty faces of SJ came back.


"Monster, I’ll take you!" Heechul tells me.


"Not today, I have something to converse with this little fishy." We still have time Cinderella. Heechul nods his head.


"I'm not little." He says grabbing my hand pulling me out the door. Outside there were a couple fans. Screams went off as soon as we step foot near the cars. Donghae had parked his car farther down.


"Oppa, Unni are you guys dating!" Donghae brought out hands over his head showing them that we were. Screams and cries went out. Fishy opens the door for me I got in and closed my own door. I don't like it when guys do that makes me feel like I'm handicap. As soon as he got in the car he started it and we were off. We arrived at the restaurant, I made sure to have sunglasses and scarfs on while Donghae Had a hat with sunglasses.


"What do you want to eat?"


"Let’s take it to go. I want to show you something." Grabbing our order we went back to the car "Let me drive." Throwing the keys over to me I get in the driver’s seat.


"Where are you taking me?" I ignore his question, I’m still not sure if I want to take him there.  "Yah! Don’t ignore me."


"It's a secret." Driving for an hour, Hae asking questions every five seconds, we finally arrived.


"Are you crazy? My Car!" Donghae started freaking out. I drove his car into the woods. Parking it behind some trees, I grab my coat and get out. It's not too cold out today. "Are you doing to me?"


"Didn't you already do that to me?" He stayed quiet and followed me. We walk for five minutes before I pushed past an evergreen. Donghae gasps. "It's beautiful isn't it?" It was an abandon meadow with a pond right in the middle. Even with all the snow it's breath taking. In the spring flowers blossom, deer are prancing around, and in the summer you can swim in the pond.


"Your secret place."


"How do you know I have a secret place?" I ask him, walking towards the board walk.


"Back when you disappeared your Appa came to ask if we've seen you. He said that he checked your secret place and you weren't there."


"Oh." We sat close to the edge of the broad walk. Setting the food, Donghae started mumbling something's. "Are you okay?"


"Nothing's going to pop out of the water right?"


"It's a pond, what do you expect." I laughed. Although it was dark the full moon illuminated the meadow. Starting to eat, Donghae and I start talking about random things and laughing about the stupidest things. I really do like this fishy but opening up to him is not something I want to do. Finishing up, we put all the things in a bag and I lay down and look at the stars.


"How did you find this place?" The truth or the lie.


The lie.


"Back when Omma died, I ran away. I wanted to get away from the tears, from the mourning people. Being around them suffocated me. I didn't want to cry, Omma wouldn't want me to cry, they all kept telling me to let it out." Tears started forming, but not because of the story I was telling Donghae because of the real reason.


The real reason was I found it by getting lost in it. The devil’s spawn got mad that I dropped the dishes. He dragged me out here to the wood, leaving me behind when he decided he was done taking his anger out on me. I wondered around and found this place. "I didn't want to deal with that. I don't like crying." Donghae stood up pulling me up. Standing up, he pulled me towards him.


"And I don't like seeing you cry." His lake-like eyes twinkled in the moon light. "I feel myself falling for you, Kwon Rumi." He blurted out. Keeping the shock inside, I just laugh.


"Fall away. Just don't get Hurt."

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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!