A Friend From The Past

Super Love; Super Famous
It’s been a week. I'm done sulking I now want to go out and shop, but I still have no hummer. During the week I didn't contact any of the members afraid of them asking me if I was okay. Surpassing my pride I dial the member I knew would be clueless to asking or has already forgotten. 
"Rumi, you called me Oppa." 
"I did. Oppa." I tell Yesung.
"What's up?"
"Do you happen to know where my car is?" There's silence on the other side of the phone, then I hear ruffling and someone yelling. 
"You want your car?"
"Okay, where do I drop it off?"
"My house." 
"Alright, I'll call you when I'm there."
Hanging up the phone, I quickly run up stairs to get dressed. Sungmin better not bring anyone with him and by anyone I meant Donghae, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun and Heechul. The key people I do not want to see today or maybe ever. Brushing my straight black hair I felt like I needed to change my look; blonde, Burnett, Pink, Blue, Red. All the colors I've wanted to try. 
Definitely, today I'm going to change my look. I call the salon to make an appointment. I have four hours until I have to be there. My phone starts ringing signaling that Minnie was outside. Taking one last glance in the mirror I walk out. Afraid of what I might encounter during my shopping trip I put on my scarf and sunglasses even though its cloudy out. 
A black van along with my car drove into my driveway. Locking the door I walk towards my car. 
"Here you go." Sungmin drops the keys in my hand.
"Thanks." I jump in, start the car, and leave without saying another word. I have no idea who is in that van and didn't want to hear what they had to say. Driving into Hongdae I park my car and check if everything is in place so I don't look like the Kwon RuMi.
Stepping out I go to my favorite store hoping to get some stress free shopping. Gliding my hand through the various t-shirts I felt calm. After buying three pair of jeans, a hoodie and two shirts I'm done with this store and move onto others. An hour later passing by some store windows I pass a pair of Nike heels that catch my attention. Going inside heaven I'm surrounded by several shoes. 
"Can I get those pink Nike heels in the window in a size seven?" I ask one of the employees with my eyes glued to the shoes. 
"Sure thing. Please have a seat." Sitting down I can already hear the whispers. 
"Is that Kwon RuMi?"
To prove them right I take off my glasses and scarf. Putting them in my bag, I fix my hair in the mirror in front of me. The employee came back with the shoes I asked for. 
"Here you go. Do you need help?" He asks me.
"No thanks." I put the heels on and Stand up to see how they feel on my feet. Amazing. Modeling around I hear cameras going off and see a crowed outside the window. Great I'm not in the mood to deal with fans. 
"Hana?" Freezing in my step I slowly turn around. "Kwon Hana. Hannie. Is that you?" Practically jumping on him I put my hand over his mouth. 
"Don't call that name again." I whisper in Jiwook's ear. 
Just my luck. 
Someone from my pass recognizing me. Backing away he looks shock to see my reaction. I take the heels off and put my UGGS on. "I'll take the shoes." Walking over to the cash register all eyes follow my every move. 
"Unni, I love you!" I hear a fan scream with a lot more screams following in suit. 
"$250.78." I hand Jiwook my black credit card. Shocked he looks at me then the card.
"What time to you get out?" I asked him putting my glasses on and looking around smiling at some of the fans earning more screams. The employees got annoyed and ordered all the fans to step away from the store.
"Now." He told me checking his watch. 
"Meet me at the Hello Kitty Café." With that I grab my bag and walk out the door. All the way to my car some of the fans from the store followed me. Putting my bags in the back seat I wave off to the fans and drive off.  Coming back five minutes later, I come back park and walk to the café. 
Outside Jiwook stood there dressed differently than what he was wearing earlier; black skinny jeans and a simple white t-shirt. He doesn't look ugly with what he was wearing to the way his face looks. Just then I felt nervous. What will he think about what I'm going to tell him? 
"Hey." I call out. He looks up and smiles. 
"Hannie." He walks up to me and embraces my soul. Just then all the good memories I had with him come running back. As he let go I fix the scarf to cover my face. Noticing my actions he opens his mouth to say something but closes it. 
"Come on." I tell him walking into the cafe. Settling inside a private room I asked for I take a deep breath. Looking up at Jiwook I feel my heart beat faster. How can he still have this effect on me? Maybe, it's the fact that he from my other life.
"Hana, what's going on?" Finding it hard to say the right words I pull my phone out and show him who I am now a video of me. "How?"
"Six months after you left I got fed up, so I started practicing dance. I realized I was good at rapping so that was a big help. I went to SM Ent. Audition and got in. Now I’m going onto my fourth year since I debuted."
"Rich, famous and out of danger. It's good for you. What about JunJu and Yuhan?" He asks the question I dreaded answering. 
Looking away I give him a honest answer. "I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?" 
"The day I made it I ran back home was attacked by that monster, packed my stuff and never looked back."
"How can you do that?" Wook asks sounding angry. I look back at him.
"Remember when we were all at the beach?" He nods "Then you remember the promise we made. Even though you kept saying we shouldn't." 
"I thought you guys were joking."
"So did I, but when you get that open chance to leave. You take it not let it run off. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I would still be alive if I would have stayed there." The waiter came in with our drinks. 
"Kwon Rumi?" He asks.
"Can I have your autograph?" He asked pulls out a piece of paper and pen. 
"Only if you promise not to tell anyone I'm here with my best childhood FRIEND." I tell him sticky my pinky out. I made sure to emphases the word friend so he wouldn't get any ideas and cause another scandal. 
"Yes! Yes!" He said excited taking my pinky. Quickly signing it, I wave him off. 
"Wow." Wook says in disbelief
"I had to change my name completely. No one knows that my real name is Kwon Hana. Wook, I'm no longer that girl. That girl died six years ago."
"Are you still my friend though?"
"Are you still willing to be my friend?" He pouts.
"Only if you don't tell anyone the truth. No one knows only Appa." The word Appa slips out of my mouth
"Someone who helped me out." 
"Oh," he nods "Do they know you're famous?" He asks referring to my old family. 
"No. If they knew the man who helped make me would have them come get me."
Being with him was probably the most fun I had in a long time. We stayed at the café until my hair appointment. He told me that he had something to do and that we should go eat when I'm done. Agreeing I give him my number and got his. 
Entering the salon the hairstylist quickly took me in and changed me, not really. I didn't want to see my jet black hair go. Looking in the mirror I like what I see. The ends of my hair is blue it went in about five inches into my hair. I love it. Thanking the stylist, I call Ji. 
"Hey, where are you?" 
"I had to help my mom with one of her clients. Meet me at the restaurant." 
"Okay, hurry up. I don't want to wait."
"Okay, Miss famous Rumi." He laughs.
Hanging up I walk around for a while. Luckily no one has yet noticed who I was, but just in case I put on my sun glasses. Hongdae was always a place where I loved walking around; seeing all the light and the crowds of people who don't know your life story. Now days I cannot do that. I'm easily spotted by my fans. Every now and then I'll let them follow me around but then there's time when I don't need puppies running after me. 
I walk into the restaurant pleased with the aroma that sorround me. I bow at the halmeoni and pull out a pillow chair to sit down. Looking around I cruse Ji for picking this place. SJ was at a table in the far corner. The only other people here beside the cook and the old lady. I saw Donghae laughing with Eunhyuk. 
That Baster. 
"HaNa!" I quickly turn so my back is facing SJ. They still don't know I changed my hair style. Jiwook walked over to the table and sat in front of me. He flinches at my glare. 
"If we are going to be friends you cannot call me that anymore." I whisper sternly. 
"Okay." He whispers back. "Why are we whispering." 
"Let's go somewhere else to eat."
"Who's your boyfriend?" Shindong asks sticky his head by my shoulder.
"This is why." I tell Jiwook.
"Super Junior."
"That is who we are!" Shindong smiles.
"I'm under the same company as them." I sigh.
"Right." Jiwook understands.
"Kyumi. Who's this?" Kyuhyun comes over and sits by us.
"None of your damn business." I blurt out. 
"Why did he call you Hana?" Panic ran over me. Ji got up grabs my hand and pulls me out the restaurant. 
Finally outside I take my hand out of his. Walking away I take a deep breathe. Is this really going to work? 
"I'm sorry." Ji says. "I didn't mean to say anything. Ha- Rumi, I forgot. I'm still not use to this." He says framing my face with his hands. 
"Don't apologize. I got to go. I have to wake up early tomorrow." Waving him off I head somewhere that's not near him. 
I don't want to go home. The odds of me crying over my past are high. My tears don't care where I am they start flooding my eyes. Trying to fight them back I take a deep breath and hold it in. Breathing it out I hear footsteps behind me.
Great, smart choice on taking the alley Ru. 
Wiping some tears that fell down I pick up my paste. They follow it. Seconds later a pair of arms surround my waist. 
"Let me go you ert!" I cry out. Fighting against his hold. 
"Ru, it's just us." I turn my head and see SJ. 
"You s!" I scream at them turning around to wipe the tears away. 
"Did we scare you?" Sungmin asks with concern in his voice.
"Don't cry." Eunhyuk says coming up to me and hugging me from behind. ert. Pushing him off I continue walking. 
"Rumi, Don't be like that." Kyuhyun call out to me. Turning around I take off my glasses. 
"What do you guys want?" 
"Let's go karaoke." Donghae says. Nice forget what happened. "We just want to hangout."
"Well I don't want to do anything. Can't you guys understand that? When I feel like speaking to any of you, I'll just walk up and talk or whatever. Don't come looking for me."
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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!